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 Post subject: A Crown
 Post Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 8:30 am 
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Joined: Sat Jan 27, 2007 8:25 am
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**copy/pasted from CKRP forum**

It’s just a symbol. I keep telling myself that. But I feel the loss of my crown; like I have cut off some part of me, a toe or a finger. And I can still feel it tingling like it’s still there, needing to be itched.

At Mordengaard, I felt its pull. I knew where it was in the woods like it was calling to me, screaming in my mind. I shouted to my armies, I told them to breach the forest at all costs. I clawed through the trees, trying to reach it before the spell was complete. Then saw him there chanting over it, his vile fingers tarnishing the gold, The world went blank then, I found my self in another part of the wood singing a ridiculous song. The bastard had charmed me, used his compulsion to send me harmlessly away like a troublesome fly, not worth killing.

I could only console my self with murdering those traitors that took to the other side. And running off with a good portion of the cities treasury, a trifle really, barely enough to cover the march to that Godforsaken place.

The mask is coming, and so will he. If he thinks he can take me on my own ground he will be unpleasantly surprised.

Linden, Regina Celestium

Last edited by Pheonix on Sat Jan 27, 2007 8:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: A Crown
 Post Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 8:31 am 
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**copy/pasted from CKRP forum**

As Linden roams the halls of her castle, she sees something flit
around a corner ahead. Upon investigating who might be wandering
unroutinely, closing in to the corner, next thing she is aware of is
looking up from being knocked on her bum. Lo, and behold, a forgotten
visitor looks back. Splayed on the floor nearby is a tomb shining in
the evening sun. "My deepest apologies, m'lady. I happen by your
lovely libr'ry and couldn't resist when my eyes caught upon this
sacred book of the "word of flight" due to the gilded pages
A patient, yet exasperating sigh escapes the queen's lips as she
returns to her feet.
"Um, forgive me for asking, but where is your lovely crown?" asks the
As Queen Linden recalls the tale of the theft of her crown by Sir
Slydder, King of the Kingdom of Wetlands, the attempt to retrieve the
item during the Mordengaard's coronation - only to have been betrayed
by some countrymen and the evil influence put upon the crown, all the
lady afore the queen could seem to do was alternate between looks of
outrage, hope and disgust.
"I had heard rumors of nasty goings on of late, but I had truly hoped
it was only that! Rumors. Have you heard any word yet from our other
neighboring kingdoms, for instance Emerald Hills or Golden Plains,
for any support in this horrid display of evil?" cries Pheonix, "I
had thought we had alliances between our neighbors. Are they cowards
to abandon us in our greatest time of need? Or are they in league
with our enemies and they have not been bold enough to declare it.
Where do now our once thought allies stand? I guess it is a good
thing we had the unfortunate moment to collide this day, so that I
could hear this truth. I had thought to have been on my way some time
ago, when I brought word from Sir Greylin; however, I kept finding
lovely things to keep my eyes upon." as a slight laugh comes from
behind her hand and the other slides over the shiney pages.
A small, but sad smile escapes Linden as she contemplates the
question of neighbored allies. "Alas, we have heard no word of
continued friend or new foe. We have not yet had confirmation of
support for either myself or the fiend Sir Slydder in this conflict
of betrayal. For months we have been waiting for response to our cry
for aid. Our messengers have yet to return to show confirmation of
support or denial. We are unsure of their fate at this time, if they
even draw breathe."
Pheonix looks guiltily at the shiney pages of the book still under
her hand, as she thinks of the lovely little baubles collected in her
room awaiting for this new addition. "M'Lady, if you shall desire, I
shall take my flight to these neighbors of ours to seek the knowledge
on the fate of your messengers. Only say the word and I will leave
Lieutenant Commander Pheonix of CKAN Reconnaisance Division
I may fall, but never fear, I will rise again
Red for the blood that spills, Black for the night, White for the
honourable, Gold for the mighty.
For honour I fly.

 Post subject: Re: A Crown
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:16 pm 
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(copy/pasted from CK RP forum)***

Slyddur sits on the ruins of Old Stormwall. Since the Barony had relocated, the forts that they left are quickly decaying; slowly dismantled by the ocean and the elements. The salt air stings the chapped patch on his forehead. Wearing someone else's crown tends to wear on an individual, in more ways than one. He'll have to make sure that it is "won back" during his upcoming visit to the Celestial Kingdom's Midreign Celebration.

"Midreign Celebration...." Sly's mind wanders as he watches the seagulls circle above. He has been receiving updates from Khan Kane on the preparations for his own Midreign revel. Some of these plans are for things that the Wetlands have never seen before and are being kept secret to add to the excitement of the celebration. A surprised and jubilant populace is a distracted populace.

"I must see if I can keep those outside of my populace distracted as well." Slyddur bends and picks up a fishbone as he calls to one of his minions. As the minion hobbles towards him, Sly relizes that the minion is missing most of his toes, most likely from using them as crab bait.

"Take a letter." Slyddur pulls some stationary from his valise and hands it, along with the fishbone, to the minion. The minion immediately gives a confused look to Slyddur and gestures that he has no ink.

No ink; a dilemma that has plagued Slyddur since the beginning.

"I don't have any ink, either. Find something to make-do with, and be quick about it". At that moment, several white globs fall onto Slyddur's hat, a gift from the seagulls. The minion timidly grins as he reaches up and dips the fishbone in to the smelly blotches on Sly's hat.

Slyddur quickly dictates an invitation to the minion. As soon as the minion has completed scrawling down the dictation, Sly snatches it from his hands.

"You have nice penmanship." Slyddur begins to mumble as he scans over the words. "You got the date wrong!" he bellows at the minion and snatches the fishbone from its fingers. Sly quickly stabs the minion in the forehead and corrects the invitation.

"Now make sure that this goes out to all of the Crowns of our neighboring kingdoms." Slyddur hands the document back to the minion and is greeted by more "presents" from above.

 Post subject: Re: A Crown
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:45 pm 
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*(copy/pasted from CK RP forum)**

Tatsumaki jolted out of his sleep, sitting upright in an immediate response to a perceived attack. Instinctively drawing his sword but finding that the familiar motion did not have the desired effect, seeing as his weapon was gone.

With the first wash of anxiety and basic reaction played through his senses and memories re-established themselves in his mind. He seemed to be in a hospital, either that or in the room of someone with an exceptional taste for cleanliness and frugality. Out the single-paned glass window the crescent moon shone full in the winter sky. The fact that his weapon was missing bothered him only slightly, for no enemy that he could think of would leave him alive.

