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 Post subject: CAT'S CRADLE
 Post Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:39 pm 
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Between the here and now & the then and there, lies a world that is neither here nor there, now or then… it’s not the present, the past or the future. It exists nowhere at no time and everywhere at all times.

The vale that separates the realms is thin indeed, yet only a few can cross the barrier at will. Most must remain in only one world, living in only one time, until they reach the threshold and pass into the next realm… body, mind and soul.

Some beings however, traverse the realms with the ease of merely walking through a curtain into the fade to simply appear in the other world as if they had always been there.

But, it’s within the spaces between the realms that one finds the most mysterious beings of all…

The dark knight awoke with a startled feeling, as if he had fallen for miles then stopped suddenly. A quick check of his torso and extremities reveled no apparent wounds, though he was sure of having been cut deeply, then crumbling to the ground.

What had happened next, he could not say for certain. He thought he remembered for a moment, then the moment would pass and he was again at a loss. Had he died, yet again?
If so, where was he now. For this was like no place he had gone before, when death had taken him on a journey between the worlds.

This place seemed familiar, as if he should know it intimately. Yet he could not recall a name for such a place. Standing near a large tree, a willow, perhaps. For its branches hung from its highest point and nearly touched the ground in front of him. The sound of a running stream drifted to his ears. Music, it seemed to the dark knight. Light and lyrical, it lifted his spirit a bit, just by hearing it.

Following the sound of the water, he walked for a time in the woods…
The trail he followed was overgrown, yet he seemed to know every step along the way. Knowing where he was going, while having no idea where he was. Feeling perfectly at home, as if he had been born to this place. As he crested a small hill overlooking the stream below, the dark knight realized that he was indeed “Home”.

Though time had altered the terrain, he knew every tree branch, every blade of grass and every stone.
This was Assassin’s Run. He was in Old Tanglewood.
The place where the Pride had been born…
The Cat’s Cradle.

As the dark knight looked across the woods, a form seemed to appear just inside the tree line. As the black and silver lynx came into focus, their eyes met and Delphos could swear he saw the cat smile with recognition…

 Post subject: Re: CAT'S CRADLE
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:07 pm 
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Part 2

“This silence is maddening…!!!” The dark knight exclaimed.
Yet even his own voice felt empty and hollow in this place between the worlds.

Though he could see into the material plane, he couldn’t seem to touch anything or pass beyond the boarders of this small greenwood he knew so well from his youth. No one had contacted him and he hadn’t seen a single living creature since the gaze of the lynx had met his own. The cat had quickly vanished soon after their exchange and had not returned.

He had tried many times to leave, walking a straight path out of the tree line and into the clearing beyond, only to find himself on the opposite side of the woods walking into the tree line. He had attempted to use his abilities and teleport to another place, but would simply end up somewhere else in the woods.

How much time had passed? He did not know, there was no way to tell.
Why was he trapped here?
Where was the Pride?
Where were the Saracens?
Had Czar Forest lead the Emerald Army into the void?
Or had Finn found a way to close the portal forever?

All these questions weighed on his mind…
Frustrated, the dark knight sat down beside a small stream and tried to collect his thoughts to find a way out of his situation. The breeze was fresh and the water cool and he drank a bit from his cupped hand. A still pool caught his eye as it reflected the sunlight through the trees and his consciousness began to wonder…

A thought occurred to him.
“Of course…” he said to himself as he gazed deeper into the still water.
“…a mirror.”

 Post subject: Re: CAT'S CRADLE
 Post Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:41 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
Kenta found the letter awaiting him when he arrived to the Glen. It bore the Royal Seal:

Sir Kenta,

As a knight of the Realm and an officer of the Saracens, I request your presence on the eve of the first night of our Midreign celebration. Bring Sir Delphos with you, unharmed. If you are unable to meet me, send someone to represent you. Either way, Sir Delphos MUST be there. I trust this will not be a problem.

Czar Forest

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

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 Post subject: Re: CAT'S CRADLE
 Post Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:53 pm 

Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:35 pm
Posts: 639
Kenta looked at the message, "scribe send this as a reply: Due to duties, I will only be attending the day of Midreign celebrations. As in our agreed upon contract, I will deliver Sir Delphos to you as the highlight of your festivities"

Kenta looked then to the mirror "no message as of yet....I wonder if he has figured out his prediciment yet? I would have preferred to keep him here as a former brother and chieftan, but that would be too obvious. I see now that Seal did make a better choice. And the old man has always wanted to revisit older and better days. A assassin's teleport coupled with a time statis...I don't think there are many mages in the realm who would have thought of that, I know I sure as hell didn't expect it from him, and he's my Squire. I will have to apologize for underesitmating him when I see him next."

