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 Post Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:43 pm 
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Hey Forest I got an idea for you. How about I play armband police for you.
How about I go around attacking anyone who forgot to wear their armbands that look like they didn't intend to play. And when they cry because I smacked the fuck out of them with my polearm and they want to cry I tell them that their fucking regent ordered it? and send them and their crying ass's to you.

 Post Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:18 am 
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Okay, so the idea to have armbands was established to give everyone who is wanting to role-play out the event an opp to really get immersed, while anyone who doesn't merely wear a strip of neon colored plastic (yeah, I know, it's cheap and inexpensive but it get's the job done.)

It was never meant to make one group better than another, never meant to degrade the event or a person’s experience.

I can see where the 'what's so hard about having the players wear an armband' side to it. But what's so hard about asking people who won't be role-playing wear one? Non-participants don't want to feel subjugated for wearing one and maybe they feel it's a sort of punishment for not playing along. The true intent is, why make someone in garb, playing along wear an armband. It will make for cheesy pics for the newsletter.

I don't work well with cheese. Sharp cheddar yes, bad publicity pics, no. (And yes, I'm sure I beat you to the wife and mom jokes, so ha!)

It is NOT a personal attack on anyone. It was an idea that was originally designed to identify who is and isn't in char. Since I felt that much of the populace would want to jump into char, the armband issue would not be that big of a deal.

It's not like we're asking you to wear a Corsair bird or the Justicar pyramid!

I know a few people have chimed in saying they won't wear one just cause.
Is it a defiant stand?
Do they feel that it is a personal attack on uniqueness?
Is it really asking too much?

It's just for a 24hr period. Hell, it's not like you gotta wear it to bed, if you even sleep that is. It's for the sake of something ambitious and seemingly beneficial to the atmosphere of the game.

And all I started out was asking the populace to help and support the idea, not for it to turn into personal flame wars on why the armbands can cause cancer in lab rats.

When will we help each other make this game a little better, more interesting, instead of ripping each other to shreds over semantics and personal grudges.

Falamar, I felt you and I reached a possible agreement on the armband. I would be honoured to customize one with your title, no prob. It'd be funny, just your kinda humour even. I think. I hope it still stands.

Hell I'll even make Sir Nevrons though he won't be wearing one since he volunteered to NPC. But it'll still be fun to see it at court.

So yeah, that's my stance. Sometimes we gotta do something we 'hate' for the improvement and well being of the game.

I hope I didn't come off as an arse about the armbands, I just didn't think it would cause such a cluster is all. Shame really. All that energy spent instead of it being focused on creative role-play.

And no, creatively concocting insults doesn't cut it this time.

So I will still run with the armband idea and the guidelines. If you swear up and down that you will not wear one and won't play, fine, just post your name under this, no questions asked, and I'll make sure a list of non-participating non-armband Amtgarders gets distributed along with the items at gate.

And to establish and give folks a mental picture of the kind of resolve I have for seeing the game steam roll into the future, here's a quick vid for you to enjoy. It is not work safe so handle with caution. Warning: Nudity and gratuitous violence.

I'm the guy in the orange jumpsuit. The blue guy goes by the handle of 'Biatch_@ss_Criticism'. Hell, watch the last 5 seconds, that's me in my first amt-garb ever. ;) ... p=7&show=1

Shaking off the hate
S-The Keyboard Punk of Shaolin

The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 7:46 am 
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Here is what my problem is. You have no good reason to make ppl wear something to opt out of the game other than"I said so" or "That's the rule" You can't tell me why it makes more sense to make someone wear an arm band to opt out rather than to not wear one for an automatic opt out if I don't have one on...

You are going to find ppl getting up in the morn and going to the rest room getting attacked having forgot their armband or roaming around drunk being to drunk to think about having the armband on or just noobs or visitors just not paying attention and forgetting the armband.
and You want to make them a target for att? Why when all confusion/mistakes would be taken away if the the rule was....wear an armband if you want to participate.
Telling me I have to garb up in anyway to opt out is just dumb and shows that you just want to force us to participate and that you are looking to hit people that don't want to play. The 1st drunken brawl you have because a drunk was attacked and didn't want to be will be on your head when he punches someone's lights out. Not everyone that goes will hear/see this argument over the issue And some will not like it and attempt to ignore and you will have them attacked for it.

Yellow arnbands DO cause cancer in Justicars

And I told you I would wear the specific armband and I will

 Post Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 8:15 am 

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It makes more sense because it will lead to less confusion.

Take out the slipery slope argument and what you have is a valid point. Non-players who forget/ don't wear the armband might get hit. This is easily rectified by stating "I am not playing".

Now reverse it. A player can remove it to get out of a situation "no armband, out of play" or it falls off or thet forget to put it on in the morning and now you have players who have to hold combat to get a new one.

