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 Post subject: New Beginnings
 Post Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:39 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
The light filtered into the Duke's chambers as the sun began to rise. Forest slowly sat up and looked about the room. He had been in this position before, and it never was easy to get everything done. But alas, it was time to move on. Finn would be taking his place soon as Eagleshire's new Duke, and Forest was happy about that.

He had other things to work on now. His squire, Dark Tigger, was to be crowned king in less than 48 hours. This was an exciting time. He had seen one of his previous squires serve as Monarch and could barely contain the excitement he felt now that it was happening again.

Well, there was no use sitting here. There was a journey to be made to Tanglewood Forest. There were plans to be made, and advice to offer. Another journey had begun...

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

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 Post subject: Re: New Beginnings
 Post Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 3:39 am 
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Joined: Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:48 pm
Posts: 269
Meanwhile, in the northern lands of the Emerald Hills...

Connor Sleight, with his lack of need of sleep, stayed watch over the grounds of House Singollo with a perceptive eye. If it weren't for the Eladlie lineage, he'd be sleeping soundly as the others in their bunk. All for the good of the people, Connor had swapped the barbarian, Alby, shifts so that he could rest for the early travels to proceed the following day. Coronation would begin early this morning and it would take some time for the representatives to ready themselves to travel.

A cup of coffee had been delivered to the watchman, via an early morning servant of the House. It wasn't the extra focus and energy he needed, just a comforting aroma to mix in with the early crisp air. It was the early morning that he waited for. It was a time to think on things, big and small. Duties that were simple as mucking the stables or taking on the title of an officer for the Kingdom. Though some might see Connor's ambition as lowly by running the Guild of Warriors, the truth behind it was a need to be of service to the Kingdom. Small steps for beginner, but sure steps none-the-less.

The rogue shook his head clear of future ambitions and focused back on his duty, breaking a moment to mutter to himself, "I hope we make it to see the exchange of the crown..."

Squire to Sir Everlast of Buttercup

 Post subject: Re: New Beginnings
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:25 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
The Coronation had been a success. There was a renewed sense of pride in the Hills. New citizens from the northern holdings had travelled down and their attitude had been a bit infectious. And yet...all was not well.

Forest had known that Dark Tigger, like himself, was a gypsy. And that always carried with it "the touch". Forest himself had not lways been the most mentally stable man, but the talks with Dak Tigger had made him nervous. He spoke of the monsters in the castle dungeons as if they were new pets he couldn't wait to play with or take for walks.

He seemed to be jovial one moment, and broody the next. Almost as if arguing with himself. But this was nothing more than the stress of having the Kingdom on his shoulders...right? Time would tell. And Forest would try to keep an eye out for any possible issues.

For now he was back off to Eagleshire to check on the new Duke who had missed Coronation. Hopefully it was his new obligations that had kept him away and not any trouble with the realm...

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

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 Post subject: Re: New Beginnings
 Post Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:11 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
...but Forest was never that lucky. There was trouble to the south.

Forest arrived home and slumped into his chair. "Oh, a nap will be nice after such a long ride." he said to himself, perparing to pass out in the chair.

After Coronation he had ridden to Eagleshire and visited Finn. No cause for alarm, he had simply been dealing with local matters and was unable to attend the Coronation celebration. Forest had ridden home thinking that perhaps this would be a nice, calm reign. Then, it caught his eye.

There on his kitchen table was a large envelope. It hadn't been there when he left.

"People just break in here and leave notes? Gahhhhh! One day I'm gonna have to get a castle of my own, or a magical fortress with creatures at my disposal to defend it." Forest boasted before breaking out into a laugh. "Or maybe I'll just keep my little house in the woods and be realistic."

A perplexed look replaced the smile. This was a letter from Dark Tigger. This was official. Cracking the royal seal, Forest read the note:

"Sir Forest,

There is trouble at King's Point. According to their officers, they have a band of thugs causing issues down there. Also, we are unsure on this, but we have indications that Artus Pass may be looking to get paid off to support these ruffians. I request your presence at King's Point in 3 days time. If there is trouble, I would feel more assured of it's resolution if a contingent from Eagleshire was there to support me.

Dark Tigger"

Tigger had never been this formal, but the weight of the crown could change people. Either way, Tigger was not only the Monarch, but Forest's brother in arms. He didn't know if a force could be assembled in such a short time, but he would do his best.