Confusion set in; for there was quite a gap between where he was and where he found himself. Before awaking in this quiet room, he remembered only the Battlefield of Mordengard. Every moment of the battle was fresh in his mind, the caravan up there was lively. Talonfield’s dispatch met with the units that Linden had gathered from across her kingdom to form a sizable assault force. There seemed to be no worry in Linden’s countenance as she addressed her troops.

In his mind the attack replayed in real-time, He remembered distinctly being on the front lines, being there at the first clash between the armies in the bowels of Mordengard’s forest. The thing that still bothered him was how quickly their forces were routed. The battle was a bloodbath, and not one in their favor. Fey Zombies burst from the paths on either sides of their main force and laying waste to any being composed of living flesh in their way. This assault combined with the advance of Slyddur’s bloodthirsty horde let to the decimation of the main unit.

The rest of the battle, including the final conclusion was irretrievable from his memory, for Tatsumaki distinctly remembered being cut down with the rest of the leading assault unit. A single memory floated through the flashing remembrances of carnage, one that truly unsettled him. As consciousness flowed from his body along with the blood that sustained it, his fading vision began picking out distinct faces among Slyddur’s warriors. Familiar faces, ones that he trained with and respected, even people that he had caravanned to the battle with. The CK’s forces were not loyal, this was fact.

His recollections were suddenly interrupted with the opening of the door. Tatsu immediately leapt from the bed to his feet, another knee-jerk reaction that would cost him. The laceration racing from his shoulder to his hip opened, although not as deeply as the original wound had run. The blood spray from the separating flesh caught the arriver completely by surprise, leaving her soaked and shocked. The person at the door was none other than the Talonfield healer Mokushi. She slowly wiped the blood from her face as Tatsu recited the self-healing incantation and as soon as the spell finished she kicked him against the back wall of the tiny room.

Hearty laughter filled the room as another, larger form made his way through the door. Merrowbone Redrum couldn’t keep the mirth from his face as he looked down at Mokushi.
“Aye believe you ‘ere supposed to keep yer patients livin’ medic!” He let out another loud round of laughter as Tatsu pulled himself back to his feet.

“He seems to be up.” Was her response, “Now if you excuse me there are others that need my attention.” She pushed past the Baron, and the jolly man’s eyes moved to Tatsu. With a quick motion of his arm Merrowbone tossed a sword to Tatsu, who caught it immediately noticing the difference in weight.

“Nay, tis not yer old sword m’ boy, that one was lost at Mordengard. Tis be yer replacement, made by Sir Calibus ‘imself. Now get yer ass back in bed, Mokushi said you aught to be out cold for at least a few more days.” Tatsu’s eyes narrowed.

“How long was I out?”

“Eh? ’bout three weeks if I remember correctly. Grog’s been thick since then, so aye cain’t be that sure!” Merrowbone finished his sentence with a final hearty laugh and a slamming of the door. Tatsumaki could hear the key in the lock.

Drawing the new weapon soundlessly and looking over it as he contemplated the next course of action. The reflection of the moon off the hand forged blade, glistening silver against the blackness of the small room. Going over the purity of the blade to try to stop his thoughts, it didn’t work. Tatsu finally realized that as much as his friends truly wanted to help, he had priorities beyond himself. The foremost of those was reporting to Linden, who probably assumed he was dead.

The next day when the door to the room was finally unlocked, the only thing the medic found in the room was the shattered glass of the window, and the words “Forgive me” slashed into the wooden wall.

 Post subject: Re: A Crown
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:55 pm 
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*(copy/pasted from CK RP forum)**

Merrowbone thunked loudly into the chair behind his desk. The old English oak was still sturdy, though dull and wormholed from having been submerged for Poseidon-knows how long. He looked around his quarters, and waved the door latches shut from across the room.

He reached down, thumbing the ward that locked the chest under the desk. The heavy lid hummed open, thanks to a borrowed bit of Master Corwin's lift frame spell that allowed the Tidedancer flight. Merrowbone reached inside, drawing out a bottle of the strange black rum Mokushi had "acquired" on one of her mysterious side-raids. He set the bottle on the table, and reached in again, this time finding nothing.

"Blast it all," he muttered, "always out of limes."

He set out his favorite goblet, made from the skull of a young merrow, and poured a downright foolish quantity of black rum into it. He lifted it to his lips, whispered homage to Poseidon, and drank deep.

With this, he doffed his tricorn, and thunked his head onto the table, not with the headiness of the spirits, but the heaviness of his soul. The Mordengaard raid had not gone well. Their forces had turned coat, and the destruction of the new naval yard in Talonfield had made it impossible for him to transport the undead troops he had risen from the River Talon. Even his own bo'sun had raised arms against the crew, choosing Slyddur's cause over Queen Linden's.

Now Jericho, the old salt, stuffed shirt though he was, was gone, leaving Merrowbone to run the Barony. A crew was one thing, even a whole navy, but politics... well...

And the crew.. Tatsumaki was off running again, despite his wounds and Mokushi's advice. Alexander had gone missing in the Mordengaard raid. Scorpian was gravely wounded. Even Rhonin had begun to lose his perpetual grin.

Her Majesty...

Merrowbone had never given much consideration to crowned heads before. To him, they were useful for pardons, letters of marque, and plunder. But somehow... Queen Linden... she was different.

He shook his head, found it suddenly, frighteningly clear of cobwebs, and poured more black rum to remedy that.

"Something's gone ill with ye, ye old tar," he mumbled to himself. "Yer goin' all loyal and sentimental."

At that, he heard the lock on his down click and turn. The door opened swiftly, and Mokushi darts in.

"What in bloody hell are ye doin' in me quarters all univited?"

"Don't need an invitation, Captain. I've got a key," she smiled. Even silent, a smile from a kitsune conveys the same effect as being laughed at.

"I never gave you a key... wait.. that's mine, isn't it, mate?"

"Well... was. Mine now."

"So why ARE you here?"

"Heard you were sober. Thus, you're confined to quarters until you cure that. Ship's surgeon's orders. You always end up hurting yourself when you're sober."

He knew better than to bother arguing. "Fine. I've I'm confined to my quarters, then I'll need company, savvy. Tell Jenny she's to report immediately."

Mokushi grinned. "Aye, Cap'n. Anything else?"

