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 Post subject: Re: WM/DM March 13/14
 Post Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:23 am 
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Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2006 6:47 pm
Posts: 990
Regent Kenta wrote "I am loathe to declare a winner in DM, as I feel there was no competition."

Then Don't.
With such a low (snake belly low) interest in DM. Maybe now the rulers will see that your asking to much from the populace to create quality stuff on this schedule. While I admire your willingness to keep the contest going there comes a time when we just have to say enough is enough. What good is it to keep this contest going when outlanders will just roll there eyes when someone proudly claims the title of Dragonmaster. It was a good idea when it first came out, lets not ruin it for the early winners by beating this contest after its already been dead.

Kill the Dragonmaster event.
Concentrate on quality stuff for Quals.

Place the Weaponmaster tourney back on its orignal schedule.

[smilie=icon_twisted.gif] [smilie=icon_cool.gif] [smilie=icon_twisted.gif]

I swear, Delphos and Brennon really just remind me of a couple of bad Spock and Bones impersonators.

"Nevron disagrees with and dislikes me. He is, however, rational".- Brennon

"I'll admit, I trolled the smack forum." - Shady Troll

 Post subject: Re: WM/DM March 13/14
 Post Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:42 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:05 pm
Posts: 3
I've got a couple of points I'd like to make. My opinions, so take them or leave them:

1. Big picture: I agree that non-Crown Quals cultural tournaments should be halted or drastically lessened for the time being. The level of entries has dropped off so much and having multiple tournaments simply adds to that issue.

2. Current issue statement#1: I wish that the issue of possibly not handing out the title had been stated BEFORE posting the results ( or not post results at all if the title was in question). I agree that the Regent should have the right to decide if the title should be given or not. On the flip side, I can only imagine how the "winner" now feels, thinking that they won and then having the rug pulled out from under them.

2. Current issue statement #2: If the question of whether to award the title is still being considered, there is another possible option that has been brought to my attention today. Compare the score of the top placer to those of past Dragonmasters. If, by comparison, that score could have been awarded Dragonmaster, then perhaps consider that when making your decision. If there wasn't enough competition at this event, let it compete with past tournaments.

It's close to a lose/lose situation now. Do you punish the entrants because of the bad turnout that wasn't their fault? Do you award the title while many will think that the tournament didn't have enough entries to be considered valid? I don't envy you the decision, Kenta. Welcome to public office. Make the decision as best you can and move on to trying to resolve the actual big-picture problem so that this situation doesn't happen again.

 Post subject: Re: WM/DM March 13/14
 Post Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:16 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:05 pm
Posts: 3
I don't think I made it clear in my previous post that I support Kenta in considering whether or not the Dragonmaster title should be handed out. Until that other possible alternative was brought to my attention, I would have made that same decision myself in his place.
It's his decision either way and, if nothing else, I will support that he has not only the right but the obligation to cosider it.

Sir Ominique deMorray
Sable Pride

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:05 am 

Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:46 pm
Posts: 10
Kenta, here is my take on the messed up situation you put yourself into…
I am going to put you out your misery over this “TITLE” thing so you will “Loathe” no longer. I do not need your Dragonmaster Title nor papers stating “Order of the Garber,” “Order of the Rose,” or anything else. Yes, you may keep the title that cost you NOTHING and keep the Orders that may cost you ink and paper because I don’t need them to be okay or to know that I can make things that are nice.
I am secure and confident in my abilities as a seamstress, are you secure in your abilities as a Regent?
To some being knighted may be a great honor, but I no longer feel that wearing a white belt is such an honor. True honor is obviously not practiced in this game thus the current state of affairs. A white belt makes you nor anyone else no more a real knight than a red belt makes me a real squire. I will keep my honor where it belongs – in my thoughts and my deeds. I suggest some of you rethink where your honor is.
It is just a game where people can hit each other and feel better after doing it. (Medieval Combat Sport as Brennon said)
Karate has the same effect without the drama.
I bid you all fairwell!

 Post subject: Re: WM/DM March 13/14
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:30 am 

Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:35 pm
Posts: 639
I think you misunderstand the situation. For those that deserved recognition, awards will be given. However the title DragonMaster and the "bragging rights" are what I am loathe to award. Everyone can look at the scores and see who would have "won", I just do not feel that there was adaquate competition for that "winner's" skills to shine. Which is more spectacular: a singular rose in a field of flowers? or one rose growing in a pile of manure?

