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 Post subject: Alice in Tanglewood
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:28 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
Sir Delphos wrote:

The Cat and The Caterpillar

The spring floods moved through the woods, washing away dead branches and cleansing the bitter cold from the spirit that dwelled within the heart
of Tanglewood. She had been reawakened by a dark call from beyond

An ancient name spoken in a time long forgotten, in folk and fiery tales.
The very same name that had brought a Queen to her knees now spoken on the winds throughout the Hills and even into the Woods themselves...

Little to nothing was actually known about Alice, only what some had been
told and their elders had read in ancient books long since lost to the
ravages of time.

This particular rain, brought with it more strange creatures and different characters than had ever been seen by those residents of the Hills who attended...Most peculiar creatures indeed...

Off a not so taken path, near a not so running stream, on a not so large
mushroom, sat a very large Caterpillar...

Oh, you might think it most natural to see a Caterpillar in the woods...yes?

But one of such size, would be a strange sight by any rights. And yet, there he was... or was he...???

Some bold adventurers... who had gathered together to find and capture these strange beasts whichhad been reported to the Kingdom Guards...
Well they could not seem to find the Caterpillar.

In their travels, they instead met a Smiling Cat...along the not so taken path...near the not so running stream.

"Is there a Path...???" asked the Large Red Wolf leading the brave party.

"I do not see a Path." replied the Cat with a Smile.

"But, you could go that way..." the Cat points down the path to the right...

"or you could go that way..." he points to the left...

"or you could go that way..." pointing in the direction the adventurers had come from.

"But that's where we came from..." said the very confused wolf as he tilted his head to one side.

The Cat continued...
"Now you should go that way..." pointing to the right,
"or you could go that way..." pointing to the left,
"but that would take you over there." said the Cat as he circled his paw
around to the left.

"But where is this Caterpillar we've been hearing about?" asked the Wolf.

"If I can't see the Rabbit... You can't see the Caterpillar..." The Cat

The Large Red Wolf, still holding his head to one side simply gazed at the Cat in wonder and confusion.
"What?" he asked...

To that the Cat replied...
"you could go that way..." the Cat points down the path to the right...
"or you could go that way..." he points to the left...
"or you could go that way..." pointing in the direction the adventurers
had come from.
"Now you should go that way..." pointing to the right,
"or you could go that way..." pointing to the left,
"but that would take you over there." said the Cat as he circled his paw
around to the left.

Now the Wolf was really confused...
Sitting down, he scratched his ear with his back foot and looked again at
the Cat.
"You said we 'should' go that way?" pointing to his left.

"No, I said...
you could go that way..." the Cat points down the path to the right...
"or you could go that way..." he points to the left...
"or you could go that way..." pointing in the direction the adventurers
had come from.
"Now you should go that way..." pointing to the right,
"or you could go that way..." pointing to the left,
"but that would take you over there." said the Cat as he circled his paw
around to the left.

By now the Wolf's eyes had glazed over with bewilderment...
his followers had begun to push and prod him to lead them away from this
Cat who seemed to make no sense at all.

"But what about the Caterpillar...???" the Wolf howled...!!!

To that the Cat simply said...
"If I don't see the Rabbit... You can't see the Caterpillar."

Confused and dismayed...
the brave adventurers urged the Wolf to lead them to the path on the
near the not so taken path...
across the not so running stream...

The Cat soon disappeared...
leaving only his Smile behind to greet any more bold travelers.

On a not so large hill...
along a not so taken path...
near a not so running stream...
Sat a Cat, near him...
on a not so large mushroom...
sat a very large Caterpillar.

To be continued...???

The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

Last edited by sutrasx on Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Alice in Tanglewood
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:29 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
Sutra waited for the rain to stop. He wondered what sort of witchery had been cast to doom the mid mark festivities. The dark inquisitor enjoyed the rain more than anything else in the world, besides a good tart; though that wasn't the point he murmured to himself.

Surely those who had quilled this midreign into their daily plans would second guess themselves, reaching the most rational conclusion possible.

'I'm not going.'

The dark ones had come together and offered their services to the fledgling king. 'A feast so's to die for...' the unseen voices whispered.

He gladly accepted. At all the previous kingdom gatherings he had attended, it was always the food that lured him completely. If they provided the kind of feast they oathed to bring, then he would happily lay to rest with a sated tummy.