"Aye," he said, smiling wickedly. "Keel haul Styles."
Captain Merrowbone Redrum
Captain of the Tidedancer

 Post subject: Re: A Crown
 Post Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 6:10 pm 
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**(copy/pasted from CK RP forum)**

As he packs his bags, Slyddur looks at his tattered garments. Their time on the road is evident. These clothes have seen more miles and battles than most of the populace of the Wetlands. Lady Bebhinn has promised him new raiment for his Midreign Celebration. His clothes will have to do for a bit longer. This week, Sly is appearing as an "Ambassador and Peace Envoy" in The Celestial Kingdom at Dame Linden's Midreign Celebration to discuss matters of her stolen crown. This should allow him safe passage without being arrested.

"Who, in The Celestial Kingdom, would be interested in this piece of tin...?" Slyddur's mind tumbles, trying to think of nefarious plots that would involve returning the crown.

With a sudden epiphany, Sly's mind formulates and locks in a plan. There was one man that Slyddur had admired and often watched to learn dastardly applications of the concept of evil; a fellow Anti-Paladin and Dark Lord.

"I think this crown may allow me to ally to powers in The Celestial Kingdom that I never thought possible." Sly grins.

"Minions, pack my armor! I need it on my Mission of Peace."

 Post subject: Re: A Crown
 Post Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 3:40 pm 
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**(copy/pasted from CK RP forum)**

DAMN THEM!!!, raged Rhonin as he paced the deck of the Tidedancer, cursing the foul luck that had plauged them of late.

The Crew, seeing Their Loyal and always cheerful First mate in a Rage , scattered in his wake trying to avoid the almost unheard of temper. Rhonin Grabbed the Nearest Swab by the collar

"Bring Me My Flagon, and make Sure its Full" he Yelled as he tossed the Poor Crewman aside.

"How could they have turned on us?!" he Screamed to to the Heavens.

He was thinking of the Traitors that had sided with the Evil Wetlanders. And the more he thought of them the more angry he was becoming. Still Pacing he accepted his flagon from the retuning crewman and sent him on his way. As he thought of the events of the last few weeks he could not help but worry over this turn of events.
Merrowbone was not acting himself. They Had not Struck at a Wetland, or any other vessel for that matter, in over a week. The Kingdoms Forces had been forced to retreat near empty handed, not something the former pirate was pleased with. Were it not for his near blinded devotion to The Queen and His Captain He would Have Been thinking Thoughts Of Mutiny over that. Worst of all, and the thing that was troubling him most, was the betrayal by the Man that Rhonin counted as one of his closest Friends, as family even. AJ Styles Salzone. Just Thinking the name Made Rhonin Scream A wordless howl of fury and fling his Ale overboard.

"DAMN IT" he screamed realizing what he had just done.

It was a sobering realization though. Calming down a little Rhonin marched to the Foredeck near the figurehead. He Smiled to himself over his own stupidity

"What a waste" he muttered to himself.

Looking down over the Rails he shook his head and then looked to the heavens. In doing so he began to pray to his goddess for guidance and received his answer. The Same as It always was. Shaking his head at the humor in the answer he did as She Bade him. He pulled from his pouch Her token and tossed it into the air. As He Caught it a slight noise from behind him made him spin around.

"Curse you Mokushi!! Don't Sneak up on me like that!" he Yelled

"Orders from the Captain" she said Smiling


" He Says Keel haul Styles"

"Well its about time."

Rhonin Grined and Marched past her and began yelling orders to the Crew

"HELMSMAN!!!! Take the Ship up to 10,000 ft!! Master At Arms!! Bring Styles on deck and Ready the Ropes!! JEEBZ!!! Bring me more Ale!!! "

As Crew Scrambled to obey Rhonin looked to his Answer from on-high. Gazing at the Coin he chuckled at the Winking image that gazed back up at him. He looked over His Shoulder to Mokushi and was still smiling as the Marines hauled a struggling styles from below.

"Looks Like our Luck is about to Change"
Rhonin Pauncharelli
Firstmate of the Tidedancer
pirates own ninjas

 Post subject: Re: A Crown
 Post Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:52 pm 
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*(copy/pasted from CK RP forum cont. on "A Change In The Winds")**

The Night that of Karn and Gabrielle's betrayal, the Dark eyed small woman paced the forest, still hearing the gentle sobs of the crying healer. The echo of her husband's voice tickling her mind.

Glowing red eyes darted from tree to tree, and a feral snarl crossed her face, eyes focusing on the shape before her.

"Gabrielle..." it whispered. In that moment, the blink that occurred, she stood in Avalon, where she had rested, rested until the day of mid reign, and her person was requested there to aid in guarding the gate.

The little Anastaysa now walked, giggled and played with her older brother, and the deep turmoil of the Dark Lord had been pushed out by the simple love of her child. Karn Wrapped his arms around her, chuckling softly.
"Glad to have you back, My dearest love."


Gabrielle's Horse charged, galloping to the kingdom of Mid Reign, Deep in her own heart, she knew, there would always be a piece of that blasted soul inside her own. Why had he trusted her to hold on to the only single piece of the Dark Lord? her mind tried to figure out how the silly Fairy had a piece of would require some looking into. Her Horse gave a high whiny, rearing in its full gallop, and nearly send her flipping over, Karn's own stallion at a halt. The Blood mare snorted, shaking her head.

"What is it love?" She asked softly. Her hand moving to her sword.

The laughter that erupted from before her made her jump, and then her and Karn both joined in. Ulantek's rich Celtic voice doomed in the darkness.
"Fearful of a member of your own Army My Lord and Lady?" His own horse moved forward, which would explain the odd reaction from Gabrielle's horse, only friendly to those she knew. The rich furs that covered him and his horse made Gabrielle look to Karn.
"Kill enough animals to get ready to meet the Queen?" she said, urging her horse back into a trot, followed by both Karn's and Ulantek's booming laughter.


Gabrielle Sat on her mare, head falling in sleep. Ice had formed on her shoulders, in her hair, along her saddle, a faint sheer shimmer, but enough to make Karn worry; She had just gotten back from Avalon, sick from the Dark Lord, he Knew in his heart that she hadn't gotten rid of it, but fought it off, and controlled it. His own Hazel eyes flickered over to Ulantek, his own head falling down, a faint snore falling from his lips. Karn sighed. His own eyes had began to close when the thundering sound of hooves hit him, charging Through the open gate, came the "Sly" bastard from wetlands, Gabrielle's mare Reared whinnying loudly as it was startled awake, Ulantek drew his sword, started awake. Karn held his ground, The horse spun, Sly's glowing red eyes flickered to both Karn and Gabrielle, and he chuckled.