"Passion overrules Reason" wizard's rule #3 of the Terry Goodkind series "Sword of truth"

 Post subject: Re: CAT'S CRADLE
 Post Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:57 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
Forest read the note and frowned.

"Draeven, see that I am not disturbed. I have a meeting to attend and plans to prepare. Some people think a Royal Decree is optional..."

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

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 Post subject: Re: CAT'S CRADLE
 Post Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:57 am 
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Sutra sat at the tavern table visibly situated in the center. He didn't have time to hide anymore. Questions required answering. His personal journey had stirred something deep within his core. He was still working on accepting what he had experienced.

No time for distractions now. The simple man had made a visit to Hellblazers doorstep in search of his knight. He had come up empty handed.

The mage would be dealt with in due time.

His dark eyes scanned the room as night took root. Familiar faces shuffled in for a drink and gossip.

Much was covered, rumours expanded on, trail growing cold.

The details were a mix of vague hearsay and graphic recollection. The red and black tide rained pain and misery upon the inhabitants of Mourningwood Glen. Sutra wondered just how much personal issues interfered with the hunt for the outlaw Delphos.

The banishing of a well known saracen had been an ugly ordeal. Were those innocent among the guilty ever able to escape the wrath experienced by the citizens of King's Point?

The soil drank deep of spilled blood over the capture of one man, hough not ordinary in the least. Much collateral damage had yet been accounted for. Sutra wondered how the king felt about such a barbaric act in his name. The bounty was royal in origin.

A slight shiver coursed through the merchant's being. What was worse he thought, an old and jaded outlaw or jading laws out of control?

No word on the dark knight's whereabouts had reached the ears of the tavern inhabitants.

The informed squire thanked them for their time, placing a silver coin with a triangle punched out from its middle on the counter.

Sutra stepped into the warm night air and continued his trek into the dark unsure of what he would find.

The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: CAT'S CRADLE
 Post Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:46 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
Forest came out of the meeting room smiling. Things were going better than he had hoped. The rumors of the Tome of Nullification were true according to his recent conversation. Plans had ot be made. But first, there was one pesky problem to remedy.

"Draeven, I need you to go on an errand for me. I have just had a very informative meeting with the Hellblazer and I want you to assist him with something. He is in the meeting room and can give you the details."

Forest left the two men to their task, went to his desk, and began to craft a letter:

Duke Sutra,


Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

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 Post subject: Re: CAT'S CRADLE
 Post Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:39 am 
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Joined: Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:24 pm
Posts: 405
Part 3

Delphos gazed into one of the still pools that collected along the banks of the little stream that ran through the tangled woods. The light breeze cooled him down a bit and brought long forgotten memories into his present mind. He began to feel a slight pull on his body, as if he were being drawn into the water itself. A strange sense of weightlessness took him over and soon the material world around him turned translucent and insubstantial.

As he focused his vision forward, the scene began to shift slightly then suddenly blurred completely, as if he were moving faster than even his eyes could see. Concentrating with all his ability, the dark knight narrowed his line of sight directly ahead. Slowly the images took shape…

A small opening appeared on the quickly approaching horizon. A soft light shown through what appeared to be glass. Through what seemed to be a window, Delphos began to discern shapes and objects becoming more distinct as they grew even closer. At last he recognized the scene completely. It was his own Altar, but viewed from the opposite side… he was inside his own mirror.

He reached out to the altar’s surface, attempting to use his strength to pull himself through, but his hand was stopped short by an unseen barrier.

“Of course…” he thought.
“Can’t pass through. Can’t break the mirror.”

The dark knight summoned all his mental strength and focused his concentration on one object sitting on his altar. Something he had neither touched, nor even thought about since the earliest days of the kingdom. Something that connected three worlds together in a bond stronger than death itself…

The object began to hum softly, then to vibrate. Finally it rose into the air just above the wooden surface of the altar… then it sounded. Clear… Clean… Cutting the silence like a diamond blade across soft flesh. Then it sounded again… like a glass chime, in a place devoid of sound. Finally it sounded a third time… the clear ring of a crystal bell.

A figure walked into view of the mirror…
Though he resembled the dark knight in many ways, something was very different about his demeanor.

“My Lord Darkheart…” said the man as he bowed.
“How may I serve you?”