The flow of the game will be less disrupted by the non-participants wearing an armband.

Also, monsters/NPCs will be "in game" but not wearing a sash. The arm band will help to distinguish between those NPCs and the non-participants.

All griping aside, I am curious why asking non-participants to wear an armband to let players know they are opting out of playing is making you so angry.

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

(insert titles and awards here)

 Post Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 8:53 am 
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Whats more confusion???? No armband no play what the fuck is confusing about that. The confusion will come from attacking ppl who either forgot to wear it or not paying attention.
I disagree the flow will be less disruptive by seeing who is playing by what they are wearing..not what they are not wearing and the lack of an armband and a sash will distigush between the npc and the non combatants.

No armband, no sash, no play as easy as it gets
why can't you see that?

 Post Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:45 am 
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I do see the reasoning but please consider the following:

This matter of armbands is not a 'we're right and you're wrong' demand, it's not supposed to be 'this is how it's going to be dammit!' decree. It's an open idea that has indeed flexed some since it's inception. I think if it really were a set in stone thing, there would be more of a 'STFU ya naysaying party crappn' popheads' attitude. I don't recall calling anyone a floating tard in the trash can punch.

Also, whose idea of twisted fun is it to harass and waylay/beat down on a newbie in the first place? Won't move a lot of dreaming that way, I can tell you that right now. Who the hell attacks a drunk!? I usually stay clear of inebriated folk unless they're choking on their own technicolor spew or is my passed out dad.

I think I have the common sense to not start beating on a drunk guy.

As I mentioned before - VERBAL ROLEPLAY IS KING. Meaning talk/ask/verbally interact with someone before you roll em!

Let's examine the provided example shall we?
Dick the Lion Hearted: Hark there, who goest therest!?
Maximus Rectum Excelcis the Praetorian: I am MREtP, who be theeius?
DLH: I am Dick, with the Lions Heart. Are thoust int game?
MREtP: Absolutis, and how aboutus yous Lion Heart?
DLH: Indeed I amst.
Both: Onguard biatch!

See...simple and easy.

So please use better judgement when it comes to waylaying on someone, anyone. Nero has a space requirement of arms length, anything closer is rushing and is not tolerated. Talk about blowing down the house. We don't have that here, but it's become too expected for people to get into each others face. Try some RP ettiquette. It works wonders. Fa real!

So addressing Falamars' and friends concerns:
1. Try not to abuse the noobs
2. Try not to beat the ladies down
3. Try to not bash the Bacchus' of the game (not you Bacchus)
4. Use verbal communication, especially during night events
5. Lighten up dammit. Now that's an official decree.

I have written it before. Why it keeps getting lost in the shuffle is beyond me.

There will only be a couple of official modules running throughout the night. I know Friday night is for setting up and relaxing I learned that the hard way at Birthday Bash. It is NOT a populace wide battlegame/quest. No one is required to do anything during the night. Only certain things that will be occuring will involve a small fraction of the masses and even then, they will be recommended to avoid interacting (in any negative ways) with anyone else.

Things like personal character roleplay, quest set-up and prep and that sort of thing will be occuring during the after hours. Again, if you're walking down a path alone and someone confronts you or vice versa, be respectful and ASK DAMMIT, ASK if they are in game. I am trying to promote dialogue between all players.

If you cross paths with someone you do not like or respect in mundania or Amtgard, avoid each other. Don't cause sh!t using 'roleplay' as an excuse. It only fuels the fire, makes the noobs and visitors stay away, and all we get out of it is a couple of weeks of dumb@ss posts on the forums/lists laced with petty sh!t.

It will be recommended that people not wanting to interact or be interacted with on a roleplay level wear the armbands. It will be during the day that the Royal Guards will be patroling the paths for cunning highway men and cut throat privateers. It will be during the light hours that people will have a reason to really interact with each other.

This whole thing is meant to invoke a sense of excitement in all of us. Imagine walking down a path not knowing if you'll be stopped by a silver tongued Nevron demanding payment for safe passage through his road. Maybe Sparhawk will try to 'persuade' you to join the EH army? Will Fytakin force you to walk the plank for not licking his salty dog?

Will you play a royal guard with a target on his back? Will you be a wanted highway man? Are you a pirate whose time is marked?

It's meant to cause us to use our intellect, wit, and cunning to esnure we stay alive to see another day. Talk about anxious excitement. Play your character. Play the game. Dream the dream.

The only time armbands will be explicitly required will be during the battlegame/quest. And that friends will only be for about a 2hr time frame.

Falamar, you've agreed to wear a customized armband and I thank you. Sirrakhis, I thought you'd be playing!?

Well, I think I've beaten the dead equine into a fourth level of deceasedness.

