The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills

4.7.07 MS Easter Special
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Author:  sutrasx [ Sun Apr 08, 2007 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  4.7.07 MS Easter Special

We had a great turn out, even for a 'snowy' cold SPRING day.

[Fun Fact #5]

It is called the season of the Midnight Sun in the north Pole as well as in Iceland.

Astronomically, the seasons start at the equinoxes and solstices. However, due to the phenomenon of seasonal lag, the meteorological season lags about a month behind the astronomical season. Today, the meteorological definition is most common, but in the past the astronomical definition was more frequent, and some people today still prefer it.
[End Fun Fact #5]

We had about 13 total signs in all, including 2 brand spanking new faces and the charming Ella of ES!

We held two fun and amusing battlegames, CTF and TA, all followed up with easter candy, hot cocoa (who knew), and hot dogs!

Typically my amateur photographic talents don't capture the extreme emotion of a battlegame, but Kendra was awesome (with Xavir's permission) and captured some kick arse moments, 300 in all and are posted here under Amt4.7.07MSEaster:

They include pics of peeps about to get smacked by swords, spellballs, and arrows. Awesome 'sports' action photography, right here in MS.

Thanks all for showing up and hanging out, either as color or your favorite class.

And don't forget, next Saturday is the 3rd Kingdom Visit/Battlegame AND the main event showdown t'wixt Dame 'Terra' Tigara and Baron Sistar 'Twinkletoes' Tolken. It's an event, you won't want to miss!

Hail EH,

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