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 Post subject: My return.
 Post Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 1:23 am 

Joined: Sun Nov 22, 2009 10:20 pm
Posts: 168
Trail dust danced in the sunbeams as the lone figure padded down the road. The sounds of the woods in the late evening were
dampened by the carpet of fallen leaves upon the ground. Now and again a slight breeze would create a wave of leaves accompanied by
a sound that reminded Fog of the ocean. This long journey has taken him down many paths and yet finally it has lead to his

A lingering sorrow invaded his heart as he passed through another abandoned shire. Fond memories of feasts and jovial celebrations
danced in his weary mind. At least the weather had permitted easy travel he thought as he noted that this time of year in the
north had many snowfalls. Even with the brown leaves he could easily see the emerald color of the hills before him for which the
kingdom received its namesake.

Fog longed to see his brethren from years past. He visualized them and the bloody battles they had fought together and wondered if
the years had been kind to them. As the sun's setting was almost in its final moments Fog stepped off the main road and approached
a large tree. Reaching out he felt the weathered bark and it felt familiar. A couple quick movements and he was upon the broad
tree unrolling some bedding to put down for the night. No fire tonight he thought, with so many abandoned shires he had seen this
week the lingering notion that enemies could be near. For the first time in years Fog was resting in a tree that he climbed as a
youth. The thought of being so near Morningwood Glen left him both comforted and anxious. Would his home be just as abandoned as
these other places he had seen?

 Post subject: Re: My return.
 Post Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:11 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:32 pm
Posts: 14
A whisper calls....."Fog"....."Fog" he lay sleeping in the majestic tree, the dew settling on its leaves. Fog awakens to hear the faint call. "Fog.....Fog.....I have long awaited your return" the voice beckons. What is this voice? Where is it coming from? Is it a dream, could it be the wind, the old familiar tree or is it the dew that calls him from his sleep. "Who are you?" calls Fog. "It is I, the dew, that have seen you as a child playing in the fields, and it is I that calls you to come home." "You have long been missed and some one still waits for you." Fog questions the dew, "Who is it?" The sweet voice of the dew whispers, "Hurry to your home land, Morningwood Glen, she is waiting there. You will know ....."

 Post subject: Re: My return.
 Post Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:06 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:32 pm
Posts: 14
Fog cried out, “Dew, how will I know?” But the dew had nothing further to say. The sun has risen and the dew was gone. The wary traveler thought, “Was this just a dream or was it real?” Was his mind playing tricks on him since his heart had yearned for so long to go home? Could there really be someone there waiting for him? But who? He had fought so many battles and had tried to forget all the pain and suffering he had seen. His memory was blurred from any faces of happiness. As he traveled toward home questions kept coming to his mind. His heart started beating faster and faster. Was he too late? His anxiety was becoming unbearable and his desire was heighten even more to return home. But what would he find and whom?

 Post subject: Re: My return.
 Post Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 11:41 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 22, 2009 10:20 pm
Posts: 168
At last he could see the smoke billowing above the treeline like a rip in the sky. There was no wind today and the woods were calm. Even still the autumn cold had its bite. Fog clenched his cloak around him to draw in his own warmth. The tan cloak had served its purpose well in his travels. Worn from traversing many strange trails it was fraying on the bottom seam. It's clasp was ornate, a single emerald jewel enclosed in silver and decorated with the words of an ancient language. This cloak was priceless to him and he would sooner risk life and limb to part with it.

A noise ahead on the path was heard and in a flash Fog was amidst the trees. From his perch he could make out a large wooden cart being pulled by weary looking peasants. Most didn't look to be much more than 12 winters young. Their arms were shackled in rusty irons and driven by the stinging leather whip of a goblin. Three other goblins flanked the cart two with light armaments and one with a bow. A chubby goblin sat atop the cart with a whip in one hand and a jug in the other. He was obviously the leader, fattened up with spoils and thrice the size of his counterparts. His green and brown colored skin glistened in the sun as the sweat poured down.

Fog notched his bow and took aim for the goblin archer. The goblin met a silent death as the arrow pierced his throat and he slumped to the ground unable to scream. The blood seeping into the beaten path yet hardly enough to quench that spilled by his own merciless hand. Fog descended from the tree and stepped into the path. The fat goblin shook his head as if trying to clear it.

"Is there someone in the road?" the goblin chub asked.
"A bag of meat and bones blocks the way sir." the chain gang goblin said in a sniveling voice.
"Chain him with the rest, or kill him and continue on."

The two flanking goblins moved to the front of the cart. One asking aloud, "Where did Schmeit go?", to which the other shrugged.

Fog lifted his hand and a swirl of green light eminated from beneath the two flanking goblins and before they could move the fury of mother nature was upon them. At first their legs were bound by vines unable to move they screamed in horror. Their screams were short lived as their bodies were engulfed in roots and vines squeezing the life from their small bodies.