"Naughty Naughty, sleeping at the gate." He charged off and Gabrielle went to follow.

"Shh my wife, let him be the fool he is. We will take care of any trouble he may cause."

Karn had wondered off to talk to Father Thomas, untaken by his own Dark Possession, Ulantek, dozing by the fire his own horse asleep, Allowed people through the City gates, watching those come and go, Utena came through, and heart felt laughter filled the air, As the two women talked of the gown Utena had made for her. When Lady Kat came through, more laughter came through, and maybe even a gentle hug. '

Gabrielle had heard the fight start, her own dark eyes flickering to the lands of the city. The heavy clank of swords, the yells of death and the laughter of Dark Lords. She did see that coming she thought, her horse antsy to go and aid in the battle, Ulantek had disappeared, and she knew where the Celt had gone, even her own beloved was gone.

A Hour before Feast, Utena summoned her to the Camps, Where she was sized in her simple blue and purple gown, all lovely materials, but the ever present look of the peasant in her showed, she may be married to a Lord, but she herself was but a child from a horse breeder and Farm hand, and was raised around mares with child and fields of drying hay. She sighed faintly see Utena's gown, and Ghostfairy's. But the awarded effect was enough to make her feel better then the queen. Karn's jaw had feel, for he had never seen her in those lovely of color's or that richly made of a gown. She had always worn simple plan gowns, of white or black, or all black swordsman's shirts, cloaks, and riding pants. Ulantek even seemed to find a faint twinkle in his eyes seeing the Young woman in her gown, Utena was pleased as well.

Karn had been whispered to and stood at the gate, with his wife behind him, and the meeting of a certain somebody made Gabrielle's distaste for people fade away. Rhonin laughed and chuckled, the foolish pirate enjoying his Mead and the company. The messenger of the Crown made random announcements, and when feast was on, no one was allowed to enter with weapons. Except for the Royal Guard. Her eyes focused a moment on the dark eyes of the now unferal fae...and a nod passed between them. Karn and Gabrielle Ate, giggling over the food with Slu and Bria, Istari laughed and enjoyed his surroundings. Karn moved to talk to his Female Page. Only for him to come back and whisper in Gabrielle's ear that the Dark fae wanted to speak with her. With a polite Parden, she rose up and went to the fae, knowing that she wasn't interested in much to deal with her, her own fight to get away from the dark point in her heard, in her soul.

"How well did the guards check you?"
"Well enough being that Karn is one of the Guards."
"Did you happen to bring a weapon with you? hmm?" She purred in her ear...
"No, I am here to enjoy myself, Lully."
A small silver veil appeared, and was slipped into Gabrielle's hands,
"What is this?"
"Why, Poison my dear, I want you to Kill the Queen with it, You see, we are sisters now, you and I, tainted with a darkness that only Karn has gotten rid of. The temptation tickles down your spine, Tempts your senses, ache's your bones...." the purring voice whispered more seductively. "You see they would expect me to kill her, but not you, Oh not you. The innocent Gabrielle."

The Temptation was great. Holding the veil she started up at the Queen, laughing as she drank her wine. A shudder ran down her spine...
"What is the queen tasting the most, hmm?" She asked softly, her eyes focusing on the crown around Father Thomas' head. Only to move to Lullaby's Dark eyes. A smile curled over her lips.
"I will watch When you come back to me I'll tell you and then begin cleaning up to distract the guards so you can slip in and put it where she has to have it."

With that Gabrielle's body shook with the temptation, and she could hear the faint laughter filling her from the Dark Fae's lips. Little did she know that the Temptation was not the poison the Queen, but to Betray the Page. And to show the world where here loyalties lied. She sat down next to Karn, his rumbling voice tickled down her neck as he whispered in her ear..."I see you two are getting along for once, I am happy to see that a common ground--"

His eyes moved down to the silver Container. His words cut off as Gabrielle's dark eyes watched the Messenger move around the room, yelling out awards and talking. Something was.....truly wrong with this picture. Why was a messenger speaking for the Queen?

"She gave you this..." He growled. A quick nod. "That fool..." He growled.
He stood up, taking the poison from her grip, and went outside to the unoccupied Guards. Gabrielle rose up, gesturing Lullaby to sit down, and moved outside shortly after.

Rhonin's dark eyes flickered to Gabrielle..."Somebody asked you to do WHAT?"
Gabrielle's head cocked the side..."Do I have to repeat myself, to Much Mead for the pirate?" Her sharp words came out quick, shaky, She was betraying someone of the guild....well sorta.

"Who, Gabrielle, who told you to do this?" Rhonin asked, handing his cup to Karn, Winking a pirate wink Only Karn could understand.

"Lullaby..." She said softly...
"Lullaby" Rhonin growled, charging into the building. When he came out, blood dripped from his blade...
"Well now that was easy" He said, laughter filling his mouth as he took his now, half empty mead cup away. A Grin everlasting on the now slightly Rosy cheeked Karn.

The rest of the feast went on as normal, Gabrielle and Karn winning an award, A few others as well...a Certain kitty appearing and giving away the Rice wine, Gabrielle had known her father to drink near her final days before her kidnapping here to this kingdom. Her Step mother drank a bottle or two of it in a day.....or night...depending on her mood.

And Then, suddenly without warning, the queen was slaughtered, Cries and gasps filled the hall, and Karn's chair clattered to the ground, as he stood up, Sly was standing now as well, and the Dark Lord Father Thomas, his own dark demon now on him.
"Linden..." Gabrielle whispered, raising...
"AN IMPOSTOR!" the CK Dark Lord yelled...."Where is our crown..?"
Gabrielle, missed most of the rest of it, she was quickly charging out the door to tell Rhonin of the events, and collecting a shield, and two swords.

Upon her re-entry, she heard Sly say "wow I've always wanted to do this..." and the laughter from the people of his lands, the Cker's to shocked to speak. She handed Karn his shield and his sword, and Rhonin charged in, His attempt Failed....and next was her beloved, Flying into the fight to kill Sly before the Dark Lord was made into something ..."Royal"

Karn was quickly slaughtered. And Gabrielle stood there her heart falling into pieces as her eyes locked on a dead body, one that she thought was an ally. Ethan lay dead as well, but he didn't even attempt to stop what had happened, Rhonin had killed him without question, and new questions aroused.

