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 Post subject: A Cause For Concern?
 Post Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 4:21 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:35 pm
Posts: 2
Jantara relaxed in the hand crafted wooden chair deep in thought. The huge oak desk that sat before her was littered with correspondence from the last few weeks. Some of the words she reflected had been respectively written. They showed honor, understanding, and kindness making her think that perhaps all of the group should not be considered an enemy. Then there were those written with such dis-respect and absurdness that they did nothing but remind her of why her hatred and anger remained.

Her hound, Bones a treasured gift from Uther, Falador, and Jenetta lay at her feet happily shredding the few pieces of paper that had managed to escape her desk and find themselves upon the floor. Picking up a particularly nasty piece Jantara wadded it up in a ball and tossed it to him. “Be sure and shred this one to bits.” She said with a smile.

The sound in the doorway caused her to look up. “Come in.” She welcomed the girl with genuine pleasure to see her. “Forgive the interruption.” The girl said as she entered the room and walked towards the desk. “I wanted to speak with you about something that has me a little worried.” “I am sure I am just over reacting but I haven’t seen Falador in weeks.” The girl continued with a frown. “I sure hope that he is alright.”

“I am sure he is fine.” Jantara reassured. “You know how he likes to disappear sometimes.”

“Now come put this un-pleasantness aside.”

“You will only get yourself all worked up for nothing.”

“I would much rather hear how your week has been.” She beckoned to the empty seat across from her.

After a pleasant visit where the girl filled her in on everything that had been going on in town they said their farewells promising to get together again soon.

Left alone with her thoughts once more Jantara wondered when it was that she had last actually seen Falador. In all honesty it had been quite some time. Brushing away any negative thoughts Jantara stood and stretched. He had grown so much since she had first befriended him back as her guard at the elven court. Soon he would be a man. A strong and honorable young man, that was most definitely capable of taking care of himself. She couldn’t be prouder of him and trusted that he would make good decisions. She was quite sure that his current hiatus was no cause for concern.


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