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 Post subject: The Order
 Post Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:46 pm 
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Journal of Fionnigan Hellblazer

Today was a productive one. I helped in the training of two very promising wizards, Marvin Broadcloak and Aijae. They are both very skilled in the arts of sorcery, but still need more practice. It has been years since I actively trained anyone in magic. After my time at the high tower in the Golden Plains I wanted nothing to do with wielding magic much less training someone else to do the same. However, when Eniad first suggested a new guild of sorcery I decided it was a good idea. With so many new wielders of the ancient arts, they had to be trained, and I had done so in the past. I also studied under some the more well known masters of the ancient craft, and I intend to pass that same knowledge I acquired under their tutelage on to this new generation of casters.

As of recently it is even more clear to me why we must train these new casters and ensure that they are shown the way of order. If we allow them to wield their power in a world of chaos then we can only expect the same from their acts. The power that has descended like a plague over this realm of late is the result of our own sins coming back to haunt us. Long ago, a few thousand years, the early founders of this realm exiled a chaotic mage to a pocket dimension of the void. The actual incident took place so long ago that I managed to find only one record of it. It was a series of notes written by a prior sage in the margins of one of the pages of the Tales of Tanglewood. The particular copy is the oldest that I know of in this kingdom to date.

After I was drawn into the wizard's glass and had my encounter at the Banner Wars I began to make connections in my mind. Bits of information, stories, and old legends began to wheel about in my head with some flashing out at me to form a pattern. I remembered an entry in the Tales that I had read previously in an effort to discover the origins of the necromancers shards. I wondered if the necromancer mentioned in this passage was the same person the realm had banished all those years before. I went to the Library of the Hills and found the aged tome, and looked up the passage. I had not for some reason noticed the fading notes scrawled into the margins of the page when I had previously consulted it, but I saw them now as clear as the sun in the sky. They were written in an early form of the common tongue, a dialect which hasn't been used in many years. The language is also one used quite frequently by spell casters. I studied it in my youth at the high tower, and am proficient enough to read and write it.

The note was concerning the necromancer, but it did not claim as I had first suspected that the necromancer and the wizard exiled to the void were the same person. The note did however describe the man in question, and made claim that he had found a way to contact mages in the prime material plane. He was being worshiped as a deity in Amtgardia in many different realms, and that the necromancer who the shards had been seized from was in fact a worshiper of this man.

These notes are all I have been able to find so far, but if they are correct than it's just even more reason why we need better policing of the magic community as a whole. I have also been researching a long lost order of spellcasters. The Order of the Shadow Watch is what it was called. The one responsible for its formation is a source of debate amongst the scholars and sages of the realm, but the mission of the order is not. The order was made up of spellcasters who hunted down, and brought to justice rogue spellcasters. I think it is time to reinstate this order, and also to revisit a recommendation I made to the council in the very beginning of this new age.

"A mind needs books as a sword needs a wetstone, if it is to keep it's edge.”
Tyrion Lannister

I do not suffer fools gladly, and fools with white belts never.

Mortem proditoribus.

 Post subject: Re: The Order
 Post Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:48 am 
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“The Order of the Shadow Watch

The Order of the Shadow Watch was an ancient order of spellcasters in the realm of the Emerald Hills. The order itself was composed of spellcasters of all type and skill level, all devoted to the defense of the realm against all metaphysical threats and policing of the spell casting community of the realm. There some who claim that the Caster King himself Garath Blackhawk formed the ancient order, and yet there are claims that the order extends further back in history then even Gareth's reign to the Freehills days. Not much is known of the order's structure or inner workings, and the order eventually faded from the realm. There are even some who claim the order was nothing but a myth.”

Entropy's Guide to Magical Orders
and Secret Societies

"A mind needs books as a sword needs a wetstone, if it is to keep it's edge.”
Tyrion Lannister

I do not suffer fools gladly, and fools with white belts never.

Mortem proditoribus.

 Post subject: Re: The Order
 Post Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:20 pm 
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To Master Wizard Lord Shamus the Green
Guild Master of Wizards and Headmaster of the School of Sorcery,

Congratulations on your being given head of the guild for another reign. I'm sure that you will lead our guild to many great things, and you will certainly guide the future generations of arcane warriors to great deeds. It is this new generation that I would like to speak to you about, sir. They are currently learning the mystical arts in a wilderness devoid of true leadership. I believe that in light of recent events around the realm it is even more important now to ensure that we have fidelity to order from our magic casters, and I would like to speak to you about ways in which we can accomplish this. Please send a reply by courier to my manor letting me know when we may have palaver about these concerns. I leave you in the grace and glory of the lady m'lord.