“Ah, my friend… It is good to see you.”
“I am lost between worlds… you must find those who can help. Bring them to the Czar’s festival. Stop what is about to happen.”

The dark knight paused for a moment.
“Have you found the sisters?” he asked.

“Yes My Lord Darkheart… they are here, as are their parents”

“Good! Then find the Mage…! Find the Cats!” said Delphos.
“Find them and bring them to me.”

 Post subject: Re: CAT'S CRADLE
 Post Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:37 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:21 am
Posts: 204
Location: Mesquite Tx
To: Czar Forrest Evergreen
From: Chieftan Exile

Your Majesty, Sir Delphos Will be delivered to you at your gathering for feasting on the highest point of your midreign celebration he will be unharmed and maybe even gift wrapped, as i a the one who struck the bargin with you i will be the one to turn him over to you, he will not be handed over before then, the agreement was for midreing and that is when it will be, and we have yet to discuss the payment for said deed being done, please be prompt in responding with the ammount that Sir Delphos is worth to you.

Squire to Sir McFadden
LT. IK Warspeaker of the Saracens

 Post subject: Re: CAT'S CRADLE
 Post Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:13 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928

I am not sure what stories you were told, but there has been no bargain made with anyone. Delphos was listed as wanted by the crown. Outside of that, people eem to have taken matters into their ow hands.

You and the other Saracens will have to answer for your actions. As for Delphos, well, that won't be an issue for you to worry about.

Czar Forest

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

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 Post subject: Re: CAT'S CRADLE
 Post Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:35 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:21 am
Posts: 204
Location: Mesquite Tx
Guy Wearing the crown,

Ah it appears i have made a grevious miscalculation in thinking that you would hold to your word of people being rewarded for doing things for the king and or kingdom.

So basically us capturing Delphos was nothing more than a hunt for us and not only will we not be rewarded you are putting us on trial? for capturing your criminal

Squire to Sir McFadden
LT. IK Warspeaker of the Saracens

 Post subject: Re: CAT'S CRADLE
 Post Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:48 pm 

Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:35 pm
Posts: 639
Kenta showed Exile a previous Royal proclimation given to the Barony of Artus Pass: We hope to resolve this matter quickly and cleanly so that the other members of the Pass may be spared the unpleasantness of such necessary measures.

"So explain to me how what we did to KP was any different than what was planned for AP? As a Knight of the realm, I'm charged with upholding the Law. The Law clearly states that anyone harboring a traitor is punished as a traitor, that punishment being death. So what you are telling me, is the Czar wants to punish us for upholding the Law?"

"Seems that way brother, all in all this should be a very interesting event" Exile replied with a smile.

"Passion overrules Reason" wizard's rule #3 of the Terry Goodkind series "Sword of truth"

 Post subject: Re: CAT'S CRADLE
 Post Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:58 am 

Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:33 pm
Posts: 126
“So let me see if I understand you correctly…” Larin said as he poured a drink for himself and his guest. It was his first week on the job as an official member of the Czar’s Guard, so of course that means there must be trouble.

“Sir Delphos threatened to kill you and you entire court? This isn’t really a surprise. You two have had issues for years. So, because he threatened the Monarch he was ordered arrested. Again, this is fairly straightforward and understandable. To this end the Saracens discovered his whereabouts and executed your arrest order with, shall we say excessive zeal?” Larin stated as he handed the goblet to Forest.

“Excessive zeal?” Forest snorted, “They sacked King’s Point.”

“A strategically unsound plan, that much is certain, but you do have to admit it did achieve their tactical goal.” Larin retorted.

“Sure, if you want to say stabbing to death and then resurrecting a patient is an acceptable method of curing poison.” Forest responded.

“I only did that once and it worked. Sometimes you do things that are not ideal when faced with a situation and are short on time. However, I digress. So after having captured Delphos they had Seal place him…” Larin waved his hands extravagantly, “… somewhere that would make retrieving him more difficult. Given the circumstances I would probably put him in a pocket dimension or something to keep him both safe and neutralized. That at least makes sense, as I wouldn’t want to have to jail Delphos traditionally either. Too many ways for him to escape or cause mischief as well as the added factor of having a point that Pride could attack and free him. Not a bad piece of work on Seal’s part actually…”

Larin trailed off beginning to examine ideas on variations of this plan. After a moment Forest politely coughed bringing Larin back to the conversation.

“Sorry, I was just… never mind it can wait. So now you want to bring Delphos back, but a standard teleport has failed.”

