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 Post Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 6:50 pm 

Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2013 3:21 pm
Posts: 10
Here are the statescraft questions for Reign 64. If you are not currently running please do not post in this thread. I will have a second thread for questions to be asked.


Since you will be taking office during this COVID 19 Crisis (or very shortly after it ends and we can join each other at parks), what is your plan to help park leaders re-energize their populace and get them participating again?

Question. 2)

What unique attributes or skills do you feel you bring to this position? What makes you a good choice for the job?

Question. 3)

What is a drawback you see in the kingdom? How best do you feel you should go about fixing said problem?

 Post Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 7:40 pm 
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Squire Bloodwood Statecraft question for reign 64

Question 1

Since you will be taking office during this COVID 19 Crisis (or very shortly after it ends and we can join each other parks), what is your plan to help park leaders re-energize their populace and get them participating again?


I think I speak for most, if not all, when I say we are all itching to get back out there. As for me, I cannot wait to get out and back onto the battlefield. We all miss each other and cannot wait to hang out with our close friends and family when the day comes. That being said, when the day comes for us to start playing, being either before or after I take office, I hope we all do it safely and smart. I would hate for us to start running out of the gate and fumble over ourselves without proper precautions. So as for me, I would like to see a slow gradual comeback and try and stay up to date weekly. My first step would be to open up regular park days with the same guidelines the CDC and/or the state has recommended. An if everything goes well, then we can start looking into having an event. If and when we open, I plan on keeping regular contact with all the park monarchs to make sure everyone is playing safe and is up to date with all guidelines we have to follow.

Question 2

What unique attributes or skills do you feel you bring to this position? What makes you a good choice for the job?

I feel like I am good choice for the job because I feel very motivated to do the job. I am really excited to have this opportunity to serve the kingdom in the highest regard that I can. I know there is a lot to the job at times, but what no better way to learn then to just do it. I bring in a wide range of skills and attributes. From my work life, I bring in a lot of discipline and hard work when tasked. I have good interpersonal skills with others and I’m pretty good at staying organized. From my Amtgard life, I bring 14 years of experience of every day to day goings of Amtgard. I know what usually needs to be done, but if I don’t then I’m not afraid to pick up a book or ask for help. I know EH is filled with tons of people who would love to help or to show me the way.

Question 3

What is a drawback you see in the kingdom? How best do you feel you should go about fixing said problem?


The first thing that comes to mind is the Ombudsmen program. I think “beefing” it up would have a positive impact on how the game is viewed by the populous. One way we can accomplish this would to be have an Ombudsmen at every park. If not at every park, then increasing the number we currently have for the kingdom. I will do a little more research on this, but the reason I am bringing this up is that I feel like kingdom’s populace don’t have a lot of people to go to when they have issues. I feel that every citizen should know more of the Ombudsmen an what they can do/offer. I bet a lot of people think that we, as in EH, is ban happy. So, a lot of players (and I can name quite a few) don’t want to come play anymore for fear of getting banned. Now I am not arguing for people’s action nor am I saying we should downplay them. I’m saying that if we can have a better/larger advocate for people to open up to, I think that will help our players feel safer and help those who could be the problem minimize their actions. Believe me, I’m all for having fun. I just want our populace to know that they can be safe and stay safe when playing Amtgard and being a citizen of EH.

 Post Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 3:16 pm 
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Question #1 answer.

Actively reach out to members and park Monarchy to let them know " WE ARE BACK TO PLAY". Allow State and Monarchy guidelines for meeting together to keep populace safe, healthy and having fun.

Question #2 answer.

My years of play, service, organization, adaption and ability to overcome. I plan to do a "SPOT LIGHT CHALLENGE" for A&S at each park. At our Kingdom Visits we will have a challenge. The winner will be recognized and praised in the "SPOT LIGHT". A brief bio of them and their project will be highlighted on the kingdom page. I will also pick up highlights from past regents and work with the populace on the project, vectored system and understanding the A&S responsibility.

Question #3 answer.

Banning. I recognize it is not my place as Regent. We have one tool in our "tool box" and that is Ban. We should look for a way to review and clean this up if possible. Potentially creating a "Ban review Commity" and a guide or training documents to follow. I believe that this would be a good change to a problem i see.

Thank you for your time.

TuK! Uziel
Matthew Ryan Payne

[i][b]TuK! Uziel SP-420 Captian and STORMTROOPER of SABLE PRIDE, General and DARK SQUIRE of ES[/b][/i]

 Post Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 7:42 pm 

Joined: Fri May 15, 2020 11:51 pm
Posts: 3

Since you will be taking office during this COVID 19 Crisis (or very shortly after it ends and we can join each other at parks), what is your plan to help park leaders re-energize their populace and get them participating again?