Faithful Servant to the Tower,
Fionnigan Hellblazer

"A mind needs books as a sword needs a wetstone, if it is to keep it's edge.”
Tyrion Lannister

I do not suffer fools gladly, and fools with white belts never.

Mortem proditoribus.

 Post subject: Re: The Order
 Post Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:32 pm 
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To Master Druid Baron Sir Kenta Redhawk
Guild Master of Druids and Head of the Tangled Wood,

Congratulations on your being given head of your guild for this reign. I have a proposal that I would like to present to you. I feel that we have spent far too long in the spell casting community isolated from each other both in our individual orders of spell casting, but also as individuals withing those orders. I believe that in light of recent events around the realm it is even more important now to ensure that we have more cohesion and fidelity to order from all of our magic casters, and I would like to speak to you about ways in which we can accomplish this. Please send a reply by courier to my manor letting me know when we may have palaver about these concerns. I leave you in the grace and glory of the lady m'lord.

Faithful Servant to the High Tower of Sorcery,
Fionnigan Hellblazer

"A mind needs books as a sword needs a wetstone, if it is to keep it's edge.”
Tyrion Lannister

I do not suffer fools gladly, and fools with white belts never.

Mortem proditoribus.

 Post subject: Re: The Order
 Post Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:38 pm 
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To Master Bard Duke Sir Larin Moonstar
Guild Master of Bards and Healers and Chief of Staff of the Houses of Healing,

Congratulations on your being given head of your guilds for this reign. I have a proposal that I would like to present to you. I feel that we have spent far too long in the spell casting community isolated from each other both in our individual orders of spell casting, but also as individuals. I believe that in light of recent events around the realm it is even more important now to ensure that we have more cohesion and fidelity to order from all of our magic casters, and I would like to speak to you about ways in which we can accomplish this. Please send a reply by courier to my manor letting me know when we may have palaver about these concerns. I leave you in the grace and glory of the lady m'lord.

Faithful Servant to the High Tower of Sorcery,
Fionnigan Hellblazer

"A mind needs books as a sword needs a wetstone, if it is to keep it's edge.”
Tyrion Lannister

I do not suffer fools gladly, and fools with white belts never.

Mortem proditoribus.

 Post subject: Re: The Order
 Post Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:00 pm 
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Fionnigan tied the small bow with slightly twitchy fingers. The pigeon sat patiently waiting. Fionnigan finished the bow, and grabbed the pigeon up with both hands. He walked over to the window of his study and sat the pigeon on the stone ledge. He opened the window and set the bird to flight out of the open window. He watched it fly out of sight, savoring the cold late autumn wind. He pulled back out of the window and closed it, the last of the missives now sent.

Fionnigan had heard a saying long ago that he will remember till he dies. There is darkness in the world and there is light and the there is a thin steel line between the two. This was told to him by Sir Kamal just shortly before he had his first encounter with that wicked mistress battle. Fionnigan understood that this applied even more to the mystical word. The problem was that there were great looming holes in the steel line between the worst the void had to offer and our sane safe world.

There were more enemies of order and sanity in the universe than could be conceived of in any philosophy. The universe is composed of many wondrous and terrible things, and some are given power enough to guard against them. The power given to all spell casters comes with great responsibility. That responsibility is the continued existence of everything within the prime material plane of existence. Some take heed of this fact and devote their lives to the safety and security of the world, and some choose another path.

For whatever reason, some who were blessed with the gift of knowledge metaphysical were drawn to use their powers against humanity. From petty crimes against humanity such as fraud to the summoning of demons many weavers of the mystic arts have used their abilities to do unspeakable crimes against their fellow man. Yet at times throughout the history of Amtgardia there had been orders of spell casters brought together and devoted to the protection of humanity against those who would attempt to rend the veil between worlds.

