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 Post Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:25 pm 
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As the shadows lengthened in the deep woods of Artus Pass, the villagers had been alerted to the strange sightings of Zombies and other dark creatures roaming the outskirts of the forest. Gathering their forces, they set out to do battle against the evil that had risen from the deep gash that had formed in the earth opening a path straight from Hell itself.

The Grave Lord had called up all his black magic to aid him in his conquest of the mortal realm. Through the thick woods of Artus Pass they came…

A Dread Knight had found his way into the world of the living and began wreaking havoc among a small band of brave villagers that served as the advanced scouts for the main hunting party. Their frightened cries could be heard throughout the forest as one by one they fell to the Dread Knight’s sword.

Two Zombies had been seen gorging themselves on a fallen corpse, while a Corrosion Beast made quick work of the dead warrior’s armor…

Within the darkening shadows, a hungry Shade stalked the living in search of fresh souls to feed upon and a lone Specter found its way into the main group of hunters, leaving death and confusion with every touch of its icy cold hand…

A single Dark Elf had joined the fray, yet he seemed most out of place among the minions of Hell that plagued the villagers and soon enough was over run by the hunting party…

Amidst the wilds of the woods strode the Grave Lord…

At his side walked a Black Dog, held in check by a long chain leash which had been attached to the Dog’s neck by a thick leather collar.
The sounds and smells of battle brought the Dog to attention as it began to bark uncontrollably, pulling with all its strength against the chain which held it fast to its master’s side…

Suddenly the Grave Lord let go the leash…
The Black Dog quickly disappeared down a well traveled path in search of prey.
A distant scream confirmed that the Dog had indeed found its first unfortunate victim.

The Dark Army terrorized the villagers for what felt like an eternity, but only a few corpses had been delivered to the Grave Lord for him to reanimate and add to his minions. The villagers had luck on their side this day and it would seem that fate had indeed smiled upon them.

A Devine Goodness must have been in play, for a small party of hunters had come across a hidden treasure that if unlocked, would send the hordes of hell back down the abyss from which they had emerged…

With the help of a newly ordained Monk, who had been on a sojourn for her temple, the villagers were able to find the hidden chests and decipher the clues which unlocked the secret of the Grave Lord’s power and finally confront him.

They came at him with no fear, his spells were useless and his weapons fell to the ground in his weaken grasp. With his minions destroyed and his powers dissipated, the Grave Lord was helpless against the onslaught. The villagers hacked at him with bloodlust in their wild crazed eyes, until the tattered black robe was all that remained of the Demon.

With a primal scream, the deep gash that had formed within the twisted grove of trees, closed tightly into itself and fell silent as the grave.

 Post Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:44 am 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
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The spectre hoovered above the gasping figure. The warrior lay paralyzed. Moments before, the shouting man barked orders to a group of younger defenders. His very strength eluded him now. He didn't recognize the faint chill that washed over his flesh as a warning. He had begun to panic when his perfect eyesight began to falter. Words failed to form cohesive thoughts as his mind began to unravel. All that remained was a quivering heap of maddened flesh.

Like a cat tugging at a delicate string, the spectre lured the mortals whispy life essence from just behind his eyes. The harmonious death rattle pleased the floating apparition. He knew there was more of this type of rare spoil further within the forest.

Gliding across a ravine, the shade sensed the presence of arcane majicks. He surveyed the immediate layout and spotted an the corner of an exposed coffin. Upon closer inspection, he managed to make out a handful of runes. An old tomb, forgotten by the passing of elements and time must have been revealed by the shifting earth in the unnatural earthquake earlier that day.

The shade knew what was housed within its pale confines. The runes told a story. Though he had long forgotten the pleasent sensation of the sun across his cheek, he distinctly remembered the amusement of a good riddle.

With renewed interest, the spectre set out to search for the one he had been tasked in finding.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

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