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 Post subject: The Leafblighter
 Post Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:52 am 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
The blood trickled down his neck, almost morbidly arousing.

Steam rose from his heaving chest, a cough interrupted the gentle cloud of exhausted breath.

The full weight of his body settled unto his throbbing ankles. An occasional spasm rocked through the flesh.

The jeering had momentarily lost it's sting. She stood triumphantly above him. Her eyes betrayed the brutality she had showered her enemies in. The moonlit glint reflected majestically in her eyes.

The heavy object feel at his knees, the king of hearts remained motionless. Slowly she knelled placing her hand on the round inanimate object, eyes focusing on the once proud crown.

' this where it all ends?' Her eyes trace the stone face, searching out any betraying emotion.

The grinding gravel jolted him out of his dreaming. She peered intently as her right hand gripped the dark object at her feet and twisted.

A blank expression gazed back from the earth unto Sutra. He recognized the face. He had seen it in his visions. Mysteri had spoken of it before. The one who seemed fae in nature, yet whose spirit was more twisted than a thousand fates combined.

A raspy whisper escaped his parched lips.


The mere mention of the name erupted into tumultuous emotion in his mind and spirit. He had lost many to this 'god', and yet nothing had been lost. In turn, everything the fledgling household could have hoped for had been gained.

Sutra broke his vengeful trance and smiled.

She stood facing the tired monarch, placed her left foot on the top of the decapitated head of his fallen enemy. She seemed satisfied.

'Well...does it end here?'

The glint of the blade caught his fatigued attention. The black blade slid silently from her palm, as she gripped the pommel confidently.

'Does it Grand Inquisitor...?'

Sutra searched his soul and found the whispered answer deep down inside.


Defiantly, he raised his gaze to the victor and smirked.


The movement was almost too quick for the eye to catch. But the sensation of pain was unmistakable.

He had been stabbed, slashed, and broken before, but never this.

The gush of blood escaping the fresh wound across his throat was indeed something new.

The world began to spin out of control and the only answer was to lay down.

Sutra wanted sleep. Gently falling back, he waited for the earth, trusting and secure, to catch him.

He fell and fell and fell.



'Sutra?' snapped the familiar voice. The sting of the backhand was refreshing.

'What the!!?', he shouted, almost falling out of the rickety chair.

'When I ask if you're having them scrambled or over easy, you reply 'Yes ma'am or 'No ma'am.' declared the angry cook.

'Huh?' Sutra retorted, pressing his cold hand against his red cheek.

'I don't care if your king or not, I'm still the one who has to cook and clean and watch that your household is in order!'

'I know that abuel...' a second smack across the side of his head reminded him of his place.

'And what have I said about back talk! I can't believe I work under these conditions.'


'Eh, what was that?" Her hand prepared for a third lesson in tough love.

'Scrambled. I'll have them scrambled.' His forced smile amused him to the core, how could he hold a grudge against his aging grandmother. She took the place of both mother and father when he was only a child. And here he was, being reminded where he came from.

The memories flooded back in waves of joyous pain.

Breakfast began as always, a quick prayer of thanks to the god of the day and a book full of anecdotes from his wise elder.

Sutra sat quietly as he finished his platter of eggs and fried plantains, when the realization hit him.

His grandmother had passed away almost 13 years ago.

The taste of greasy eggs was as real as the setting confusion.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: The Leafblighter
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:43 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
The sun beat down on the sweating brow relentlessly.

Dreams and visions had taken their toll on him both mentally and physically. He had to make sure as many of the mid-reign festivities were prepared in time.

He had traveled half a day to make the promised appointment. He had even seen a glimpse of the white rabbit that had visited him when he first visited the kingdom keep. He had not spoken of the creature since. Since then, stranger things had come to pass.

Rumors on both sides of the lines that had been drawn before his time simmered mercessly. Wiping his trembling brow, Sutra rubbed his freshly shaven head.

The warmer days came and the decision to ensure comfort had been made. He gripped the handle of the rusty shovel and leaned heavy in spirit.

'We're half way through..' exclaimed the drenched knight. The huffing man pounded the last stake into the earth.

The resting monarch strained his neck, counting the countless leaves on a tree. There was a time when the number of the faithful rivaled even the stars. Sadly, today was not such a day.

A request for physical assistance had been made kingdom wide, unanswered. Personal festivities and prior arrangements superseded this day. He understood fully those moments. Yet pestering thoughts fluttered like hungry vultures picking at his remaining good will.