More details to come.

The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:02 am 
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"Again, if you're walking down a path alone and someone confronts you or vice versa, be respectful and ASK DAMMIT, ASK if they are in game. I am trying to promote dialogue between all players. "

???? WTF? How is all that easier than If Im not wearing an armband or sash that you know I'm not playing? If you don't see it then You know I'm not playing.

Jesus a christopher This is fucking amtgard history here!
Forest-The biggest Bleeding heart in amtgard this kingdom has ever seen
is wanting to know why Falamar-The biggest anti-bleeding heart this kingdom has seen is asking why I think it's not ok to hit non-participants

 Post Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:22 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
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I agree we should not hit non-participants.

What we disagree on is how to determine who is and who is not participating. The autocrat of the event decided to use armbands. This is an idea he and I share.

What I can't understand is why you are so strongly against it that you feel the need to insult and rant about it.

I can see you saying "Well, I disagree with it and think it will cause problems, but it is your (the autocrat's)call."

Disagreement noted. But why make it such a huge issue. It isn't changing things and is only leading to more hostility.

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

(insert titles and awards here)

 Post Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:55 am 
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Hmm Forest... Shall I or others feel that away when it comes to what we autocrate? Oh wait we tried that and people had a fit. Where was these words of wisdom before?

I disagree with you because it is far easier to not participate by not
wearing an armband, rather to be forced to participate by wearing an armband to state non participation

 Post Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:21 pm 

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I don't recall throwing a fit or calling names over my WBW concerns. In fact, I recall sending you private e-mails (that you requested) voicing my concerns and you telling me to give you time and you'd make sure it was a good event. After that I sat and waited and didn't make an issue of it.

I still disagree with using monsters, but do you see me on here posting a rant about it or screaming about how wrong it is? Nope. I voiced my concerns, but it is your event to run.

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

(insert titles and awards here)

 Post Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:33 pm 
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The monsters wasn't my deal, and lets leave that flame on that list, and not divert from this issue.
But the complaining of our people did get it stoped and those incharge did
decide to listen to them

 Post Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 6:00 pm 

Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2006 1:44 pm
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People not playing - nothing
People playing - armband
NPC - sash


People playing and NPC could be switched and/or one group could wear both and the other just wear one, I kind of like the sash for the NPC being that it is more visible.... don't know why I want the NPC"s to stand out more....but if it is just your class sash then I guess the player would have to wear it. You guys definetly get my jist of the matter.

 Post Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 6:50 pm 
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It was a pleasure to have meet you and hope I can offer you my help for the possible Childrens Quest during Banner War this Oct. I was happy to finally meet you and Typhus. Hope to see you both soon.

Also, find the event pics here!:

Thanks Clio for giving me the opp. to give back to the game.

Thanks Sir Delphos for being such a rock to this fantastically 'over-achieving' squire.

Thanks again to Team Chaos and Team Rage for providing much needed fun and entertainment during the Goblin Football bout. Good game all.

Thanks Elder for your helping running the impromtu after-quest Battlegame, giving our fearless populace a good venue to throw down. Thanks two both team captains [Rolland and (will ask for his name) other guy] for making an amusing and impressive battlegame.

Note: Thanks all for such a wonderful display of sportmanship. You know who you are.

To the priestess', I applaud and salute all four of you ladies who stepped up and really played the part. Thanks Mysteri for getting such a jovious lot of ladies together for me to annoy. To the 4 ladies who stepped up and rp'ed the armies last minute 'clerics', congrats on getting the High Angels attention.

To Sir Forest and Sir Wolvie for squaring off both on and off the field for an eventful Relic Quest. To Seamus for providing such worthwhile and supportive reads.

To Zig the furious who protrayed the 'voice' of Mallabus. Well done. Pity the kingdoms army did not want to fill their cups with the blood of virgins.

To Shamus for handing me a huge bag of loaner/npc garb to distribute. BTW, I will find you and return the canvas bag, sadly, it doesn't work well with my assassin garb. Thank you and your wife both.


Relics Awarding/Distribution List

Gauntlets of Ogre Power - Awarded to Elder for being so freaking helpful during both the Relic Quest's and Battlegame.

Mithril Chain - Awarded to Bacchus for playing his Vampire persona full tilt i.e. hunting down almost every Barbarian down to their camps looking for a fight.

Orb of Healing - Awarded to Sir Forest's Team for having won the Relic Quest (his call who to grant it to)

Homestone - Awarded to Mysteri for having such a go get em attitude and gathering such an eager lot of wonderful cult priestess'.

Sword of Flame - Awarded to Rage Bloodstorm's Team for having won the Goblin Football game.


Don't worry, I'll slowly remember who else to thank. But for now, thank you all.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

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