It's no secret that the populace is shaking to go. By reaching out to the amtgard population through the social networks I believe it wouldn't be a challenge at all for the game to resume as we all would like. Yet communication with park Monarchs to observe players health would be strongly recommended. Amtgard should always have a player's safety in mind even though we are a physical sport.

Question. 2)

What unique attributes or skills do you feel you bring to this position? What makes you a good choice for the job?

My love for the sport keeps me motivated and always wanting to continue the game. Whether I'm at my home park or visiting another park I always have loaner weapons and armor for newer players or even players that are ill equipped for something they would like to try. Also through my years working in clubs and bars I have a very good tolerance with handling hot tempered minds and attitudes. So handling someone who's being unruly and/or a dispute between players wouldn't be an issue.

Question. 3)

What is a drawback you see in the kingdom? How best do you feel you should go about fixing said problem?

I would like to look upon the touchy subject of bans. I feel that yes it is needed in any sport but it shouldn't be the cure all for any issue. Yet I know not every situation is a simple yes or no scenario. So a revised method of handling bans and reviewing bans would be advised. Also I'm not looking to immediately remove bans but potentially reducing some bans that have been agreed upon that was handled a bit harshly. By which a said banned player can do a "community service" type thing or something along those lines to help reduce there sentence. Things that would help amtgard's image overall and show the player's resolve.

you must hurt in order to know,
fall in order to grow,
lose in order to gain,
because life's greatest lessons
are learned through pain."

 Post Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 6:58 pm 
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1. I plan on hitting social media hard. Constant outreach to our community to keep everyone updated, engaged, and involved. I also think we need to hold an event at the first moment we can safely and legally do so. I also love the tabletop based rp heavy activities some parks have used to fill in the space. I plan to encourage and participate in more of these brilliant innovative ways we're trying to keep things going.

2. My communications skills bottom line. I am and have been for most of my life actively involved in industries and hobbies where my communications skills have been my tools. As such I feel I am capable of communicating our reigns themes, goals and skills. I also feel I am able to be a conduit for the people to the throne.

3. I think referring back to my previous answer productive communication and a lack of it is one of the biggest problems in all of Amtgard and our kingdom. I hope to help with that by leading by example and showing how important it is to fully communicate between all of us so we can better understand ourselves as players and each other.

"A mind needs books as a sword needs a wetstone, if it is to keep it's edge.”
Tyrion Lannister

I do not suffer fools gladly, and fools with white belts never.

Mortem proditoribus.

 Post Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 5:24 pm 

Joined: Fri May 15, 2020 11:51 pm
Posts: 3

Since you will be taking office during this COVID 19 Crisis (or very shortly after it ends and we can join each other at parks), what is your plan to help park leaders re-energize their populace and get them participating again?

It's no secret that the amtgard population is ready to get back in the field. I strongly believe that the instant we are able, the parks will be crowded again. Yet even still, plans have already been made to ensure that the community is to be informed. Through the social networks and even word of mouth I will make sure that the news will spread at the appropriate time. Also with the COVID 19 pandemic looming around, proper hygiene and manners are strongly encouraged. More so I would have every park monarch keep a close eye on their respective population and have any sick or questionable players not participate in the park days. While I would love to see as many people included in Amtgard as possible, everyone's safe is a priority.

Question. 2)

What unique attributes or skills do you feel you bring to this position? What makes you a good choice for the job?

My love for the sport is my drive for Amtgard. I love the combat and love to see a big ditch field in motion. I always take extra gear and loaner weapons with me to my home park at King's Point and any other park i visit. I love to encourage new players to play and even the occasional player that hasn't played in awhile to try something different. As always safety is a priority so i also bring first aid and water to every park visit. cant have you guys falling in between ditches can we?

Question. 3)

What is a drawback you see in the kingdom? How best do you feel you should go about fixing said problem?

To me the ill topic of bans seems to be the biggest issue. Granted not all info is known regarding some bans and no matter the sport some calls is gonna make someone mad. Even still i feel the ban system needs some touches here and there. Also my main focus would be a redemption type system for those that have been hit by the ban. Banning itself is a needed no matter the sport for the saftey of the population and even the individual sometimes. Yet i feel some of the bans were a little excessive. So im recommending a way for some of the condemn to be able to shorten their sentences by acts like community service. In the benefit of amtgard as a whole the condemned could do things such as park clean ups or even just doing acts of selfishness in amtgard's image. Every single person has done some kinda wrong before obviously, but through this system a player can show their intent of resolution.

you must hurt in order to know,
fall in order to grow,
lose in order to gain,
because life's greatest lessons
are learned through pain."

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