The two lone men shuffled back and forth, carrying yards of lumber and pounds of stony dirt.

It usually wasn't the monarch's job to sweat and toil on 'menial' projects such as this, but he had grown up learning that there was almost no other way to lead than through example.

This lesson began to prove painful.

Hours ticked away as he eagerly recanted thoughts and hopes to the weathered knight. At moment's the old man's gray eyes reflected a shimmer of deep jade.

The last plank of wood measured and cut, the last nail hammered, Sutra sat contently upon the earth. Cupping his forehead in a feeble attempt to block out the radiance of the sun, he quickly reminded himself of a personal project he had set aside to accomplish this day.

The sealed box sat undisturbed. It was exactly where he had left it. Hesitantly, Sutra lugged it out to the middle of the surrounding forest and stared at it for a moment. He remembered the contents the last time he had seen it. He could only imagine what natural process had occurred since last he peered into the box.

The lid had not sealed shut, the creaking gave way to a smooth silence. Stepping back he gasped for air and rebuked the foul odor that emanated from within the seemingly putrid sarcophagus of a container.

'Blessed mother...' he muttered under a cupped hand.

Silently, he emptied out the corrupt contents into a pit he had prepared. The cleansing took less than ten minutes, yet they drug on with purpose.

Filth covered hands shook as the odor has seemingly permeated his very flesh. A wave of nauseous disgust washed over him. Anger flickered almost imperceivable.

Reaching for the sanctified liquid, he desperately flicked the lid off of the large clear container, splashes of sanguine red reflected the brilliant sunlight peering down through the forest canopy.

Standing over the covered pit, Sutra wrung his stained hands.

The shaman had spoken to him of the process. The cleansing of the corrupt.

Visions of his new nemesis flickered momentarily.


He could feel the rip in reality, she had finally crossed over. In her driving madness, she found their homelands again.

He would have to act quickly and speak with the darkest of shadows and brightest of light.

Pacts and covenants would have to be struck in order to salvage what was left of his precious home.

Leaning against a nearby tree, he overlooked the gleaming spires of the palace as he began to calculate thoughts, names, and fears.

He wondered what the prince, Nexus, had been recently up to.
He wondered if the kingdom would have their champion present at the mid-revelry.
He wondered is those loyal to the kingdom would bare their blades in the time of need.

One thing he was certain of, was that she was coming.

Alice is coming.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: The Leafblighter
 Post Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:03 pm 

Joined: Tue May 02, 2006 10:26 am
Posts: 50
Mysteri had arranged for sever letters to make it to key people throught out the kingdom. One to each of the leaders, one to several of the elves and more to people she hoped she could count on in this time of war.
People of the Emerald Hills I come to you this day with a heavey heart antoher creature willl soon plage our land in a hunt. His prey for now will be the elves. We, the elves are figing to find this creature before it can be unleashed upon the hills, but should we fail to locate it and keep it contained we will need the aid of any who is willing to fight with us. Some who hear this messeage will cheer that a creature would finnish what they started many years ago with those of the old blood. I tell you know we do not fallow all of the old laws of the elves, we have seen the error of the old ways. We have lived among you for yeares withought you knowing who we are. I hope to change this and reveal myself as a full wood elf in the hope that I will gain your trust and keep your friendship. Should this creature known to us as leafblighter gain his freedom into the hills he will attemt to kill all elves and those who are friends to the elves, but when he has acceved this goal who will he hunt next. You may think he is a great thing to have around now but how long till he hunts your family as well. Please do not let my calling fall on deaf eares. We will need much help to acheve our goal in protecting the hills from anothe monster. We will need you and any who will fight with us.

Lady Mysteri

Mysteri was standing at the kingdom gates as leafblighter pointed to her all around her she saw the blood of her brothers and sisters. She saw few standing, but they two had the look of hatred. "YOu dare to try and keep me in my cage, you dare to stop my blood lust now feel what I dare to do.
His sword came down cutting into her shoulder breaking the bone Mysteri tried to cry out but her voice was lost.
Mysteri awoke sweat pooring from her brow, had she just seen a vision or was this another attemt by leafblighter to frighten her from her task. soon she would find out soon she would know just what this creature was.