“That was the idea, yes. The problem is that only Seal and a few others know where they stashed Delphos. The plan is to have the guard capture Seal and have him retrieve Delphos. What I want from you is a contingency.” Forest stated.

“I’ve actually had to do something like this before. Nasty business with a sphere of annihilation and a protect spell that didn’t quite do its job. The power requirements to teleport between dimensions is much greater then a single caster can do unless he is familiar with the magical signatures of both areas and can match the teleport harmonic to work in syncopation with the variable magic of both regions.” Larin explained.

“Seal was able to do this because he knew both areas well? That should narrow the search. Magical harmonics working in syncopation?” Forest asked.

“I started out as a Bard if you recall. I still sometimes think about the flow of magic musically. It actually helps sync up difficult spell matrix. He probably put him in a one off dimension from ours. It would less power intensive and easier to get him back. Putting him further out would be doable however getting him back would be the problem. Even knowing the general area to look would help but trying to pull him back would be fairly difficult. We don’t even have the start point to work from. At least not yet anyway.”

“I take it you have an idea then?” Forest asked, “While I’m sure the mechanics behind this are fascinating, I would like a solution to the problem.”

“Sure, it just requires a Druid, Healer, and a Wizard working in conjunction. Draeven is around here somewhere. Let’s grab him and a few guards to secure Delphos and get this taken care of.” Larin suggested.

 Post subject: Re: CAT'S CRADLE
 Post Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:58 am 

Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:33 pm
Posts: 126
Later in the castle dungeon-

“Everyone clear on their parts?” Larin inquired.

“I cast summon spirit on Delphos. If he is dead, then I just pull him across and we’re done. If not, then while his spirit won’t come across because it’s anchored in his body I have to hold onto that connection as a trace and open to the energy like I was going to teleport but don’t actually engage the spell.” Draeven responded.

“While he does that I commune with the earth here to provide an anchor on this side and prepare to teleport also.” Forest chimed in.

“When you are both engaged then I step in as the bridge and focus the energy, we all link up and pull Delphos from where he is, through Draeven then myself then Forest and finish the teleport into that cell.” Larin finished

“Is this going to work?” Draeven asked.

“Sure it is. In some capacity.” Larin replied.

“Not filling me with confidence here.” Forest responded with a frown.

“We will almost assuredly pull Delphos back into this dimension…” Larin hedged.

“Why do I think there is a “but” in there somewhere?” Draeven interjected.

“Because you’ve seen Larin be sure before and what happened afterword. What’s the “almost” then Larin?” Forest asked.

“Well pulling anything through from another plane is difficult. There is always a chance for failure. I’m putting pulling him though at a 95% chance at this point…” Larin responded.

“That’s not bad.” Draeven responded.

“… and a 33% chance that he will be turned inside out in the process or something equally unpleasant.” Larin finished.

“Remember when we talked about stabbing the patient to cure his poison?” Forest said with a sigh.

“If you have a better idea?” Larin replied.

With a sign, Forest admitted to himself that all other options would take time he was unwilling to waste. “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”

Magic is often flashy, with its use heralded by brilliant flashes of light and thunderous booms as its effects occur. The guards summoned to stand by in case Sir Delphos was able to make immediate use of the situation and attempt escape prepared themselves to deal with whatever magical effects would accompany this work of major magic. They were sorely disappointed.

A thin wispy line of light extended from Draeven out of the ceiling of the room. A similar line immerged from Forest and into the floor of the chosen cell. After extending a hand each in Larin’s direction, two threads extended to Larin creating a hard to see connection between the three men.

“Now.” Larin stated quietly. The three men squinted in concentration, mentally pulling on the force line. A small globe of energy came down the line entering from the ceiling, passing through Draeven, Larin, and finally Forest before touching down gently on the cell floor and shimmering into the unconscious form of Sir Delphos.

Dreaven moved cautiously to Delphos checking him for injury. “How is he?” Forest asked.

“Nothing’s wrong with him I can detect. I’m guessing the strain from the travel overloaded his senses. He should be fine after a few hours rest.” Draeven responded.

 Post subject: Re: CAT'S CRADLE
 Post Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:03 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
"He can rest in a more...suitable location then." Forest said. "Give me a moment."

Forest wrote out 2 letters and sealed them both, then placed one on the sleeping Knight's chest and another hidden inside his tabbard.

"That should take care of things. Now to determine how to deal with the Saracens. It's sad really. They used to be a powerful, honorable company.


Delphos vanished.

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

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