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 Post subject: Who Are You?
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:17 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
I thought it might be helpful for role play for each of the people involved to establish their characters for everyone else to see so we can understand each other's motives a bit better.

Forest was kidnapped soon after birth and was raised as a nomad by gypsies. He eventually returned to the land of his birth and found that his mother (a druid) had died during child birth and his father had passed away of old age. Forest still uses his families abandoned home in the woods as his own.

He was later brought into the Green Dragons who became his surrogate family, all of the members being orphans or wayward spirits like himself.

He did discover that he had a sister (Wickett) and is protective of her as his only remaning family member.

Forest is honorable, but cunning, and is just as likely to try to out think a problem as he is to just try to fight through it.

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

(insert titles and awards here)

 Post subject: Re: Who Are You?
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:36 am 

Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2006 10:05 am
Posts: 136
A summary follows; complete details can be found on my personal website:

K'tai bin R'al is the church's name for Maria Celeste D'Organza, daughter to a merchant-trader specializing in textiles. She attended the Bin R'ali's academy to learn basic literacy and mathematics until she was about fourteen, when her father decided it was time for her to get married. A few months before the wedding, the family was ambushed and both parents were killed (Maria only survived because she did a convincing possum act - a trick that continued to serve K'tai well in her early days). She took advantage of the situation to wriggle out of her engagement and continue her studies with the Bin R'ali, eventually being inducted as a Mage-Healer under the Order of the Open Heart.

Once her studies were to the point where only practical experience would instruct her further, the Bin R'ali found the one spot on earth most entirely unlike K'tai's personality (namely, the Emerald Hills) and sought out a suitable tutor and guardian, which turned out to be a wizard named Martello Entropy. Because of the oaths both of them swore to the Bin R'ali, K'tai is physically unable to disobey a direct order from Martello, though she has been able to creatively circumvent them in the past, and the control has gone away on a couple of different occasions - both involving one of the two losing their minds in various ways.

Note that really shouldn't be important but maybe is: K'tai and Martello are not married, and aren't even lovers. They live together, but their relationship is that of teacher/student, and of trusted brethren; nothing more. Please believe me when I say that this is for y'all's safety. ;)

"And in the end, we decide if we're remembered for what happened to us or for what we did with it."
~ R. K. Milholland


 Post subject: Re: Who Are You?
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:41 pm 

Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 11:15 pm
Posts: 112
I posted my past before and im to tired to retype it all so ill just summerize not like any one will read it

Thangorn grew up in a small town not far from Tanglewood forest. During the time Mc. Fadden was king the town was raided and destroyed. After the fighting was done Thangorn awoke in Midnight Sun. When Thangorn returned to the rubble which used to be his home he looked for the body of his father. Thangorn never found his father's corpse, asuming he is still alive Thangorn takes any lead he can find as to were his father may be. Not finding enough information caused Thangorn to try and forget the incident and now move on with his life.

I might post the whole story one day but im to tired right now

1. Napolean
2. George Patton
3. Robert Edward lee
4. Genghis Khan
Honor the great generals of old

 Post subject: Re: Who Are You?
 Post Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 6:04 am 
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Fytakin came from a place called Demons Guorge. it was a dark desolate citidel full of criminals and skallywags. Well, as a kid Fytakin had it rough. his family had been murdered by the local magistrate who was severly corrupt. After spending most of his youth training to join the local Assassins guild he had gained somewhat of a name for himself for some pretty outlandish acts of piracy and mayhem. After some time he finally gets to put himself in a position to gain revenge for his family. But he knows once he pulls the job he can never return to this place. So before he sets his feindish plan in motion he has to book passage to a town called Tanglewood and set himself up with the local Assassins guild so that he can be protected from the bounty-hunters that will be sure to follow. After all the preperations were in place Fytakin returns to the citidel to exact his revenge. It all went off so smoothly that he almost could not believe it. I mean no one had a clue as to who the assassin was. And with that Fytakin moved to his new home in Tanglewood.
Well it took no time for him to hook into the wrong crowd. The theives, Assassins, rogues they were all one guild here. And a genuine likeable bunch of folks. Once you got used to looking over your shoulder.
After some time running with a couple of differant crews on sea, Fytakin became a capable hand aboard deck of many types of ships. And that was when it happened. He was getting drunk one night with a couple of Corsair buddies of his and the next thing he knew he was shanghaid. So after a couple of profitable and notorious years running with the Corsairs he learned all there was to know about piracy. After some time he was able to ........acquire..........a ship of his own and has been busy building a loyal crew of scurvydogz and skallywags of his own in hopes to stamp out the tyrany and the corruption that plagues the kingdom of the Emerald Hills. This has proven itself to be quite the chore because as usual the corruption starts at the top.