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

(insert titles and awards here)

 Post subject: Re: New Beginnings
 Post Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:22 pm 

Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:46 am
Posts: 20
Passing through the lands around Eagleshire, on his way to Artus Pass to return the girl safely home, Gare sees Sir Forest Evergreen.

"Sir, i have news of which the king must be informed. I would inform him myself yet I must continue on to the Pass. There is more brewing in Kings Point than appears, this young child was being held against her will there, i am escorting her back to her mother's estate. This appears to be the work of the regent for she was being held in her citadel. I believe his majesties visit this coming Sunday may be more than it appears, at least as far as the denizens of Kings Point are concerned. I leave you with this information and must be away to return this young one to her home."

 Post subject: Re: New Beginnings
 Post Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 5:55 pm 
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Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:34 pm
Posts: 131
Location: Red Storm, Dreadmoor, EH
meanwhile, back in the northern shires, Malran and his Lady Loralei finally return from their visits to the south after the coronation of King Tigger. The household was in the final stages of cleanup after the great celebration following the return of Lord Squire Alby Kzan and Lord Baron Docsi but Malran brought troubling tidings.

"It seems there's been some odd activity to the south" Malran said as he dismounted. "Some trouble at King's point concerning a young lady from Artus Pass."

"A young lady?" asked Alby. "Did they hurt her? If they did, I'll castigate them with a stick!"

"I don't think so Alby, though I believe that we need to keep our eyes open. King Tigger has spent most of his adult life in the southern lands but he's still one of our own. I fear that a plot may take shape at the gathering of monarchs."

"What kind of plot?" asked Kaiden.

"I don't know but I am going to send you along with Alby and Gryndll, his wife. Keep our King safe though it cost you your life."

Lord Malran Singollo
Duke of Dreadmoor
Patriarch, House Singollo
Lettusio-Rex, Dreadmoor Fey Jackalope
Member of the House of H.O.P.S.

 Post subject: Re: New Beginnings
 Post Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:42 pm 
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Joined: Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:05 am
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Baron Docsi returned home to troubling events in his own lands...During his absence an army of orcs invaded the beautiful hills of Riverstone driving most of the populace from the land. He gathered what forces remained and prepared to hold off the advancing horde. A week later the warriors of Riverstone were graced with a visit from His Majesty Dark Tigger and Squire Famous. A strange thing happened that night after the king retired to the southern lands. A full moon shone bright and all those who came in contact with His Majesty found themselves suddenly transformed into creatures both man and beast. Docsi himself was seen with green scales and a turtle's shell upon his back and the many others who the king had touched were also found with the characteristics of the animal they most resembled. It seemed lycanthropy was rampant in the northern lands and the howls of the transformed populace made the orcs quake in their hobnailed boots.

Duke, Squire Docsi HardAnvil
aka the Mad Dwarf
GMR of Dreadmoor
Squire to Sir Logan T. Black
Clan Chieftain of the Turtle Clan
Ship's Surgeon, HMS "Turtle's Revenge"
Gaslight Sky Pirate

"Dwarves and mountains have one thing in common: It takes an almighty hammer and a tremendous amount of persistence to overcome them."

 Post subject: Re: New Beginnings
 Post Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:27 pm 
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Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:34 pm
Posts: 131
Location: Red Storm, Dreadmoor, EH
The Morning heat was oppressive, the humidity causing Lord Malran’s tunic to stick to his body even though he had only been in the courtyard for a few moments. The groups were a bee’s hive of activity as a group saddled their horses and loaded supplies and weapons in the small wagon. The only blessing of the heat and humidity was that there wasn’t much dust.

“We’re almost ready to roll out.” Said a voice over Malran’s right shoulder. It was Kaiden, a loyal man at arms of the house. “The supplies have been loaded and Alby is finally getting his personal effects stowed.”

Kaiden had volunteered the wagon from his personal holdings, freeing up the few owned by House Singollo to ferry supplies and troops to the beleaguered Barony of Riverstone. The trip would be long so the wagon was loaded with all sorts of gear for camping, foodstuffs and weaponry anticipating any sort of situation. Kaiden, if nothing else, was very thorough where personal defense was concerned.

Gryndll came running out of the house carrying a few last personal items, causing Kaiden’s eyes to roll. “More Stuff? I don’t know if we have enough room for anything else.”