It was on these orders that Fionnigan's thoughts hung most of the time these days. He had become particularly fascinated with an order of spell casters brought together in the early days of the Emerald Hills themselves, the Order of the Shadow Watch. He felt it was time to revive this old order, and put it to use within the realm. As his birds flew through the night carrying his messages to far off keeps and towers, Fionnigan sat back and put fire to the bowl of his pipe. A new day was dawning in the realm, and he planned to be at the vanguard.

"A mind needs books as a sword needs a wetstone, if it is to keep it's edge.”
Tyrion Lannister

I do not suffer fools gladly, and fools with white belts never.

Mortem proditoribus.

 Post subject: Re: The Order
 Post Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:21 pm 
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“Join us brother, sacrafice yourself to the void.” the cultist cried as he lunged forward kris blade in hand.

“Portare loginquitas.” Fionnigan said.

The world went to black nothing for a half a minute as it always did when he teleported, and then the world came back to him as it always had before. He was now in the Library of the Tower of Sorcery. The brass and nickel clockwork golem standing in front of him hissed and clicked with the activity of the magically fueled gearwork that made up it's body.

“Master Hellblazer, it is good to see you.” the golem said.

“It is good to see you, Thripio. I need you to locate and bring to me the Tome of Undoing.” Fionnigan responded.

“As you wish, Master.” the golem replied and hurried off to the rows and rows of bookshelves.

“Let's hope this works.” Fionnigan sighed as he sat down at a long wooden table.

"A mind needs books as a sword needs a wetstone, if it is to keep it's edge.”
Tyrion Lannister

I do not suffer fools gladly, and fools with white belts never.

Mortem proditoribus.

 Post subject: Re: The Order
 Post Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:30 pm 
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The day had come at last when the portal was to be finally closed and this madness would be put to an end. Fionnigan had been feverishly researching for months trying to find a solution to the open wound of time and space that was now at the center of Tanglewood. He finally had come across a tome of magical control that was so powerful it was split into many pieces and those individual pieces were spread across the realm. The last few months the Czar's people had been hunting down every chapter and page of this tome, and bringing them to the high tower of sorcery. Fionnigan had spent months deciphering and organizing the pieces of the tome, and he had finally put it all together.

The Tome of Undoing was it's name, and it had the power to draw the very magical essence of the area around it, the prim, thus cutting off the well of magic from all magic users nearby. It had been created by a powerful sorcerer with a specialty for artifice creation. He had created it at the behest of one the first Kings of the Emerald, and it was no wonder to Fionnigan why the the tome was kept in the condition is was for so many years. If it fell into the wrong hands serious chaos could be unleashed with it's use. Yet it was now the only thing in the realm that could stop this madness, and set the realm back right again.

"A mind needs books as a sword needs a wetstone, if it is to keep it's edge.”
Tyrion Lannister

I do not suffer fools gladly, and fools with white belts never.

Mortem proditoribus.

 Post subject: Re: The Order
 Post Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:37 am 
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“Fulgurum clastrum!” Fionnigan screamed the incantation as yellow arcs of electricity flew from his open palms. The bolts came out two inches in front of Fionnigan and then fizzled out.

“He's in control of the prim here.” Fionnigan shouted to the young sorceress standing behind him.

“What does that mean?” the young lady asked.

“It means, Siv, that anything we can do magically has no effect here. He is in control here.” Fionnigan replied.

“We should get back through the portal, and focus our attacks on his creations. We can still effect them on the other side of the portal, can't we?” Siv asked her young eyes wild with the look of battle.

“Yes. Yes we can. Than let's do so, my young apprentice. Lead on.” Fionnigan replied genuinely proud of his apprentice's mind for battle.

"A mind needs books as a sword needs a wetstone, if it is to keep it's edge.”
Tyrion Lannister

I do not suffer fools gladly, and fools with white belts never.

Mortem proditoribus.

 Post subject: Re: The Order
 Post Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:34 am 

Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:35 pm
Posts: 639
Kenta read the missive from Master Hellblazer. "hmm, an organization to govern magic, interesting"

To Master Hellblazer:
I agree that our respective guilds need better governing, so I shall support you in this endevor. However it is not magic or magicians I feel at fault lately, but the decadance and corruption of the Jade Dragon Empire. I fear that the Monarchy may well try to turn this group into a Gestapo or secret police, and that cannot be tolerated.
Kenta Redhawk

"Passion overrules Reason" wizard's rule #3 of the Terry Goodkind series "Sword of truth"

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