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 Post Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:45 am 
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How does one go about keeping a certain person out of their camp?

Not so much because they might of stole something, or because they might have started a fight, or any of the somewhat normal reasons that one might do to cause such a punishment to be inforced.

But more along the lines of this particular person said some things to some of my fellow company members... (ugly, totally uncalled for comments) about a fellow company member that not only hurt people in my company deeply but also would cause a negitive (possibly hostile) reaction towards this certain person if he/she would feel the need to come once again into our camp.

I need to know what if anything the Kingdom will do to assist any of us in this task of keeping the peace.

Had the offending person just spoken to me. or just kept his/hers personal feelings personal, and not forced their views and piss poor opinions on my fellow company members then maybe I would just take care of this problem in a more quiet manner.

But it has gone futher than that. I'm at the point now that I worry about this person coming into my camp uninvited and unchaparoned and causing damage to certain areas in our camp.

What are my rights in this issue?
What can I expect (or not expect) from the Kingdom in regards to keeping the peace in my camp and not having my company members bombarded with rude and crude comments about a deceased member of our Company while simply walking back from feast or standing on the sidelines of the trench?

How much verbal crap are we expected to take before the Kingdom does something to the person who is causing this problem. If the answer is " the kingdom can do nothing".... than I (we) might be forced to deal with this issue on our own and nothing good will come from that.

Its one thing to say your not sorry about our loss. Its another thing to say the only thing your sorry about it that you were not the one to cause our loss.

Sir Nevron Dreadstar

 Post Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:58 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
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I heard comments were made, I didn't realize they had stooped to that level. :( I agree completely that private campsites should have the right to ban someone from entering.

I would assume that since SP's camping spot is a land grant, they can deny access to it to anyone they want (excluding the powers that be for official business).

Hopefully if this person were to continue to enter your campsite unwelcomed, or to stand in the road near your site and try to incite an issue, the Kingdom Officers would have him/her removed from site.

In addition, anyone who is intentionally trying to incite a violent reaction should be removed from site. There is no place for that in this game. People with personal issues whould deal with them with the person in question and not make a big issue out of them and try to cause emotional suffering to a group of people over it.

There was more than 1 person doing that at WBW, and I for one didn't like having to see people hurt over it.

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

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 Post Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 12:02 pm 
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Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2006 6:47 pm
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Thank you Forest for taking the time to reply to my questions and concerns. I can't say that I'm now reassured that the Kingdom will rise to Sable Pride's defence the next time the offending person trys to spread his hate and discontent while in our camp or on the many trails that lead to and from the various places my fellow company members will be heading during an event. But at least I know more than I did before.

I guess my real concern is whether this person will be man enough to admit he said anything at all or will the next ugly situation just end up being another He said/We said incident. I would like to think that by coming forth and expressing my problem well in advance, will lessen any doubt on my version of any future incident with this person. If need be I can name names. I would just prefer at this time to keep this whole problem and its participants to a need to know program. Besides, I'm pretty sure most people already know who it is that I'm talking about.

Now lets touch on another subject. It's kinda the same thing but it involves any possible future incident at one of our parks.

I'm not concerned about my own safety while on the field. I can take care of myself. What I am worried about is my Company members who might not be as hard or prepared to deal with, any incident that will involve this same person while on the field. Basicly, he has a reputation for swinging way to hard and with no concern for others safety when he squares off against myself and my fellow SP'ers. I know I'll never complain for myself, but I'll be darn if I'm going to sit back and let him land unsafe shots on my friends. At the first sign of this type of action on his part I will be speaking up and expecting some sort of support from the park level officials. I can only hope that the elected officers of any park have the back bone to remove this person from the field the first time he hurts one of our members.

And by remove... I mean told to go home. I don't care who his mom WAS.

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