The chain gang goblin drew a sword and rushed at Fog. The goblin lashed at him with the whip and it wrapped around Fog's arm. He gripped it tightly and in a fluid-like movement pulled hard on the whip while drawing a dagger and burying it deep into the heart of the shocked creature. The chubby goblin saw that his guards were dead and was afraid for his own life. He tried to get out of the cart but only managed to stagger and fall to the ground. His drunkenness robbed him of steady legs. He tried to crawl under the cart but Fog was upon him. Pulling him out by one leg and raising the whip high still wrapped around his arm and bringing the hardened leather grip down on the side of the vile creature's head. He let out a wail as his hands immediately went to staunch the now bleeding ear.

"Where are you taking these children and supplies!" Fog demanded.

"Take it! Take it! Just don't hurt Jeenus anymore!" The weeping fat goblin replied.

Fog raised the whip again and the goblin flinched and tried to curl into a ball. "I don't care about your spoils, where are you taking it! I won't kill you if you answer truly."

"King's Point! We travels to King's Point!" he replied while bawling now with blood having soaked most of his shirt.

Fog picked him up and took him to the front of chain gang and threw him on the ground. The weary children had been whispering and now looked up at Fog. He cut through the running chain and the children pulled it through their manacles freeing themselves. Fog then picked the goblin and the chain up and wrapped the chain around the sobbing goblin.

"Yuh yuh you said you wouldn't kills me!" Screamed the fat goblin.

"And my words were true, alas I am not the only one you wronged this day." Fog said as he stepped aside and began walking down the road once again.

Upon hearing this the goblin could see that several children had armed themselves with the weapons of his fallen comrades. They stepped forward and he screamed long and hard as they broke his bones and pierced his flesh. Anger and hatred in their eyes a madness that would not be sated. These were no longer children robbed of their lives and innocence. They were free men and women that would do anything to survive.

Silence followed until it was broken. "Sir wait!" The taller of the children ran to catch up with Fog as he stopped for them. "Please let us come with you."

"You can follow me to the Barony we should reach it before sundown at an easy pace for your kin." Fog spoke.

The young one nodded his head and waved the others to him. One of them hopped off the cart, he had been tossing bread to his friends to fill their starved bellies. This one ran up to the tallest handing him a loaf, "Here Makelah it's good!" And his friend took it gratefully.


Upon arriving to the Barony the young ones were welcomed by the matron cleaned, fed, and put to bed for what would most likely be the most memorable rest of their lives. Fog thanks the matron handing her a small pouch of coins and a sealed letter while whispering in her ear. She nodded and pointed down the street towards a large building.

Night had fallen and he also looked forward to sleeping in a comfortable warm place. He saw many new faces around him and sadness welled at the lack of his old friends. He would ask more about them on the morrow and that hope banished the feeling. He lay in the inn staring out at the moon. His thoughts hung above King's Point, sleep was not finding him easily tonight.

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 11:50 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:32 pm
Posts: 14
Fog tries to sleep, but sleep escapes him. There would be no sleep as his mind raced, haunted by what the dew had whispered to him. His quest to return home was over but now another quest begins. Fog’s mind cannot stop but his body finally wins and he drifts into sleep.
Morning has come and Dew’s voice softly beckons Fog again ….“Come find me, I’m here.”….. Startled, hearing the familiar voice, Fog jumps to his feet. “That voice, will it ever stop haunting me?” It is early in the morning just before the moon has finished its stand and the whole town is asleep. Fog decides to survey the rest of the town and saddles a horse for his journey in the early morning fog with the dew glistening on the emerald green blades of grass. In the distance, he catches sight of a fair maiden tending the band of horses grazing on the luscious grass on the hill. The dew glistens on the silver strands in her umber hair. The sun awakens from its nightly slumber and rises over the hills. The rays of day break cast a flash of light that reflects off the dew, blinding Fog for just a moment. When his eyes have adjusted he looks for the maiden, but she is gone. Was this his imagination? Had he really seen the girl or was it Dew that had planted this image into his mind?

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:52 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:32 pm
Posts: 14
All through out the remainder of the day the image from the morning was still haunting Fog, a picture of the maiden burned into his mind.

Her hair was as long as the manes on the horses that she tended in the field with gentle curls caressing her ivory face. She had piercing sultry eyes that were as green as the emerald hills of the kingdom. Her arms were toned muscles which told Fog she was no stranger to hard work. Fog was intrigued by this figure that appeared in the dew saturated morn.