For those that entered. Feel no fret, recognition of your hard work was noticed...and will be rewarded. The only thing I'm denying all of you is the "title".

"Passion overrules Reason" wizard's rule #3 of the Terry Goodkind series "Sword of truth"

 Post subject: Re: WM/DM March 13/14
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:59 am 
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If most of the stick-jocks of our Kingdom pretty much stop practicing their trade. And as result, the tourney entries for Weaponmaster dropped darn near off the map. You had better believe that somewhere out there someone would be complaining. Mostly on why the Kingdom even bothered to hand out a title such as Weaponmaster or worse yet Warlord, to the winner of a Kingdom tourney that 3-4 people even bothered to show up for. And I have to say, that I would most likely be on that very bandwagon, if not driving the team that pulls the wagon.

Poor participation in any Amtgard event can almost always blamed on the current rulers, the weather, or the distance to travel. Yet in this case I wouldn't put any of the blame on any of the above. It was a fine day (both days), the events were local, and the current rulers followed the current standard operating procedures for such an event. The problem seems to be the small number of interested participants. Was the lack of numbers due to poor advertising? Somehow I doubt that.

So what do you want Yona? Do you want the Kingdom to continue holding an event that no one seems to care about anymore? Do you want to be the person that people might roll their eyes at when you proclaim your victory and new title earned during a low attended contest? That I suspect is not what your looking for. I know from my own stick-jock point of view, I would not like being known as the Weaponmaster of such a small field. Nor would I like for some person to come into the title in a similar way. Past DM winners need to take a page from our past weaponmasters and continue to enter their contest until they no longer care to compete or are dethroned. Even then they should still enter just to keep someone from taking the title in a weaker or less skilled contest.

In some ways I understand your "I didn't do it to be known or awarded" attitude. But my question to you Yona, is why did you do it? If you entered to show the Kingdom your skills when compared to others in these fields than unfortunately I have to say that your choice to use this reigns DM may not have been your best decision. But that's not your fault. Really its not. You could blame it on the rest of the cultural minded people in our Kingdom. Those very same people who campaigned so hard to get their own special event so many reigns ago. People, who in the early years of this newly created event, flooded the tables with entries. But now where are these people? They're darn sure not bringing stuff out to be judged. Nor do they come out to be a judge. What are they doing? Are they still making stuff? Or now that they have one or possibly two DM titles of their own they don't feel the need to support the very event they worked so hard to get. And now they're no where to be seen. Yet this special cultural event that they fought so hard to get during their time in Amtgard is slowly fading away. What do they care? They got what they wanted. Any and all titles they earned due to the DM event means nothing if their not here to promote their trade. In some ways, your attitude aimed towards Kenta was uncalled for. Kenta is doing the best he can with a broken system. Kenta is not at fault here. Sure he is the current Regent and as such in he's charge of the arts and sciences guilds. But he can't make people enter DM. No more than I can make people enter a Weaponmaster. You should be voicing your attitude towards your cultural comrades. The very same comrades who might have told you to enter this reigns DM.

The DM event has ran its course. Let it die a respectable death. If you were around during its hey-day be glad you were able to see it at its best. The best you can hope for now is a resurgence of talent and desire. That my fellow populace member is not something that comes with a swing of a stick. You'll need to encourage your fellow craftsmen and craftswomen to get out of their safe zone and come pack to the parks. Now days most of the populace members are stick-jocks cuz that craft needs little preparation. But as a whole the stick-jocks do promote their trade. We do so every time we line up for a trench. Maybe your artsy-fartsy friends need to do something along those lines. Not sure what form that would take but if it gets the number of people to enter DM up to something respectable than it should be done. Sitting at home and wallowing in your crafts failure, or worse yet, sitting at home and living on the past accomplishments of early DM events, sure hasn't done the trick.

Here's a suggestion... Lets name the winner of our Quals cultural events as the reigning DM. In the old days it was enough to say that the winner of the Quals Cultural events was our cultural champion, and the winner of the war-events was just that... the winner of Quals war-events. It did not mean that the person who won the quals war-events was our best warrior, who competed against the best warriors in the kingdom. It simplely meant that the winner was the winner for that Quals. Besides not everyone who entered the quals war events was entering to win. A lot of them were entering to qualify and earn a Hydra. But the Weaponmaster tourney that was held 2-3 weeks after the Crown event was set up to find the best warrior in the Kingdom.