 Post subject: Re: Who Are You?
 Post Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 3:11 pm 
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Sutra is a lie.

He was born out of a miscegenated coupling of human and elf. A half-breed bent of fulfilling the destiny he was imparted with at the onset of his passive lunacy.

He fancies himself a harbinger of marvels yet to come. Some see him as a self-designated saviour of sorts. Others have become annoyed by the random proclamations of indignant righteousness. Even more haven't the faintest inkling he exists. No matter.

In actuality Sutra, the name he is mostly known by, was not his birth name to begin with. He lived as mundane a life as any other small outcast mutt could live. Son of an alcoholic father and a hopeless optimist of a mother, he toiled as an apprentice to foremen on the local farms. Self-taught to read and write, he managed to realize his potential in the arts and sciences, all the whilst helping his mother with his two younger sisters. His eventual and sometimes un-healthy infatuation with a wealthy ranchers daughter, he was quickly replaced and threatened to leave his hometown. He had left more than home behind.

Supported by his mother’s illusions of grandeur, he made his way into the thriving Duchy of the Midnight Sun.

He had made his nest of repeated failures within the Duchy walls. Serving as a cook, assistant to smiths and shoers; he diligently worked to earn enough wages to assist the remedial lectures offered by bored professors at the local academy.

There he meet a kindred spirit whose energy for life touched his own. He had never taken the initiative to ask her to join him on stroll or a cup of cacao. She was of higher borne rank; her white belt would forever separate them in more ways than he had the time to devise. She reminded him of the love he left behind almost 8 years back. He would sneak a gift here and there for her, a quiet song played in the park or even a glass of water on hot days during classes. She left a year after he arrived never to be heard of again. It was rumored she had joined a crusade against some evil in distant lands. He would miss her gravely.

After celebrating his year anniversary of being a meager citizen of the Duchy, Sutra joined the now expired military outpost known as Morgorach. Soon after, war and famine racked the Emerald Hills yet again and all men of able age were enlisted into the service of the crown.

Having been gone from the duchy for about a year and a half, Sutra returned with a different outlook on life and death. He managed to visit home again, visiting his families shrine and praying for the living. He has forgiven his father, acknowledged his mothers hopes had worked. He had even seen his sisters and their children. He left a redeemed man.

It had only recently been revealed to him that the Elven race has not been completely fabled which spoke of great cities and ancient culture. He had spent an eager year, scouring the lands of the Emerald Hills seeking a fraction of his heritage only to be left empty-handed and disillusioned, his call to names of Elven lore, unanswered. Yet, he has yet to give up on this hope. Hope, something his mother had taught him.

A year later (present day) he has been under the tutelage of an ancient master, whose art has almost been forgotten. This is all that is known about the matter.

Good fortune has smiled upon him as he took for a wife, a noble and sincere wife, a fiery spirit he had meet earlier in his schooling days. Fate had reunited them and only last Fall, they pacted together. With every silver lining, one needs an overcast sky.

The new threat that has ensnared the kingdom in yet another chapter of plots and strife have allowed Sutra a more active and vocal role, due only to his untimely 'discovery' of the resurfacing of an unnamed cult bent on unleashing a fairy tale boogeyman upon the innocent.

Aside from the current impending doom, Sutra now serves as an amateur archivist and scribe, enlisted by the Royal Library and Academy.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Who Are You?
 Post Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:55 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 7:25 pm
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Here goes for ease and the fact i like to do more with my persona and build on it at park and events the very breif history of Krak/Typhus Deathcaller.