He leaned against the tree at a small fork in the road, having spent a good hour or so digging a drainage ditch and building a small dam in desperate hopes to channel boat loads of unwelcome water into his small camp. The young man who had helped him leaned over a smoldering patch of moist leaves he had been trying to light for half the day.

He never saw the culprit, sneaky as it was, sleep coaxed him gently.


He didn't remember running harder that this in his life. No, not running, more like sprinting in leaps and bounds. Stranger still was his proximity to the ground, not the usual full height he enjoyed, but a mix between a crouch and a kneel, or something oddly similar.

Hopping! That's it! Hopping, he realized to himself. Coming to a complete stop, an intense wave of frantic urgency washed over him. Sheer panic and thirst bit into his most primal instincts.

"I'm late!!!!"

They were waiting for him and he was late. Again!

He moved faster than the forest squirrels and ten times faster than the quickest turtle. This pleased him much. The rattling in the pouch on his side caught his attention. Jolting himself to a stop, he peered in the unfamiliar bag he had grown to lovingly cherish. In it were piles and piles and stacks and heaps of brightly colored eggs.

'Did I heist these or were they gifted to me?' he interrogated himself with a tinge of deep seated guilt.

Shrugging, he continued on his way.

"Mr. Rabbit" called out the panting voice.

He stopped to peer behind him and noticed a scattered group of armored men and women, all seemingly in a chase.

"Oh no you don't!!" he shouted, cupping his hands to his mouth. Horror struck him like lightning, my hands, where are my hands he cried. In the place of his trusted 5 fingered hands, sat two white furry paws.

Looking down at himself he realized he was wearing a white coat, a furry white coat. He tugged hard and fast at it, an attempt to throw his pursuers off his trail.

"The blasted seamstress will see about this!" he grumbled and was interrupted by the sharp pain he would feel with every passing tug at the foreign material. No, it wasn't a coat, nor a tunic, not even a tabard, no. This furry white coat was his. His hide WAS this downy soft fur.

"How amusing and comforting" he accepted.

"No wait. We need to ask you a question!"

The gravity of the situation hit him like a golden tart. They were hunting him and wanted his fur. Or his eggs. Maybe his purse? Or perhaps they were extra greedy and they wanted his fur, eggs, and purse!?

With a drop of the jaw, he realized his was being considered game and was seconds away from being skinned alive, or suffer some other malignant demise at the hands of the persistent hunters.

"Oh my..."

He sprinted off again, the group of humanoids closely behind him.

Panic began to subdue and he began to reason with himself. Perhaps they are logical and rational folk. Maybe they need directions, or perhaps I stole these eggs from them? Yes, that's it! I stole their eggs, and they rightfully want them returned.

He stopped again and turned around, the group coming to a skidding halt a few feet behind him. He approached the intrigued group and watched as they stepped back with weapons and shields and magic and unasked questions at the ready.

"Well, you can have them back, you can. I don't like pastel colored eggs anyways. Here." Offering the bag, he waited for a brave soul to reach out for it.


"Well, then what is it!? exclaimed the rushed rabbit."

"That's it! I'm a rabbit" Sutra happily exclaimed. "No wait..."

"Mr. Rabbit, we were escorting you to the tea party and in the sudden of it all, you seemed to have a desire to escort us, or something along those lines of reason. Right?"

"Tea party? Tea party? Tea party? What in the kingdom you're talking about, I was merely going to the tea party, and didn't want to be late."

"No of course not, but we need your help in finding the caterpillar. You said if we got you some tea, you would let us meet him."

The rabbit's ears perked up at the sound of tea. "Well I don't mind if I do! Chai with two lumps please." Sutra laughed thinking to himself how odd his dream had begun to twist and turn and pretzel in on itself. He always liked puzzles. And tarts. And tea. And pastel colored eggs.

The huffled and puffled group of men and women looked among themselves patting their pockets and pouches.

"Nope not here."
"I'm fresh out."
"Na-ah, left it at home."

Dismay was painted on the rabbits face. He wondered what he looked like with whiskers and ears. He sure felt amusing.

"No bother, come on then, let's go find the caterpillar."

Quickly the escorted escort followed in file and off they went, to find the caterpillar and some tea.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Alice in Tanglewood
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:59 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
The crunching twigs would betray even the stealthiest of elves. Though at the moment, there were no sidhe in tow to betray.

The twitchy nose writhed smelling for fluctuations in the air. Grit, smoke, blood would all be tell tale signs of change. Bad change.