[smilie=icon_twisted.gif] [smilie=icon_cool.gif] [smilie=icon_twisted.gif]

I swear, Delphos and Brennon really just remind me of a couple of bad Spock and Bones impersonators.

"Nevron disagrees with and dislikes me. He is, however, rational".- Brennon

"I'll admit, I trolled the smack forum." - Shady Troll

 Post subject: Re: WM/DM March 13/14
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:46 am 

Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:35 pm
Posts: 639
After consulting with the other officers of the club and several "Previous DM winners" I have decided that the winners are as follows:

Yona 1st place
Margul 2nd place
Vargus 3rd place

entries scored as normal for previous DM competitions, and the entrants should not be penalized for such a low turn out. I encourage the entrants to continue entering against a larger crowd of their peers if such a thing ever happen.

As for the other cultural competitions that I had planned for the rest of the reign. I dont' feel there would be sufficient interest to run these. i will run the last 2 Regent's Martial arts tournies, as there was interest in these.

"Passion overrules Reason" wizard's rule #3 of the Terry Goodkind series "Sword of truth"

 Post subject: Re: WM/DM March 13/14
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:45 pm 
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Joined: Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:00 pm
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I would have to agree with Sir Nevron on numerous points but the big one is that I think WM/DM should be combined with Quals. It would allow people who entered for "Dragon Master" (if they also qualed in both events which shouldn't be an issue) to decide whether or not they would like to try their hand at regent or other high office and would also bump up the quality of Crown entries because people would have a whole reign to prep for the event instead of trying to prep for two. It would also increase the quality in the sense of it would keep some people from trying to qualify over night if they know that the level of judging will be just a bit higher. Now granted it would still only take a 3.0 or whatever to qualify for office and a 3.5 to qualify for Dragon Master but I feel that this could highlight a lot more talent out there. Plus it would give time for people in the outer edges of the kingdom the time to plan on coming to the weekend event to make travel arrangements and kill two birds with one stone (WM/DM & Quals). Just my two cents.

PS the WM/DM title would be for the incoming reign just like the officers.

PSS I think this might also help with the WM numbers as well and rather shocked to hear that their was a low turnout for that as well.

Squire Eniad Norreh
Justicar -
Guardsman of Luna Lobos

 Post subject: Re: WM/DM March 13/14
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 3:23 pm 
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I'll be the first to admit that the attendence for this terms WM was a tad low but when compared to the DM attendence it was sky high. I heard from more than one stick-jock that due to the busy march schedule some of them had to decided if they wanted to attend the tourney or prepare for next weeks spring war. Personally, there was no choice to make. I always want to attend tourneys, and SW is not for me this year.

And while the attendence for the tourneys was low the quality of the fighters was better than what would of been expected with next week event in the wind. I did notice a lack of ES sticks, and not one Corsair bothered to show up. But the field was still tough.

As for rolling WM/DM and Quals all into one event. NO!!! Don't be trying to take away one of our war tourneys just because the artsy-fartsy people can't get their collective arse's together.

In some cases the best way will always be the old way. Something you young guns need to keep in mind.

[smilie=icon_twisted.gif] [smilie=icon_cool.gif] [smilie=icon_twisted.gif]

I swear, Delphos and Brennon really just remind me of a couple of bad Spock and Bones impersonators.

"Nevron disagrees with and dislikes me. He is, however, rational".- Brennon

"I'll admit, I trolled the smack forum." - Shady Troll

 Post subject: Re: WM/DM March 13/14
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:38 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:05 pm
Posts: 3
Kenta RedHawk";p="10377 wrote:
After consulting with the other officers of the club and several "Previous DM winners" I have decided that the winners are as follows:

Yona 1st place
Margul 2nd place
Vargus 3rd place

Just to make sure there are not misunderstandings, these are the rankings, but have you decided whether to give out the Dragonmaster title to the winner?
Thank you, sir.

Sir Ominique deMorray
Sable Pride

 Post subject: Re: WM/DM March 13/14
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:29 pm 

Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:35 pm
Posts: 639
Sorry I was not crystal clear....

Let me be the first to congratulate our newest DragonMaster...Yona.

she scored very well, even with a lack of contestants her level.

"Passion overrules Reason" wizard's rule #3 of the Terry Goodkind series "Sword of truth"

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