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 Post subject: My Pirates Tale
 Post Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:22 pm 
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Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 1:39 pm
Posts: 244
Location: Arlington,Texas
Her time had come and passed in her old life, a messenger, a killer a quiet companion. All that was now gone...ripped away in accually one of the most embarrasing moments of her life.

It was suppose to be a quiet night at a small tavern, have a few drinks before she had to return to the Queen of the Unseelie Court in the morning with news that the deed was done. But the drink, and weariness of the trip had started to get the better of her, and when a few unsavory fellows appeared in purple at the taverns door. Her best instincts to hide, or fit in a little better with the local crowd didn;t register. Soon seeing as how she was the only interesting face in the tavern, the pirates sat down and bought her a drink. Even after my drunken insistance that I really should be leaving, another drink was placed infront of me then another. Till I really couldn't say what happened that night in the tavern.

I awoke with a chilling start, feeling a swaying below me like hammock resting in the tall trees on a windy day. Those thoughts made me drift back to my forest home, cloudy hangover induced memories that soon made me come to reliaze I was not infact in the forest at all, oh there was a hammock and wood surrounding me. But no such luck seeing a bit of green foliage in sight. The wooden walls of the pirate ships lower crew quarters had become my prison.

The previous night did in deed flash before my eyes as I managed to land on all fours from the hammock overhead. Quickly surveying the room, hearing no voices, foot steps or even snores I dared stand and look for some form of a weapon. I cursed myself for being so stupid for getting so intoxicated in the presence of strangers. I knew better than that, i had been taught better than that. Maybe my work was getting the better of me, could to many horrors be inflicted upon my senses without break or pause for rest make me wish the relaxing release of intoxication to cleanse my soul ?

But I digress. A sword, a knife, hell give me a rock at that moment and i would atleast not feel so vunerable. How many of them are above deck ? How was I to escape ? Before these thoughts had time to settle into the formation of a cohiesive plan foot steps rang out just outside the door. Still across the room without a weapon in sight I grabbed the nearest rum bottle and held it posed for strike, just in time for a womenly figure to come through the door. But she came in sword at the ready, defensively standing, just out of my reach. I suppose i could of thrown the bottle but she spoke before I had a chance.
"My name is Panthra, you are aboard a pirate ship in the middle of the ocean and at this moment im giving you a choice." She said, sword still pointing in my general direction. I raised a brow and canted my head, not dropping the empty rum bottle. "fine, im listening." She set about to tell me the rules, obviously trying to make friendly with me, but I was still a prisoner, and a cat in a corner still has claws. When she was done, and I had managed to set her into a false sense of security enough to drop her weapon down a few inches I sprang. I managed through some small stroke of luck to best her at the hap hazard combat and knock her uncounsious. Taking her sword and without waiting for the chance they heard the scuffle, I ran, to the only place I could think, upstairs into my waiting captors. The sword play was brief, not even the Captain at the time got involved. His second, one I in time grew to know as Fytakin bested me easily in the fight disarming me and backing me against the edge of the railing. "I think this swab has alittle to much fire and brains to be Panthra's swab. Ill take her and train her."

So that was how I came to the Kingdom of Emerald Hills. I grew to be friends with my captors but never completely fell under the spell of being a pirate. We soon parted ways and still retaining my friendship with them set about to write my own tale in the woods of Tanglewood Forest, and in my new Kingdom of Emerald Hills.

“All in all, it comes down to us as a society to embrace and encourage the values we wish to see demonstrated within our club.” - Kurse

"One People, One Planet"

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