The Messenger's voice boomed through the room..."Who will Stand up against this? Who will Stand for this?"

Silence from the room...and a nudge to herself from the messenger, "go.." she whispered, but Gabrielle's shock was to great.

When the mask was removed, and the Real Linden was revealed, Father Thomas attempted to correct himself, stating he had it under control, and Sly disappeared....

Gabrielle knelt by her Husband, eyes looking around, a new war starting in her mind....The gentle white flames and kisses of healer magick came around her hands, and kissed up her arms, and her own dark eyes locked with the Dark Fae's. Words whispered from her lips as the spell came forth, and the wounds on Karn mended. His eyes fluttering open to look at his wife, who smirked to the Assassin.

She was no longer an assassin, on her return to the lands from Avalon, the new gift of healing white magick came to her....and she would remain that way. Why kill when she can keep those alive that can kill for her.

When the feast was over, Gabrielle went to Linden, and told her of the Attempt, only to be thanked for her loyalties and brushed off, no assistance in allowing safety to her actions, and shortly there after the words came from Linden that she may need more on her Guard, and Two bows appeared.

Rhonin offered an invitation to his Ship, and Gabrielle nodded, telling him she may take up his offer, knowing the risks she was now in. Karn even nodded, only to whisper softly, "She is still at risk, Lullaby is in a large guild of other assassins, And she herself, has the ability to fly..."
"Aye, and my men be Loyal to me" Rhonin said, slamming his fist down on a table. "She will be safe for being loyal to the crown..."


Now Gabrielle sat in the Abby, Quiet and tired, the Celt had rode home, many days ago, and now she sat by the fire, the blue dress hanging behind her, Her hand playing with the white flames that kissed them. She sighed softly knowing the ill effects of her actions, The time will come, she thought, she will come for me....

Gabrielle FlannWulf.

(Out of Character, sorry for part of the RP missing, I cant remember all the words being said and I don't wanna mess it up, forgive me )

 Post subject: Re: A Crown
 Post Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:54 pm 
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*(copy/pasted from CK RP forum cont. on "A Change In The Winds")**

"I’m not sure how much longer I can last. Having the crown back makes me feel more complete, but I continue to feel uneasy, looking over my shoulder, waiting for the next death threat, the next dagger born in the hand of a friend."

Linden scribbled in her diary, the ink making ugly scratch marks on the thick paper. Her handwriting hand never been neat but with the stress of the last event it had reached an all new low. She dipped her quill with a shaking hand, upending the inkpot. The viscose black liquid spilled over the desk top, pouring into the hills and valleys of the wood grain. Linden stared at the mess, in the fire light it looked just like blood.

I her mind she traveled back to their last battle. The blood so freely spilled that it pooled like bright ink on the ground. The carnage before her occurred in slow motion; the swing of the blades, the falling bodies, the stench of death. Again the guilt of her deception washed over her. These were her subjects, on both sides of the battle field; they had all suffered while she hid protected in her deception, draped in the garb of a guard instead of that of the ‘Queen’. The deception had worked, as it was planned. Clio had been mortally injured in her place. But was the cost worth it? Was it fair to place a friend in harm’s way?

“No, it isn’t.” She said aloud to the empty room. Her only answer came from the crackling of the fireplace. “From now on I take my own blows”.

 Post subject: Re: A Crown
 Post Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:54 am 
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*(copy/pasted from CK RP forum cont. on "A Change In The Winds")**

Fighting to keep his burgeoning anger in check, Ethan grabbed another cloak from his wardrobe and carried it over to his bed, folding it and stuffing it into his duffel. Back and forth, one by one, he packed his clothing into his travel bags and prepared to leave the Shire of Mystic Springs, for how long even he could not say. At the moment, however, he was severely distracted, his mind in turmoil over the events of Her Majesty's recent celebration and the horrific bloodshed that had occurred in her very Court.

The impostor Clio, who he had foolishly been duped into believing was his own Queen, had been ousted by that pompous fool Slyddur of the Wetlands, and the true Queen had returned from the shadows to retake her crown from the Dark Lord who sought to wear it upon his own brow. He had hesitated a fraction of a second too long as the impostor had been slain before his eyes; for a moment of sheer terror, he was certain that he had failed his Queen ultimately, until, to his great relief, the ruse was exposed. Stunned with rage over the attempted coup, and hurt that his own Queen would not inform him of the deception, he held his hand when the Dark Lord stepped forward to take the crown, praying that this was yet another of the Queen's ploys, only to realize with horror that the Dark Lord's power ploy was genuine and that his Queen had been truly threatened. Unfortunately for Ethan, his revelation came too late, as he felt the electric jolt of a Touch of Paralysis gripping him from an unrecognized assailant behind him, whose face Ethan had only the briefest glimpse before he disappeared into the crowd; that one fleeting moment gave Ethan no information as to his attacker's identity, except for the unmistakable symbols of the Wetlands heraldry upon his clothing.

Standing there paralyzed, unable to move or act, willing his arms and legs to respond so he could come to the aid of his Queen, Ethan could only watch as the young Karn bolted forward and valiantly tried to slay the outsider Slyddur and the treacherous Dark Lord, only to fall in the attempt to the Wetland king's blade. Watching Karn collapse, Ethan was completely caught off-guard by the sharp pain of a sword into his back; fearing another betrayal, he was doubly shocked to see the face of his killer as the man came around the front and passed before him. His last thought was one of rage as he recognized the face of the Talonfielder, Rhonin, a man he had once considered a friend, before the blackness of death overtook him.

The healing light of a Resurrection spell restored Ethan to the land of the living, though he had no idea how much time had passed since his fall. The vague shadows of memory seeped back into his consciousness as he lay on the hospital cot and let his body slowly finish the work of the healers, and the rage he had felt at the moment of his death came back to him in a rush. For a long time, he lay on the cot, turning over the events of that fateful evening in his mind and trying to make sense of it all. He knew that his next task must be the Quest he had promised to undertake, to clear his name of complicity in the events of which his friend Itsari was a part, and to the debt he owed to the Faerie Prince, Argent; still, a part of him wanted to return to Her Majesty and ask her the myriad questions tumbling over and over in his troubled mind. His perception of friend and foe was severely fractured, and he no longer knew whom he could trust among the people he had once called friends.

