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 Post subject: musings of a wizzard
 Post Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:54 pm 

Joined: Wed May 04, 2011 6:50 pm
Posts: 118
Shamus stood on the precipitous of his tower in the middle of the wood wondering if he should fly away. Through some quirk of fate he was now Baron, Guild Master of Wizards and care taker at Tanglewood, his loyalties and convictions would be hard pressed in the coming months. Each job had its own demands, plus he had his own keep to look after.

The Czar’s Citadel in the Emerald Forest of Tanglewood , was finally getting modern plumbing installed. The council in thier infinite wisdom left it to Shamus to install the sewers. He would need to procure several live rust monsters, Otyughs, slimes, and fire elementals for incineration. Maybe even round up the dwarves and form a press gang or two. The reconstruction of the capital’s waste system had to move forward if Shamus wanted to keep his head.

The Barony of Kings Point presented its own problems; by Royal Decree the banished high mage Master Seal was free to roam the lands once more having served his sentence in mundania. Shamus found himself conflicted here as Seal was a brother Mage and an Initiate to the tribe Templar, time would tell if his misguided fellow would truly rejoin the ranks of honor or be cast back to the abyss of mundania for dabbling on the forbidden fruits of the land.

Shamus also had a untried minister of the arts. What would Dailyn the tavern wench do to his populace; well they choose her, as they chose him. Would the Wench fall prey to the dark, would Sloth and gluttony be the true rulers of the regency? Again time would show all. Shamus had a good feeling about his Co-Council. With luck, she would exemplify the arts and bring Beauty to his lands.

Then there was Sir Daryth Fytakin Killzmany, Shamus’s grand Champion, would he be a boon for the point. Shamus was perplexed by this man of many wonders and challenges. Ultimately the people had spoken and a strong champion the man did make. Fyatakin was straddling the path of light and dark, yet so did the great leader Sir GrandDuke Trinity. Shamus fervently hoped his champion would emulate the Emeritus Capitan of Sable pride.

The state of the Baronial Chancellery was another concern shamus had to face. The current chancellor Master Draqoonious Dragon Esquire seemed to have the same time affliction as the patron Saint of bards, no time sense. How were his people to pay taxes and be counted if the chanclery was open in the dark of night. But not when the people needed him. May hap a siren to wake his self at the eighth hour of light was in order.

Shamus looked at the documents in front of him and wondered what had happened to the treasury. There were only 60 golden soverons in a big empty room at the castle. There must be beatings till the treasury increased. To that end monthly tourneys must be held. A census taken and taxes collected.

The age of the populace’s defenders was another concern. The conscripts might seem happy but there welfare was paramount. Shamus would have to comb through the records. Then contact there guardians. the determination of there actual status and the apropiate action would be taken.

Shamus stepped back from the edge he had come to grips with many issues. There would be more. Yet he would take them as they came. He didn’t hav a big problem just lots of little issues. Challenges, quests for knowledge, these were issues Wizards thrived on, or so his old master had told him. Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill. Delphos was living proof of this. But that was a problem for another day. For Shamus had become aware that Delphos was looking to close the Void.

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