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 Post subject: The King's Return
 Post Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:52 pm 

Joined: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:24 am
Posts: 149
Location: EagleShire
Having spent most of the time during the festivities of Coronation preparing to take over the throne, I did expect to last longer than 20 minutes after taking the throne before being killed.

After court ended I stood with the with the new Champion. As we were speaking to Thrasher, Delphos comes walking up, apparently to pay his respects. As he gets near I reach out for his hand as he pulls a sword from behind his back and slashes me twice in the small of my back. I just give him a look of disapproval, after all he is one of the oldest knights in our kingdom (that is length of time in such a position). Besides he simply took out my stoneskins. Darkangel then strikes down Delphos in a single blow, not that Delphos put up any resistance. As I stood there wondering why Delphos was smiling as he took his death, I notice a moment to late that Nevron was sliding out of the shadows into our midst. Before any of us could do anything to stop him, I could not even drop into sanctuary, Nevron had slain all that were left there. As the lights faded, I saw Nevron step back into the shadows from which he came.

One of the healers on the guard came across the bloody scene a few minutes later and resurrected me. I immediately went to my study, there were plenty of things that needed my attention and I would chastise the guard later for their incompetence. I was heading to the Northern reaches of the kingdom and needed to be prepared. Alas, with my new injuries and such a long trip ahead of me I took advantage of my new position and found a healer to teleport me.

I awoke in the somewhere between Five Banners and Red Storm, not feeling well at all. Perhaps still all the magic in such a short time frame was rough on me, or just the lack of sleep from an incredibly long weekend filled with formalities. But being back in the undomesticated lands where I had grown... back in the wilderness with that big beautiful full moon shining over head, I felt something waking in me that had been sleeping for some time now.

Once reaching Riverstone after visiting several groups in the north, I found other members of my gypsy clan. They insisted that I stay until I was healthy enough for travel again.

Now I return back to the heartland of the kingdom just in time to join the caravan to head out for the Gathering of the Clans. Yet I find that the kingdom is in disarray with an impostor having been 'serving' in my absence...


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