In time, when he found the strength to stand again, he returned to his home and his office, and began to make preparations for his journey. With the gift of the Faerie Prince, he knew that little or no time would pass in his absence from the realm of Man, but he still planned to be gone from the Shire for a significant length of time, and he had his official duties to attend to. The records and monies of the Shire were sufficiently organized that he would only need to spare them the slightest of his attentions, and his personal affairs had already been set aright before he had left for Court, so his energies were focused now on the specifics of the tasks before him. Three missives he wrote by the light of his desk lantern, each word chosen with utmost care and crafted with all of his diplomatic skills, to be sent to certain individuals in the Kingdom to whom he owed special attention. The first he wrote to his beloved Queen, apologizing to her for his complete failure as her general and as her guard and begging for her royal mercy. The second he wrote to a friend afar, leaving information about the most recent events in the kingdom and asking him for guidance. The third he wrote to the Talonfielder whose blade had pierced him, giving him warning of the consequences of that action. Placing his wax seal upon each of these, he took them to his aide and instructed him to deliver them with utmost haste and urgency, muttering words of enchantment over him to protect him from anything or anyone that might wish to cause him harm.

Now, scarcely an hour later, he was putting the last few items into his travel bags and preparing to head out while it was still dark. He knew that most of the things he was taking with him would be unnecessary in the Faerie Realm, but he wished to have them on hand for his return to the World of Men so he could begin the second phase of his journey immediately and without delay. He laughed to himself as he stepped out of his home, almost certain that the assassin Itsari was hiding somewhere in the shadows, watching him, unaware that where Ethan was going, he would not be able to follow, even had he wished to.

Ethan moved quickly, following a familar and oft-walked path through the city and into the surrounding woods, passing under the towers of the Watch without their even noticing his passing; such were the defenses of the city that one could easily leave without causing a disturbance, but could not return unaccosted without triggering the wards. He slipped silently into the sylvan wilderness, making for the Silver Glade with an urgency born partly of apprehension and partly of excitement for the task that lie ahead. Stepping into the glade at length, he paused briefly to ground himself, then walked purposefully toward the invisible portal between the sycamores, his body changing aspect as he passed out of the blood-soaked World of Men and into the Realm of the Good People of the Fae.
Baron Ethan Wallace of Trent
m.k.a. Clark E. Johnson
Clerk of Mystic Springs
CK GM of Reeves
Secretary of the CKBOD
Linden-chan no Otaku

 Post subject: Re: A Crown
 Post Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:56 am 
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*(copy/pasted from CK RP forum cont. on "A Change In The Winds")**

Alibi's are a necessary evil, and so Lullabie traveled quickly to the court of the Celestial kingdom, still some what weak from the poison she rushed on the long journey much more so than she should have. Deep in the night Lullabie awoke next to a roaring fire, her head splitting and the soft sounds of breathing beside her, this all being very disturbing seeing as the last thing she remembered was racing through a dark path in the elven forest. She jumped up and her dagger found the throat of her surprising companion before her eyes did.

"Who in the hell are you?" She gasped at the strange man at the end of her blade, he held nearly drow features but absolutely none of their dark color, and his clothes bore the mark of a healer, though oddly sinister.

"Medic." Was all he replayed, a rasp through strong features, scares from war were obvious in the fire light. "I found you passed out in the trees, your hound was keeping watch."

"Hound? But i have no hound..." She put her blade back into its case, already heading to her mount.

"A large black creature with glowing red eyes." HE stood also.

This stopped her in her tracks. "Was I hurt?" She asked the combat healer.

"Yes, but not from the animal as far as I could tell."

"Where do you ride?" She asked as he reached for the reigns of his own mount.

"Towards the silver court, I was cast out of my home as I do not bare the dark marks of my people and so I wish to find rest within the Unseelie Courts."

A razor smile spread across Lullabie's face. "Not the best idea at this point in time, in payment for your protection I offer you the same in return. I am towards the Queen's court for I must make an 'appearance'." She swung up onto her horse, his only reply was doing the same.


The court was as tasteless as ever, no sacrifice made, not blood in which to bathe, but not every ball can be that of the Unseelie. She passed the guards easily enough, her brother and Squire was the most thorough in his search, but even he did not find the silver chalice that she had strapped to her thigh. But before she could step very far into the shining throng she was approached by the Dark Lord and Lady.

Lullabie trembled slightly but did well to hide her fear. The Dark Lord studied her intently. "You have the last remaining piece of my soul." He said plainly.

It took Lullabie 3 attempts to form words, she expected to be instantly killed but he seemed to be waiting for something. How easy would it have been to hand him the item, just pull it from its hiding place and place it in his hand... but she felt the sheer weakness of that action, she knew it would be useless and now was a time for bargaining, that was something she was good at. A deal was struck and she found herself seated beside the Dark Lord and Lady during the feast, her brother stationed behind her and Medic, sword at the ready.

The Dark Lady leaned over Lulabie, a red sheen slipping across her eyes and Lullabie was breathless by her beauty. She looked to the Dark Lord "She has your stink about her my husband."

He smiled ruefully. "That she does."

Lullabie knew there was more going on in this exchange than she could understand which made her fight for breath almost impossible. But as she did relearn to breath she felt the heavy weight of her brother behind her and her mischievous side began to announce itself prominently. She turned to him.

"Fetch me your wife." She said with a sweet smile.

He raised an eyebrow but walked away. As he did she pulled the vial from her pocket, unscrewed the lid and began filling it with simple table salt, this gained hr a curious look from both Medic and the Dark Lady. As Gabrielle began to move towards her she whispered to Medic, "I think it is time to test the merit of the dark 'wench'." She spit the word with malice but replaced her kind smile before the girl could notice, she seemed a little heavy with drink and would very easy to manipulate.

"How well did the guards check you?" she asked in the hopes Gabrielle had already come prepared.

"Well enough being that Karn is one of the Guards."

"So you didn't manage to get anything past them?" She tisked motherly and passed Gabrielle the vial.

"What is this?" She asked feigning confusion.

"Well it is poison, obviously." Lullabie had to bite the inside of her cheek as she with held the mental punch line '... if you are a slug.'

"Yes I know that, I am not a completely incompetent assassin." She was taking it hook line and sinker. "But what do you want me to do with it?"

"Well kill some one.." Did Lullabie have to spell it out for her?