 Post subject: Re: The Leafblighter
 Post Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:25 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 11, 2006 12:38 pm
Posts: 97
Tobias had been following the white rabbit for days now, stopping only to eat and sleep. He bagan to see minute signs of civilization. small smoldering campfire here, food scraps on a small trail. he was definately nearing his destination. the rabbit had begun to follow a narrow trail when the rabbit was suddenly snatched from what appeared to be a dying bush.

at the abrupt rustle and the squak of the now obliterated rabbit tobias stoped and drew his sword, it's black blade seemingly vibrating with the urge for battle. he strafed away and facing the bush as it began to exume a horrid beast that smelled of death and rotting vegetation. As tobias readied himself for an attack he began to hear paniced yet undiscernable and ghostly voices. at that moment the beast lunges and tobias darted under it's arm, firmy placing the blade if his sword through the torso of the creature and withdrawing to it's rear flank.

The beast turned to face him and looked at the gaping wound in it's chest as the hole began to mend itself. just then the beast seemed to grin and lunge for tobias. again tobias let at the creature and swung only to hear the snapping of stone as the blade shattered form his weapon and he was grabbed and thrown into a nearby tree.

"unf!" tobias groaned as he hit the tree and fell to his knees.

The beast turned to face him more and began to walk twards him, with an evil grin on it's face

"Run!" the voices became clearer, "Run away Tobias!"

he looked down at the remnants of his only means of defense and noticed his armor was brown where the beast had grabbed him, like it was dying. he felt sick.

"Tobias! You must flee. you cannot take this beast alone. find your kind. they will help, for it hunts them as well." said the voices, the forest whispering it's plea to him.

"Fine!" shouted tobias as he regained his feet, darted under annother of the beast's attacks and made haste away from it.

"Follow the birds, Tobias, follow he birds." the forest whispered.

..... and that's exactly what he did.

 Post subject: Re: The Leafblighter
 Post Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:18 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
Heaving the last wooden pole, Sutra plops down unto the moist earth.

It had been two weeks now since he arrived at the royal grounds. Occassionally, a royal servant would check on the odd monarch. Questions and invitation into the castle walls where a seated monarch should sit.

He had lost count on how many 'no thank you's' or 'almost done's he had uttered. A welcome drink or food offering was never turned away, and would lead into a joyous reception of gratitude.

After small sessions of off beat conversation and an exchanged joke, the castle keeps skeleton crew would return to fulfill their daily duties.

He worked to avoid having to think. The visions had become more incessant and profound. At least in his mind. The white rabbit would come and go as he pleased, checking on the dark one's progress, both mentally and physically.

Sutra sensed a welcome presence. Standing tall over the freshly dug hole, he leaned on the warm shovel and waited. Wiping the sweat of his brow, he didn't have a chance to blink before the whistling arrow nick the wooden handle he loosely gripped.

Bits of wood splintered falling to the ground. Sutra smirked.

'You're aim is still a bit off. Can I stand any more still for you?' Sutra amusingly chided the unseen bowyer.

'Maybe that was your warning shot!' exclaimed the excited youth.

'Or perhaps you can help me dig a couple more pike burrows, Xavir.' Sutra scanned the tree line and waited.

Within moments, the forest produced a young man with fiery red hair and a lithe spirit.

'And the other's?' Sutra posed, knowing where there was the red one, the other two would surely follow.

'Thordor and Gavalan? They'll come.'

The two old friends caught up on old times and new times in between.

It was a week and a half away, this midreign, and those he wanted to revel with would come.

And those whom he would rather not come, would do so as well.

Among all of his recurring dreams, he could remember the face of the unseen one, one who ran from what he did not understand.

The one of elven and bugbear blood. It would be good to see him again. Perhaps with him came answers.

Perhaps not.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: The Leafblighter
 Post Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 4:36 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 11, 2006 12:38 pm
Posts: 97
"No!", he screamed as he awoke and lept to his feet on the forest floor.

"God Morgen, Tobias!" exclaimed the young girl in the tree almost head level with him. he knew her from the monastery as the wild elven girl who brought and sold the monks flowers and roots from the forest; as well he came to call her, "Gal," which simply meant "girl.

"Hva?!?! Hvorfor er deg har ?!?" shouted Tobias. forgetting he was speaking in his first language.

"what?" the girl managed to say as she giggled.

"oh... er.... What are you doing here?"

"I live here silly!"

"Here... This far from the monastery?" he inquired.

"The monastery isnt but just over the creek" the girl pointed west.

"No... i'm back here." he mumbled to himself, "What have the holy men to say?"

"Oh they were furious at first! But then they discovered what you had been doing and pitied you and thought you mad for having been so reckless in your experiments. All is well now; but surely they will see you as a monster and not permit you to re-enter the monastery. Lucky for you i saved your things! They are here."

