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 Post subject: Darkwood
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 12:46 am 
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Joined: Sat Mar 11, 2006 4:17 pm
Posts: 118
It was a dark and dreary day but that is always the way of Darkwood. This place is evil to the point that even evil characters such as myself stay at ready expecting anything to attack at any given moment. As Fytakin was wondering through the woods setting traps he was questioning the job he chose to take. Hunting trolls is serious business. And it don't pay to well either. But Fytakin was not worried he had all the skill and trinkets needed for such a job. The only reason he took this job because this troll had attacked him and his lady on the road some time back.

After Weasel and him found lodging at Eagleshire he chose to find some work to make up for the cash that he had to spend for the lodging. And to his suprise that was when he found it, The local Rogues guild. After some searching in the archives he found a story of a troll who had been harrasing the very road him and Weasel had rode in on. He also found out after a little research that this troll had a habit of attacking women and had a fondness for kidnapping and .......... little boys.

So after taking a job for a mear 10 gold he thought that it was time for some retribution. So he gathered his sword and sheild and grabbed some lamp oil and a torch and bound off for Darkwood. Since he had been in Darkwood he had set numerous traps and he finally heard the squeal of some ungodly beast being wounded by what he figured to be one of his traps. As he gets close to the disturbance he decides it would probably be best to go to high ground. After bounding around in the trees a bit he finally sees his target, a wounded troll ripping off one of his feet to free himself from the trap. Fytakin realized he had to act now. So he pulls out the lamp oil and pours it all over the troll. Well this action makes the troll laugh thinking it was a failed attack that he was immune to. not realizing the gravity of the action he trys to attack Fytakin in the tree.

Fytakin grins slightly and begins to light a tender stick and fliks at the troll instantly ingulfing his sorry frame in flame. As the troll stands their screaming in agony, Fytakin leaps from his perch and beheads the beast with one single clean blow form his sword.

After a little scuffle he decides it would be best to shove his sword through the head of the troll to carry it back to Eagleshire as proof that he had killed the troll. The only disturbing part of the trip is every now and then he would have to stop and burn the head a little to keep it from regenerating. And it was such a foul stench he could barely keep his stomach.

After a few hours he reaches Eagleshire and begins to make his way to the Rogues guild. As he is walking through town people are walking up and paying him gold for finally releiving them of foul creature that they had named Finn the Foul as they spit on his head. When he finally reaches the Rogues guild a man he has never seen walks up and looks at the head. At that moment the guy who had hired him walks out of the shadow of the doorway as the other stranger looks back to him and says" it's him." At that point Fytakin takes his sword and sticks it in the ground stapleing the head of the troll in place.

The head rogue walks up and hands Fytakin his payment and nods to the stanger. Fytakin steps back out of the way as hears the stranger begin to mutter something in an arcane language. At that exact moment the head burst into flames melting head and sword into ashes. He then mutters another phrase and his sword is reconstucted and lying on the ground where the head once was. Fytakin bends down to pick up his sword and is amazed that there is nothing wrong with it and it is also clear of the stench that he thought would never go away.

After the event he returns to his beloved Weasel shows her the 400 gold he had aquired through out the whole ordeal and says" Well baby its done and we can leave when ever you are ready."

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