"Who?" This was getting ridiculous.

"Anyone you want... your choice." Lullabie held her breath as Gabrielle's eyes passed across the room, back and forth, back and forth.

"Which glass is the Queen drinking from predominantly?" Gabrielle's eyes locked on Lullabies and she almost felt a surge of pride. Maybe there was hope for this young girl yet.

"I am not sure, but I will keep an eye out for you." This should be interesting, her first court assassination and she chose the Queen, this could Be amazing, or disgusting. Either way it would be very very entertaining. "They will expect me to make the attempt so let me know when you are ready and I will create a diversion."


Having found herself very comfortable in the shadows of the Dark Lord and Lady, and even more comfortable in the company of the combat healer, Lullabie had nearly forgotten the little dark wench until she saw the girl heading her way. With a sigh she began the distraction but Gabrielle instantly lost her nerve.

"I need to get some air, I will be back, we will do it then." She scampered off and Lullabie sat down, already bored with the charade.

Sipping her drink and stealing small glances at the handsome healer she hardly felt the blade slide across her throat.


She awoke to see the healer, as well as the Dark Lord and Lady standing over her.

"Who did this to you?" The Dark Lady asked, the healing light slipping back under her skin.

"A guard of the Queen." Medic replied as Lullabie fought her way to the surface of the resurrection.

"Well what treachery is this within the Queen's court?" The Dark Lord asked, almost seeming excited to have this mar against the Queen.

As Lullabie righted herself into her seat at the left of the Dark Lady, Medic slid a sword into her hand... what a smart boy, they would get along nicely.

Court played out with interesting outcomes, the Queen was not really the Queen after all and Lullabie was very very disappointed that the petty assassin had no merit because it would have been beyond enjoyable to see her spill salt into a doppleganger's wine and be slaughtered before the court. Well she was no matter it seemed, though Lullabie did almost feel regret that the girl had obviously lost interest in the dark arts, then again weakness has no place within them, but she would have been fun to manipulate.

As she passed the actually queen and her guards she locked eyes with Linden. "Sorry you did not get to assassinate me." She spoke almost dismissively and Lullabie laughed out loud at the attempted treachery of Gabrielle.

"You were the mark of no assassin," Lullabie pointed at the body of the fake Queen. "She was." Again the double talk of the Unseelie Court, let Linden think that she had been the mastermind, give her the glory, and put the eyes of the monarchy on her. It mattered not, Lullabie had no love lost for a Queen of the light, darkness was her only liege and lord.

She would allow no rise in herself as this was obviously what the darkless wench had intended, she would find no satisfaction here. Things played out well and even her brother, a newly healed guard of the Queen, found the whole situation to be very predictable of her. He introduced her to her new brother-in-arms, a page brother named Ulantek and she studied his eyes closely and wondered how long it would take before the darkness drew him in as well as it was inevitable in this family.

She longed to stay with her Brothers but the time had come to see the fulfillment of her plans out in the lands of the Unseelie... but this time she would not ride out alone as the weight of Medic at her side definitely offered comfort... and possibilities.

"You bit off more than you could chew the first day you met me."

 Post subject: Re: A Crown
 Post Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:57 am 
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*(copy/pasted from CK RP forum cont. on "A Change In The Winds")**

Itsari had found the subterfuge of the Queen at her own court quite amusing at the time; even more amusing was how no one else had even seemed to notice that the one pretending to be queen was indeed not. No wonder Her Majesty had chosen a masquerade ball for her celebration. Little had it mattered to Itsari, as he had no actual business that night, and felt he knew the reasons for the Queen's deception. He knew well that the Wetland King would be in attendance. As he entered the court, his eyes met those of the "guard," Dame Linden in her disguise. Not a word passed between them, but in that moment, the assassin could see the realization in her eyes that her ruse did not go completely unnoticed. Strangely, she did not even bother to search Itsari's person, letting him pass with a dagger strapped to his back.

The events of that evening's court were... interesting. The Queen's decoy had taken a mortal wound, meant for the Queen herself. There had been much commotion, during which that Wetland scum had made some speech of power, with the treacherous Father Thomas at his side. Itsari had found himself torn; between the thought that no one had purchased his talents for any reason... and a strange feeling in his chest that he should do something, anything, to stop what was happening and in some way help Queen Linden. Oddly, it was not any sort of loyalty toward the crown that caused this inner turmoil....

In moments it was all over, as the Queen revealed herself, and reclaimed her crown. Itsari's hesitation had lost the moment for him to do anything. Perhaps this was best, as not to draw undue attention to himself.

Nights later, as he watched the druid leave his home, Itsari made the conscious decision not to follow Ethan wherever it was he intended to go.

Trust can be a strange thing. To get a little, one must be willing to give some. Itsari decided that perhaps, in this matter, he could allow a little trust toward Ethan, that the druid would actually make good on what he intended.

The matter of trust when it came to Dame Linden, or anyone else near the crown, for that matter, was something else entirely, and it weighed heavily on the mind... and the heart....

 Post subject: Re: A Crown
 Post Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:58 am 
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*(copy/pasted from CK RP forum cont. on "A Change In The Winds")**

Karn watched as his page Lullabie exit the queens court and shortly after gave chase stopping her only a few yards from the doorway.

"May I speek with you Lullabie?" Looking to her escort he adds "In private?" Lullabie gives him a smug look "Anything you have to say can be said in front of ... " "NOW page" Karn interupts his annoyance showing and pulls her off to the side.
Grabbing her belt he jerks her toward him and fiddles with it a few moments slipping it off of her then he looks her in the eyes.
"You child are a fool for trying to frame my wife and for trying to get her to poison the queen. You Lullabie need to figure out where your loyalties stand, do you stand with your Squire like you said you would or do you stand aginst the crown?" Moveing her pages belt up so she can see it ... "I will hold on to this untill you prove yourself worthy of it again, and if you make another attempt on the queen you will not get this back." As karn turns to walk away he adds "If my family is harmed in anyway I will kill you myself consider that your only warning Lullabie."

As Karn reenters the queens court he looks around the room and his eyes fix in on his wife as a slight smile crosses his face. Then his eyes move to the queen who bows slightly to him and her returns the gesture. Then his eyes catch a glimpse of the Darklord staring at him with a look of anger about him, Karn wonders if it was because his plans to take the kingdom for the queen were spoiled again.

