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 Post Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 2:07 am 
The Queen awoke from a horrible dream. As she turned over to get comfortable again she realized her dream was true......for she was not in her castle, her caravan was gone, and she was alone locked up in a small candle light room with a small plate of food. She could hear a group of men arguing, only partial information & voices, but there was one voice word that kept repeating assassinate, assassinate, assassinate. "Where am I?" she thought as she backed her self in a corner like a animal ready to attack whoever opened the door.


Just outside the thick stone door, several masked figures argued over the disposition of their captive.
"I say assassinate the Bitch and be done with it" said one.
"No, the Master wants her alive" replied another.
"But our agents are being accosted by the Royal Guards and the Master Healer has declared Open War upon all of us" a third masked figure began, "shouldn't we just hand her over for ransom?"

All eyes turned to the outer door, as a fourth masked figure entered the small chamber just outside the Queen's cell.

This one was much larger than the other three and they seemed to hold him in some regard, for they immediately stood at attention when he entered the chamber. His dark eyes showed no emotion as he signaled the other three to stand away from the door.

Speaking not a word, he took a key from one of the Guards and placed it into the locked door of the cell which held the prisoner. Turning the key, he swiftly entered the small room, closing the door behind him.

Crouched in the corner, the Queen quickly sprang at her captor like a wild animal. She came at him all fists and nails, trying to rend the large man where he stood, but to no avail. His powerful hand caught her in mid air by the throat and threw into the stone wall. Before she could regain her stance and launch another attack, he kicked her with a heavy boot, knocking the wind from her lungs as she gasped for breath. Once again she tried to attack her captor, this time her efforts where answered by a hard backhand across her face sending her limp body sprawling to the hard stone floor.

Picking up the Queen with one arm, he throws her unconscious body over his shoulder, opens the cell door and walks out into the small chamber.
With a slight motion of his hand, he signals the other three Guards to open the outer door and leaves them all in silent wonder.

To be continued...

 Post Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:19 pm 

Joined: Mon Jul 31, 2006 4:54 pm
Posts: 1
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Admin Edit: If you have to include a disclaimer on your roleplay, you shouldn't post it. There are some things that are innapropriate in any context, and this post crossed that line.

 Post Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:35 pm 
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he wound through he maze the dark ones call home.

he had grown accustomed to the labyrinth. it had come to him in nightmares. he was living it now.

the pungent smell of mildew and rust was oddly appealing to him.

he found the sealed cell door locked. sutra reached out placing his hand over the lock. the clicking was almost silent, the mechanism giving way to the command of a master.

he found her laying in a pain induced cesspool.

he froze waiting for her to move. her raspy gasps had to be a good sign.


the extra weight was enough to keep him moving. the sloshing sound of water at his ankles made his anxious to find the passage quickly.

he placed the broken figure against a broken column as he turned peering deep into the darkness. no one had picked up on his presence. he was decent after all.

he pushed on the bolted grate left to rust in the elements. the moon hung high in the early morning hours. 2 am he thought to himself. the one he summoned tended to be better with time than himself.

she was a ghost of a figure since he last saw her. lifting her gently into the sweet summer air, he pushed forward into the night.


'I see you kept your word...' the whisper echoed in the forest clearing. the healer turned on his heel frantically wanting to appear calm and collected. he was failing miserably.

''re risking both our lives..." the healer swallowed hard. "Have you the queen!?" he shouted in a hushed whisper.

A shadow emerged from thin air, cloaked by the tree lines dark overcast. Sutra placed the shivering queen unto the dew laden earth. The sight sickened him. This was not right.

'I've given her a dose of antidote, lest she submit to some simple poison before you can...' sutra speaks as his eyes trace the healers frantic hands, removing the torn remnants of cloth heavy with blood and sweat, 'revive her..." sutra trailed off into silence as the healer squinted looking over her features.

The nervous man smeared a droplet of dried blood from her midriff, sniffing it, and eventually tasting it.

'You fool, what kind of tric...' The healers words were immediately cut off as a cool piece of metal slip under his chin. 'Shut up and fulfill your end of this bargain, or she will not die alone tonight.' Sutra sneered angrily.

'Sutra, surely you know as much as I do! This isn't the queen! Dammit, you bring me out to the middle of nowhere for this!' With a flash, the healer is gone. Damn teleporting healers. How they get along with wizards is beyond him.

Sutra mind races as he tries to piece together what just happened, when the sunken face of the queen peers up at him. Sutra focuses intently on the shivering figure as she goes completely limp.

'Reine! Your majesty Von Do...' The bright flash is almost blinding causing sutra to jerk his face back out of instinct to protect his sight. Cinder and dust envelops him before he dares open his eyes again.

He looks at his empty arms, a swirl of black dust encompasses him as it ebbs into the air above him.

'What the hell....'

A doppelganger. A golem concocted by the prince regent, a master druid at that, in order to protect the queen from such events as this.

Sutra stood as he dusted himself off.

When would he learn.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:06 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
Forest and Everlast rode away from Eagleshire empty handed. Torian had renounced his position and was nowhere to be found. Gurads had been notified, but time was against them. If the Queen ws not found soon, things could get ugly.

As they rode south to catch up with the Caravan, a rider approached. His tabbard showed that he was a Kingdom messenger.

"Prince Forest, news has reached the capitol about your clever trick. The Prime Minister awaits your return and the return of the Queen." The messenger proclaimed.

"What trick, what news is this?" Forest demanded.

"Why...the...the golem Sir. The trick on the Assassin's guild to route out those against the crown." the messenger stammered.

"What the hell are you talking about? Have they found the Queen?" Forest shouted, his anger growing at the confusing messages.

"Sir, they said you had her. That you created a Golem to take her place. The assassin's guild never took her it seems. And one of their own is now hunted for trying to save the construct. they said only a Master Druid could have made such a likeness to her that would fool the Dark Ones." The messenger answered.

Forest sat in shock. He was not a Master Druid. This was someone else's work. Someone had not only taken the Queen, but had created all this confusion to delay any attempts to find her. something had to be done and done quickly before the panic spread.

"Return to the PM, tell him that all is well and to meet the Royal Caravan at the barony of Midnight Sun. Tell him to bring his guards with him." Forest commanded as he and Everlast rode off.

Something was wrong. Forest had a feeling that whoever was behind this was using the confusion to weaken the guard on the Caravan, to draw away the troops on a goose hunt and an assassin war while the Kingdom's treasury was sacked.

"So, you have no idea where she is and we are going to charge off into a probable amush to see if we can fix things?" Everlast quipped, smirking at his friend.

"Yeah...yeah something like that."

The two rode at full speed for the Barony.

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

(insert titles and awards here)

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