"Well?" asked the trembling voice.

Green fields coaxed him into a harmonious daydream of rich pastures. It had been a while since his last meal of verdant Bermuda grass and jasmine tea.

Sutra stood on his newly acquired hind legs, powerful and oddly plush, he broke his own fanciful stream of thoughts.

"Bermuda grass!? Honestly, one of these day's I'll just settle for tarts."

"So then, where is he!? I don't see him." pestered the leader of the small hunting party.

"What? See who?" the humanoid rabbit queried.

"The caterpillar." The sound of weary redundancy peaked on the paladin's voice.

"Oh! That caterpillar, well then why didn't you say so!" His large floppy ears perked up, rotating to and fro. "Ah! This way!"

The questing party was off and in a huff. They reached a clearing with three paths. All three seeming invitingly foreboding.

"Which is it rabbit!?" was asked of the excited hare.

Without an answer, Sutra led the way down the path on the right. The right path, not the center or wrong path, but the right one.

"Yes, this IS the one." he scampered breathlessly.

There, deep in the forest sat a caterpillar. A caterpillar on a mushroom did sit, in the middle of the forest. And under him sat a dark mushroom, with a sign illegible.

"There, now you've what you were searching for, as for me, I'm late!"

Without looking back, the rabbit was off and beyond the grasp of greedy mortals. Off to the tea party indeed.

Now if only he could skirt around Alice and her mindless pet, the Jabberwocky.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Alice in Tanglewood
 Post Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:38 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
"Captain" shouted the confident scout.

The lithe figure crouched near the massive heap of cool scaly flesh. Tracing the breathless monster, the scout slid a nervous hand across the massive beast.

"A great dragon...been dead for about an hour, no more." The figure pointed to the chest, having only seen these mystical beast in illustrations, the scout would have a fantastic tale to take home.

"There, something, perhaps a ballista shot; hit it dead on the heart." proclaimed the observant tracker.

A large man approached the massive wound, flayed flesh and jagged bone laid open for curious inspection.

Using his sword, he poked at the edges of the broken flesh and sternum coming to an awe struck realization.

"No, it didn't die by siege weapon, at least not from the outside. It looks like..." the careful eyes of the leader examined. "...looks like something chewed it's...way out!?"

The rest of the hunting party closed in to study the odd find.

The intrigued scout eagerly speculated. "What in these lands can crawl into a beast like this and... eat, it's way out!?"

Murmurs and theories slowly mulled around the circle of questors.

A rustle in the tree line catches them all off guard as they turn to face the unseen source of the clamor. Bow's, shields, weapons, all drawn and at the ready. Maybe whatever downed the dragon was still there. Watching.

A deathly silence overtook the nervous combatants, the captain having taken the point to be the first to defeat their unseen foe.

"A trail of blood leading to a burrow!" shouted the familiar voice, a masked face announced as it leapt into the forest clearing. Confirmation and disappointment had never been so welcome, thought the captain.

"A burrow?" asked the sighing captain.

The dark shadow nodded, having decided to make his arrival loud as to not disturb the meditative trance the others had fallen into, raptured by the great corpse. Friendly fire had never gone over well with their kind.

approx. 1hr before

The bunny settled in on it's hind legs watching as a band of treacherous looking men drug a couple corpses to the great witch, Alice.

She stood triumphantly over them, placing her hand on their head's. With a ritualistic shuttered, she would seem to grow stronger, color flushing her cheeks with every soul taken.

He hadn't felt anger well up in him in a long time, all had been well in the lands of the Emerald Hills until lately. Even the great oaks looks increasingly menacing.

The great wings flapped proudly, the jabberwocky as it hand come to be named by the girl, stood over her protectively. It even snapped at those friendly to her cause, if they were foolish enough to get too close.

He saw them approaching him, a band of malicious looking warriors draped in a bland color. The black circle and triangle were all too misleading. They were the ones loyal to the lands crown. It would cost him much pain and anger, this expensive lesson in judging books, or men, by their cover.

The spear bit deeply into his left leg. A streak of pain struck a nerve. They wanted to see him drag himself to his interrupted destination.

"Aren't you supposed to introduce yourself first before striking at an innocent creature of the woods!?"

"Fine, who are you and what do you want!" barked a large man before charging another ball of dark magic.

"I'm just hopping to a tea party...there's no law against that is there!?"