(OOC Lullabie is still my page what happened in this post is for RP purposes only)
Karn Flannwulf

 Post subject: Re: A Crown
 Post Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:59 am 
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*(copy/pasted from CK RP forum cont. on "A Change In The Winds")**

Rhonin was in the Captains cabin sitting down with him And having a much needed drink. Indeed their luck had changed as he had predicted it would, thought Rhonin. He smiled as he recalled the events of the previous week.

The Tidedancer Had docked and the The Crew paid and set loose to enjoy the two day liberty. Rhonin walked about greeting his friends, making new acquaintances and asking for any news to be had. Having walked to the City gates to report the arrival of the Tidedancer he had chanced to meet two very interesting people. After exchanging pleasantries with the gate guards and having promised to return later to assist Rhonin Strolled back into town to report to the Queen.

After he Received his Orders He was informed that a raiding party of Filty Wetlanders had been sighted and where reported to have been being lead by the Evil King himself. With a quick prayer to The Goddess, Rhonin rushed to the defenses to join his fellow countrymen and women in its defense. After a Shockingly quick and rather onesided engagement Rhonin wandered back into town to prepare for the coming feast.

The people seemed agitated, but Rhonin didnt care. He had his Drink, And the company of good friends. After all, what more could one ask for? When the orders came down from the queen to open the Doors and Begin the feast Rhonin Instantly became alert to danger and started checking all who passed before him for weapons. few however needed to be disarmed and those who did did so with out fuss, and little complaint. Soon growing bored with this, but determined to fulfill his dutys, Rhonin neglected to search a rather pretty looking Fae woman as well as he should have. He knew her buy name and reputation alone, and dismissed her as harmless, After all, he reasoned how could anyone with out weapons do any harm.

The Feast was in Full Swing and despite being locked into his dutys Rhonin was having a good time. While Drinking with Karn and Manslayer he was approached By Karns wife Gabrielle. She handed him a small silver bottle, and looking down at it Rhonin asked what it was.

"Poison" Gabrielle replied

"For who?"

"The Queen."

Fury Boiled up inside Rhonin as he contemplated the meaning of this.

"Where did you get this?" he asked at the same time as Karn Asked "Who asked you to do this?"

"Lullaby" Gabrielle whispered

Rhonin repeated the name growling as he said it and Stormed off into the feast to end the life of the Fae who would dare to threaten his Queen.

Carefully moving through the crowd so as not to draw attention to himself Rhonin drew closer to where Lullaby was seated. Pulling his Sword free he crept closer and grimaced with distaste. Striking The woman from behind was not something Rhonin was looking forward too, but he Had heard tales of the Fae's power, and did not want to be on the receiving end of any of it. He waited for all eyes to be off of her before he struck. Moving forward in a rush he Seized Lullaby by her hair drawing her Head back and cut her throat. Rhonin faded back into the crowd and returned To his post hopefully before he was noticed. Grinning at his own cunning he accepted another drink and let the feast continue.

A Short time After that there arose a Commotion in the Feast Hall and Rhonin rushed in to see what was amiss. He was shocked to See the Evil King Of the Hated Wetlands standing over the fallen corpse of his beloved Queen. Not Caring for the consequences He charged in blindly. Noticing Ethan Standing Aside and doing nothing to Halt this travesty Rhonin did not pause to consider what was happening and ran him through. Moving Rhonin cut down two more people in his attempt to slay the Evil King. But just before he could strike him down Rhonin was blinded by a white flash and felt his soul start to slip from his body.

Rhonin came to a short time later and looked about. Shaking out the cobwebs he noticed that all was well. The Queen miraculously was alive, and that was all that mattered as far as he was concerned, so dusting himself off He retrieved his hat and walked over to the Queen.

"All is well My Lady?"

"Yes, you have preformed well, and are released form Service for the rest of the evening."

Bowing his Good-bye Rhonin strode outside. Seeing Karn and Gabrielle standing close by he approached them and Thanked them both for their help, and extended an invitation on behalf of the Captain to visit the Tidedancer. After parting with them Rhonin returned to the docks to enjoy himself among friends.

Snapping back to the present Rhonin was still smiling when there came a knock at the Captains Door. After answering the door he returned to sit in Front of the Captain.

"Whats that you have there lad?" asked Capt. Merrowbone

" A message from our friend Ethan"

"Well lets see it then" said Merrowbone holding out his hand. He Accepted the letter and after looking over its contents he handed it back to Rhonin with a frown.

"Looks like this one is for You then" he said and sat back into his chair.

Rhonin read the letter twice to make sure he understood the message correctly. It Was short and too the point. aparently Ethan had not forgiven Rhonin his Zeal and had promised revenge.
Rhonin Pauncharelli
Firstmate of the Tidedancer
pirates own ninjas

 Post subject: Re: A Crown
 Post Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:38 pm 
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*(copy/pasted from CK RP forum cont. on "A Change In The Winds")**

Lullabie spit a mass of poisonus venom on the ground at the heel of her once Squire and brother and breathed slowly to keep tears from slipping down her cheeks. This was too much to bear, that her own brother would not even question her before passing judgement upon her. She could deal with the masses being ignorant, she could not even be bothered to correct the Queen herself... but her brother... her Squire... he was so blinded by this worthless child that he could not even smell the lies spilling forth from her mouth like rot.

Harm his family? She had been protecting his family more than he could ever have dreamed and soon enough he would know of it. She traced the rune of protection backwards in the shadow of hr brother and his concubine. Medic raised an eyebrow at this gesture. "Let the fae feast on them," she whispered. "May the Will-o-the-whisps show them paths through horrors and goblins plauge their strong holds. No more will I bare to prtect one who does not have the faith in my standing to even ask before assuming. As for her..." She pointed at Gabrielle. "She has reserved herself a special place within the blackest wastes of my imagination, I will do as my brother wills, I will not raise a hand to harm her, but I will make is my duty to have her wish her own death with such passion that her own husband will slay her out of pity." Again her razor smile.

As they began to walk away Medic snarled at a very familur pirate that still had her blood dripping from the tip of his blade and Lullabie grabbed Medic's arm before he could react too strongly. She leaned forward and blew a kiss towards the drunken murderer and it sailed through the air with a sound like broken glass alighting on the back of his hat. Medic again spoke nothing but waited paciently for her explination. She grinned. "Call it an invitation for the Sirens." The walked away laughing though she with a heavy heart.

"You bit off more than you could chew the first day you met me."

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