As he said this, the sentries at the compounds gates gave a yell indicating that he had spotted riders heading up the road. Malran and Kaiden went up into the watchtower were Karasu stood.

“It looks like we have a couple of visitors.” He said indicating the two figures riding hard for the keep. The pair resolved into the forms of Sierra and Dair, members of the Turtle clan based in Riverstone.

“I hope this doesn’t bode ill for the Baron.” Malran said as he gave the order to open the gates. The pair rode in, their mounts exhausted from the hard ride. As grooms took the horses, Sierra dismounted and pulled a pack from behind her saddle.

“I’m here to aid the vanguard.” She said.

Kaiden looked at Malran with a puzzled look. Sensing some reluctance on the two men’s part, Dair said.” Myself and Lord Docsi would like to you assign her to the vanguard mission. We feel that she will be an asset if things go wrong. She is one of the better archers from Riverstone.”

Malran thought for a moment as he called Alby over. “Alby. It’s your mission. What do you say?”

Alby, knowing Sierra’s renown with the bow, nodded without hesitation. “We can use her.”

Kaiden rolled his eyes once again and began unstrapping swords from the sideboards of the wagon.

“He’s taking too many weapons anyway.” Karasu muttered.

As the party rode along the road heading toward the Southwest, a small cluster of figures stood atop the watchtower, observing their leaving. Karasu, as usual, was there keeping a close watch on the nearby forest’s edge, wary of Orc attack. Connor and Lauralie stood with Malran.

“Be careful in the north, Connor.” said Malran as the group passed from sight into the forest. Connor was to leave shortly for a scouting mission to the north in an attempt to determine if the Orc horde had found a northern pass through the Mountains to the east. “I feel almost naked with all of our best fighters away.”

“I’d be more worried about them.” replied Connor. “Such a small force and they are going into this gathering of the clan’s blind."

“Not blind” Replied Malran with a smile.” Remember the Jester.”

Connor smiled. “I forgot about him. I wonder if our enemies even know he’s one of us.”

“Let’s hope not.” said Malran.

Lord Malran Singollo
Duke of Dreadmoor
Patriarch, House Singollo
Lettusio-Rex, Dreadmoor Fey Jackalope
Member of the House of H.O.P.S.

 Post subject: Re: New Beginnings
 Post Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:24 pm 
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Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:34 pm
Posts: 131
Location: Red Storm, Dreadmoor, EH
The house seemed ten times larger than it had. The hallways seem to have more of an echo than they did when Alby and Gryndll were there. Their child, Raven, normally seen all over the place, was also noticeably absent. The absence of her giggle when she played made the place seem more like a tomb than a warm home.

Malran stood on his balcony overlooked the approach to the house's secured gates, gazing across the fields of vines quickly ripening under the northern sun, a cup of iced tea cradled in his hand. He had seen Connor's party return earlier that day but hadn't had the chance to check with him about his scouting of the northern passes. He was due at any moment.

As if on cue, a light tap at his chamber door heralded Connor's arrival. He had taken the time to wash the worst of the road grime away and gotten into a new tunic.

"So, what's the bad news?" Malran asked, expecting the worst.

"Not a bad as we thought." Connor replied, helping himself to some of the iced tea sweating on the table. "We ran into a few small bands but no sign of an organized push in that direction. It seems that Riverstone has been keeping the main bulk of the horde busy. There was one thing that we found that bothered me though."

Connor took a seat across from Malran and glanced out the window toward the north.

"We came across a small farm somewhere north of Caladonia. The farmer and his family had been wiped out as well as all of the animals to the last chicken. All horribly mangled as if by some wild animal."

"Animal attacks happen." Said Malran, ready to dismiss the attack.

"Not like this." Connor said, his eyes showing that he was seeing the horror once again. "The slaughter was systematic. It was as if a pack of wild dogs had done the deed under the control of someone or something. There was very little sign of struggle as if the attack was carried out under stealth."

"So, animals can be quiet too you know." Malran replied still unconvinced that the attack was much to really worry about though Connor's concern bothered him.

"You're saying that you think that we should be on the lookout for some rogue druid controlling a pack of animals with a taste for human blood?"

"I don't know." said Connor. "I just have a bad feeling about that farm. Something about it just didn't feel natural."

Lord Malran Singollo
Duke of Dreadmoor
Patriarch, House Singollo
Lettusio-Rex, Dreadmoor Fey Jackalope
Member of the House of H.O.P.S.

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