The girl hopped down and skipped over to a large closed flower and lay her hand upon it. The glower rustled a moment and opened up revealing a pack wherein contained the shortsword he had used, a few books including his notes, and a shiny yet lightweight chain shirt.

Tobias examined the contents and lifted the chain shirt into view.

"What is this? This is not mine." said Tobias, confused at the item.

"Oh i forgot i put that in there! The dwarves made that. they call it mithril. oh so strong yet weighs as much as the leaves you tread upon! I have no use for it. It was given to me by a giant. Odd, huh?" she exclaimed.

"Very well. It is appreciated, armor is in somewhat a scarce quantity away from the warfields." Tobias spake as he returned the items to his satchel, donned the shirt and affixed the sword to his belt. "I must travel now, to the Tangling Forest.... Tanglewood, oddly enough, they call it. I must find my brothers. i hear they have come into many a friend. we will need their help."

Tobias thanked the girl and made his farewells and began to turn and leave in the direction of Tanglewood, now knowing where he was; when they spoke to him again in the voice that became more familiar to him with each occurence.

"She can help. Ask her."

"What now?! She just gave me my stuff back she already did!" Tobias yelled at the trees forgetting he was in her company.

"The beast, Tobias, ask her of the beast."


"Who are you yelling at, Tobias?" the girl giggled once more.

"N-n-noone" he stammered, feeling embarrassed, knowing he yas speaking to trees. "What might you know of a horrid beast that kills and consumes everything in it's wake?"

"Oh! i love stories! It's a follower of The Leafblighter! Mother would tell me stories of how our kind sealed him up in a big stone hole for all time! He's said to grow back everything, yet still be dead as can be! well, the beast that is. I bet a torch would send him running like a child in the face of a cerberus! Oh the leafblighter is a malign evil wretch, the first drow, angry and pompous as a paladin! only friend he will take is a full blood drow; they're the only thing can come near as evil as he is. Why do you ask?" The girl seemed to go on and on.

"Beware dead bushes, Gal. Nasty things there."

"Ok... Anyway! look for a big dead tree next to the road, it's laying on it's side, i left you something there, heavy thing, couldn't carry it. And tell the forest i said hi!"

"B-b-but!...." he stammered again, knowing that she knew,"OK.....Farewell Gal."

"The name is Jade, sir! And you will come to know that name all too well if you come back victorious!" She smiled with a mischievous yet loving grin on her face.

"Aye..... Jade."

At that Tobias took off.

Just as she said there was a big dead tree next to the road, and in it was a shield; something Tobias hadn't used since he was young.

He smiled.

Someone loved him.

And someone, or some thing, had to die.

Something in Tanglewood Forest

 Post subject: Re: The Leafblighter
 Post Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:36 pm 

Joined: Wed May 10, 2006 2:16 pm
Posts: 41
As Xavir and Sutra stand side by side after digging yet another hole they continue their discussion.

"Ah my friend it seems you have been quite busy since my last visit to home. Its good to see you as King though i have long awaited the day when it would come to pass. And go figure i missed it." Xavir said laughing.

"Ya well that sounds alot like you now doesn't it." Sutra agreed laughing.

"Somethings do come first my friend. And besides what matters now is that I'm here and ready to help in any way possible." Xavir said matter of factly.

"Yes and from the way it seems we might need you in some times of need very soon my friends very soon indeed." Sutra said with some regret.

Suddenly Xavir is on his knee exclaiming, "Sutra King of this land, I, Xavir Darkwood, Pledge this my bow and this my sword to defend you, your honour, and this my home land. I pledge my life to the defense of all things that you my King stand for and all that this great land that we call home stand for."

Xavir heaves with emotion.

"You need not do that my friend I already know this. Now get off your knees its unbecoming of someone of your stature to be on his knees." Sutra says as he helps his long time friend up. "Although it is nice to be assured that i have at least one more good bow behind me and one more good friend."

Xavir stands with a look of many emotions in his eyes.

"Of course i would be behind you, you have helped me become the man I am today. And of course with the training that you gave me i became a lot better. I could never have done any of this with out you. I owe you at least my Pledge my friend. And don't worry about the others I'm sure that very soon we will be hearing from them."

The day wares on and the two continue to dig. Laughing and working like the days of old. Renewing their friendship and over all just having a good time.

knowledge is power, power corrupts, study hard BE EVIL

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