 Post subject: Re: My return.
 Post Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:18 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:32 pm
Posts: 14

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:22 am 

Joined: Sun Nov 22, 2009 10:20 pm
Posts: 168
The sounds of hammer on anvil echoed through the marketplace. Patrons buying and trading wares busily went about their business. Children ran between the store stalls playing the games that children enjoy. All was an normal in the market today. With the sun shining down in streaming golden bands it was hard to grasp the surrounding events that had taken place in the province recently. The figure of Fog strolled through the crowd gazing at the items for purchase. Supplies dwindling it was time to restock to continue his journey. The bakery stall had many dried rations to offer that were good for travel. Roasted oats that had been dried together with a honey sauce made for an easy fireless meal. After purchasing various food supplies Fog also purchased a fresh piece of flint and some oil. With everything he needed he was ready to leave the marketplace and again he made his way though the crowd.

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:52 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:32 pm
Posts: 14
As he passes through the marketplace he hears Dew’s voice again and he turns to see the fair maiden from the morning. She spoke with Dew’s voice, but how is this possible. This was no mere dream. Fog is overpowered at the site of her and he will not let this opportunity pass him by. Fog approaches the maiden and asks, “Excuse me, ma lady, it seems as if I know you?” ….......“I don’t think you have ever seen me sir. My name is, Kith, I come from the neighboring shire. I came to seek refuge since my shire was devastated, my family are no longer and I am but alone. I was fortunate enough to have a kind woman take me in. I am picking up supplies for as we speak . Her name is Maze and she has two grandchildren that live with her.” Fog is shocked, “Maze is alive! She is my mother. What about the rest of my family?” Kith explains all who remain are Phero and Din “Those are my nephews” exclaims Lord Fog. “Take me to them at once.”

 Post subject: Re: My return.
 Post Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 5:37 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 22, 2009 10:20 pm
Posts: 168
The two set out from Morningwood Glen that day with a renewed urgency in Fog's heart. His home barony had been spared unlike the others. He longed to see the familiar faces of his kin. Memories of his nephews came to him. Phero taking to the sword at such a young age of eight winters. He was protecting his brother Din from a starving wolf that ventured close to their home. Fog had been amazed that he had such a warrior spirit for one normally so meek. With proper training Fog knew his nephew could become a fierce asset to his homelands. Din was always the playful spirit of energy five years his brother's younger. There was an untold amount of mischief behind those light blue eyes.

Fog did not know where his brothers or sisters were. At a perilous time in their family's lives they were scattered to the winds. This news of his mother was now his only connection to his own bloodline that he thought was cut down.

Fog and Kith stopped to allow the horses to drink from the stream that was like a quiet shimmering glass. The cold water was refreshing on their weary throats. Fog wet his hair and began to fill a water bladder for the rest of the journey. Kith sat quietly by the stream stretching her hand forth allowing her fingers to lightly touch the surface of the water. It was almost as if the water bent around her fingertips in a playful unnatural manner. She hummed a faint melody and Fog could barely make it out and it seemed familiar to him. It was calming and soothed his mind and reminded him of his childhood days at play. It became an unexplainable cool yet warm feeling inside him. Suddenly her melody stopped.

Fog drew his sword. The birds had gone silent and the horses shifted uneasily. Kith placed her hand over Fog's and motioned for him to lower his sword. She beckoned him to follow and he did as she lead him over to the horses.

“Hold on to my waist.” She said.

Fog gave her a strange look but obliged her request. With one hand the head of Fog's horse Kith placed her own head against her horse's. She closed her eyes and spoke in an ancient dialect from which Fog knew the origins. A light washed over them and they were gone. The stream where they were remained silent save for the quiet noise of whatever had been creeping toward them in the shadows.

 Post subject: Re: My return.
 Post Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:05 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:32 pm
Posts: 14
Fog is intrigued by this woman, who really is Kith? Kith is from the clan of the horses. Her family has bred the best horses in all the Kingdom of the Emerald Hills. As a child she would come to Mourningwood Glen with her father to buy supplies, herbs, and medicine for their band of horses. While her father was busy with business affairs, Kith would go to the field and hide where Fog and the other boys would play in the grand majestic tree. Fog was always in Kith’s dreams, waiting for the next time she would see him. When childish play had pasted, Fog had grown into a man. It was his time to go to battle. Kith could not bear the thought that she would never see Fog again, but every night he was still there in her dreams. Would she ever see him again? So she waits.
Days go by and the pain of all the time separated from the shire leaves Fogs mind. With the help of Kith’s companionship his heart has almost healed. But Kith’s is still broken. As they walk to the brook, Fog notices Kith’s face become sad and her eyes are cast down, “What is wrong?” Kith has a secret but does she dare tell Fog? Long ago when Fog had left for battle, Kith’s heart broke. Since that time she was able to refresh and heal, like the dew, other broken hearts but not her own. There was only one person who could do that but would he reciprocate? Should she beg Fog to mend her broken heart? If she totally heals Fogs broken heart but he does not reciprocate, her broken heart will remain. He would have to stay in the shire. Kith had dreamed of them rebuilding the shire together and finding true happiness at last. Every hope and desire that Kith had was intertwined with Fogs decision.
You see …. Dew cannot survive without Fog.

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