Krak was born during a time of war his parents were both slain and he was left for dead. A man found him and took him to the closest church wher he was raised in the church. He became a monk of the Dominican order at the age of 18 and was taught the skills of a healer. Not being a great healer he was never truly asked to go to war and help and was usually assigned to scribing and copying the accounts of others monks that mad it back to the Monistary of Finders Keep. Just a few months ago he bagan to hear dark voices calling to him. They made promises of power and wealth, he fought these for quite sometime. A priest told him to attempt a cleansing right to rid him of these voices. He failed in the perfomance of the cleansing right and opened himself up to those voices instead of locking them out. He rose that night as Typhus Deathcaller. He still heals just not by the powers he once did.

Baronet Typhus Deathcaller
Guildmaster of Healers
Master Healer
Kracker Baron

 Post subject: Re: Who Are You?
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 11:59 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
Keep 'em coming.

Quick question though, Does ANYONE'S character history have living parents in it?!? :shock:

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

(insert titles and awards here)

 Post subject: Re: Who Are You?
 Post Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:41 am 

Joined: Mon Apr 10, 2006 7:41 pm
Posts: 2
No doubt, Forest. It seems everybody seems to come from a broken home, evil realm, or misbegotten parents.

My character history is more historically grounded, but then, I joined Amtgard after a brief stint in the SCA.

Diego Velazquez was born of poor, but hardworking parents. They were honest and hardworking, but had little expectations of their son aside from continuing their work as vassals to the king. But Diego was a dreamer, and found his work too confining.

He loved to listen to the tales of El Cid, a popular legend in his home region of Spain. The more he read, the more he inadvertantly educated himself, until he realized he was capable of aspiring to greater heights than his parents would have ever dared to dream of.

Diego became a bard, learning as much as he could from anyone he could. He relished the road, and travelled to many distant lands, including the domain of his hated enemy: the Saracens of Africa. The more he learned, the more he hoped to accomplish. He became apprenticed as a leatherworker, a bookbinder, a swordsmith, a scribe, and an artist. Eventually, his skill earned him the attention of Sir Syl'vas, a knight of the Golden Plains who eventually relocated to the Emerald Hills.

Yeah, there's more, but really, isn't that enough to at least get this RP headed in a more positive direction?

Don Diego Velazquez
Knight of the Serpent
The Sacred Order of the Righteous Brotherhood of the Chosen, Holy Warriors of Bob the Unforgiving

 Post subject: Re: Who Are You?
 Post Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:42 am 
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I can still say both parents are around though I haven't seen them in a few years since returning to Midnight Sun.

So far this has proven to be a very productive thread.

Good show all.

The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Who Are You?
 Post Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:15 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2006 10:05 am
Posts: 136
Forest Evergreen";p="907 wrote:
Keep 'em coming.

Quick question though, Does ANYONE'S character history have living parents in it?!? :shock:

Other personae I created *after* K'tai have living parents, precisely because I came to the conclusion that parental death is a bit overused.

I've yet to create a character whose parents fully supported the idea of her becoming an adventurer, mostly because I can't make it sound convincing yet. Someday. :)

"And in the end, we decide if we're remembered for what happened to us or for what we did with it."
~ R. K. Milholland


 Post subject: Re: Who Are You?
 Post Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:50 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 7:25 pm
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I had not read everyone else's sry that was what I wanted to do. Not even in the Medieval period did many parents encourage or want their children to go into service of the church.

Baronet Typhus Deathcaller
Guildmaster of Healers
Master Healer
Kracker Baron

 Post subject: Re: Who Are You?
 Post Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 3:41 pm 

Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 11:15 pm
Posts: 112
My fathers alive I've just misplaced him....Plus most characters don't like the idea of having there parents breath down there neck before each swing of the sword " No play nice"....

1. Napolean
2. George Patton
3. Robert Edward lee
4. Genghis Khan
Honor the great generals of old

 Post subject: Re: Who Are You?
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 2:44 pm 

Joined: Tue Feb 07, 2006 10:49 pm
Posts: 36
Some of us actually have to deal with that, only its more like "quit moving your shield when you swing or ill beat you with your your own legs" :cry:

[align=center]"When the Persian archers fire, their many arrows blot out the sun!"

- Native of Trachis prior to Battle of Thermopylae

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-Dionykes, Spartan hoplite[/align]

 Post subject: Re: Who Are You?
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 5:10 pm 
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Arch-Count Falamar La'Crane

Parlez-vous Fuckity Fuck Fuck??

 Post subject: Re: Who Are You?
 Post Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 3:50 am 
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we we parlez vouz fuckity fuck fuck

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