The spearman struck at the leg again, and again. The rabbit was beyond grief as the smirk turned into maniacal glee.

" drag yourself...rabbit..." scoffed a veteran of the kingdom as they turned to find more prey.

The rabbit grew infuriated but remained calm. Perhaps this wound could prove worthwhile indeed pondered the furry creature.


Managing to drag itself into plain view, the rabbit prepared for what was to come. The jabberwocky reached out with it's menacing fangs, clamping down on the seemingly defeated white rabbit, before flinging it at Alice's feet.

"Lookie here, look what the...jabberwocky drug in!" chided the young witch.

The rabbit remained silent.

"Behold, the queen of hearts!" shouted a slave, heralding the traitorous escort the majestic royal figure had been granted.

Encircled by the same warriors who had injured the rabbit, the Queen of Hearts had been captured. Her guard, strong and mystical, had fallen, faithful to their oathes to the court of hearts.

The look of sheer amazement disfigured Alice's face.

"The Queen AND the white rabbit, what fortune!"

The queen of hearts was not given a chance to speak, the sword dug into the ladies chest before being ripped out from out of her.

The unquestionable smile of satisfaction that traced the queen's lips stole any victory from Alice. The moment had indeed presented itself.

The white rabbit leapt at Alice but was snagged out of mid air by the wiry dragon, swallowed in one gulp.

Darkness and slimy entrails viced the rabbit to the point of suffocation.

Alice's servants prepared the body of the fallen queen to be presented as a sacrifice to their witch goddess.

Time was of the essence.

Light greeted the wounded white rabbit as he dug and chewed his way out of the great beast. Easily ripping through bone and muscle, the rabbit burrowed out.

The dragons shrieks echoed, once mighty, now slowly slumping over the great altar.

Alice's furious screams distracted her servants, leaving the queens body unattended. They never saw her body and spirit flow back into the planar stream, disallowing Alice complete victory over the royal figure.

Hitting the ground hard, the rabbit knew this last act was indeed a mortal one. With what little life beat in its heart, it managed to evade capture; making for it's most sacred place.



The thunderous heartbeat shook Sutra uncomfortably awake.

Sitting up, he realized he was back in his quarters again. A medium sized room, a small fire crackling in the corner, and the bare necessities.

Many things had passed, his ability to recall them all had become foggy at best.

Soon, he would demand answers and find his way back to her.

Alice would fail, even if it cost him more than a broken heart.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Alice in Tanglewood
 Post Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:59 pm 

Joined: Wed May 10, 2006 2:16 pm
Posts: 41
The man awoke with a start.

Something was wrong very very wrong. The King where was he. He was just there not to long ago.

Suddenly he remembers just dozing off to sleep. And there, there were the leaves to the fire he was trying to build all day the day before. But where was his king and friend.

He looks this way and that and suddenly sees a white rabbit hopping away. Could it be? No not possible!

He follows behind anyways. Keeping to the shadows and trying his hardest not to be found.

He thinks "This cant be him can it the rabbit. Why am i doing this? This makes no sense but what is this feeling i almost want to say its certainty. Something about this rabbit is familiar. Maybe its just his gait or his clothing but something makes me believe that this could possiblely be my king."

The rabbit stops. There is a russling of leaves and from the forest come a group of the guards obviously looking for something with a fervor. They engage the rabbit in a bit of talk. From which the young man hears.

"We will escort you to this tea party of course." Says one of the members of the party.

"Ah so now there is tea and where there is tea there are tarts. And if i know Sutra the way i think i do he wont be able to resist the thought of tarts. This must be the king. But what could have happened. How did he end up like this. Is this possible at all? I don't understand." Thinks the young man to himself. His thoughts are interrupted by one last bit of information.

"We will help you get there if you help us to find the caterpillar we are looking for."

"Ahh so we have made a deal now is that what this is."

They party leaves in tow with the rabbit and following a safe distance behind is the young man and friend of Sutra.

He is running now trying to keep up with the speeding rabbit

"I'm late!!!!" declares the Rabbit.

"SLOW DOWN!!" the man thinks as he is panting for breath trying his hardest to stay quite and hidden.

The chase goes on and on with out stopping.

Finally after what seems forever they stop and they party catches up and talks with the rabbit and suddenly its like everything is ok.

They continue on like nothing ever happened.

knowledge is power, power corrupts, study hard BE EVIL

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